Online Community for Women | Today's the Best Day

Shining Moments Challenge – December

At Today’s The Best Day, every month we have a different focus for the month and in December our focus is: Be The Light By Focusing on Reflection and Celebration! This challenge is an opportunity for each of us to focus on the incredible things we have accomplished this year, so we can enter into […] Read more…

Gratitude Glow Up Challenge

At Today’s The Best Day, every month we have a different focus for the month and in November our focus is: Be The Light By Focusing on Gratitude and Forgiveness! This challenge is an opportunity for each of us to shift our minds to the many blessings that we have.  I am thrilled to introduce […] Read more…

Prevent Cancer Foundation

This year has been so heavy for me and my family…all because of cancer. My 9-year-old daughter lost one of her very best friends. My 5-year-old son has a sweet friend who is currently in the middle of treatment. My grandpa is fighting for his life. My father-in-law passed away. And several other family members […] Read more…

Bestie Step-A-Thon June 2022

Our second Bestie Step A Thon will take place June 1-30! CLICK HERE to sign up! We are all about creating good habits around here – and the first habit we are going to create for ourselves is MOVING OUR BODIES! Whether you go for a walk outside, run up and down your stairs, workout […] Read more…

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