10 Reasons The Momiform Is Sexy | Today's the Best Day

10 Reasons The Momiform Is Sexy


The momiform…

Everywhere you go, you see it. In the drop-off line at school, at the grocery store, in the library, especially at Target, even at the park and maybe even in your own home.

Moms all over the world are rockin’ their comfortable pants that are easy to move around in, oversized tees to cover up their little belly pooch, messy mommy buns because ain’t nobody got time to do their hair, a massive bag full of everything they own and a pair of sunglasses to cover up their tired eyes.

Here’s the thing though – moms come in all different shapes and sizes. Different experiences and opinions. And it doesn’t make one better than the other. In fact, they’re all really, really good moms.

Being a good mom doesn’t look a certain way. Good moms can breastfeed or formula feed. They can co-sleep or use cribs. They can have hospital births, home births, natural births, c-section births or even have an epidural. Good moms can adopt, have one child or 10 children. They can appear to be happy or appear to be stressed. Good moms can be dressed to the nines or live in her yoga pants and tee.

But today, I write to the moms who have struggled getting out of your yoga pants and tee lately. To the moms who have struggled putting on regular jeans and a pair of heels. To the moms who feel like they have worn the same outfit for days and don’t really know the next time they will “dress up”.

Maybe you don’t fit into anything else right now because your body is changing. {And I will tell you – I am RIGHT there with you sister! I already have a baby bump at 9 weeks pregnant.. Totally embracing it!}

Or maybe you are wearing the same outfit over and over again because of the simple fact that it is the most comfortable outfit a human being can even wear and you don’t plan on changing anytime soon.

Or maybe you have piles of laundry waiting for you to wash or you have that load you just can’t seem to get from your washing machine to the dryer so it’s on cycle number THREE of washing.

Today I have TEN REASONS that we ALL should appreciate the MOMIFORM – and why you should absolutely embrace the spit-up shirt and have confidence in knowing that YOU can handle anything…because, well… YOU’RE A MOM!

10 Reasons The Momiform Is Sexy

1. YOU’RE A GO-GETTER: Moms literally jump from one thing to another! Whether you are at home doing laundry, fixing meals, brushing hair, changing diapers, nursing babies, making bottles, kissing boo-boos, reading books, playing games and cleaning up messes for the tenth time today or are out and about running errands, dropping off kids here and there, paying bills, going through drive-thrus, and serving others – your momiform shows that you know how to get things done.

2. MOM LIFE AIN’T EASY: It isn’t easy pulling kids in and out of car seats. It isn’t easy unbuckling their seatbelts and then buckling them again, just so they can “do it themselves.” It isn’t easy running through the grocery store for a potty break, hoping you will get them to the toilet in time. It isn’t easy finding cheerios and smushed fruit snacks in your hair. It isn’t cleaning up dirty mac n cheese fingers and faces. It isn’t easy changing diapers all day long and it isn’t easy getting only a few hours of sleep every night.

3. DRY SHAMPOO IS HEAVEN SENT: And the fact that you use and recognize the power that bottle holds – makes your hair sexier than any others. Dry shampoo was made for busy moms and if you are on day five of unwashed hair… hey girl! Me TOO!

4. YOU KNOW WHAT IS IMPORTANT: When it comes down to the decision of feeding your kids breakfast {whether that is a gourmet dish of a well-balanced nutritional diet with green smoothies orrrrrrr a bowl of cereal and an otter pop} or washing your hair… good for you for taking care of your kids. You’ll have time to wash your hair another time… in like twenty years when they are all grown. 😉

5. YOUR STAINS TELL STORIES: Like that red stain of ketchup tells me your kid is like mine and won’t eat ANYTHING unless there is “dip” with it. The spit-up says you’re a mom of a new baby and the purple marker stain tells me either you played arts & crafts orrrrr your kid got into your markers this morning and drew all over your couch… also like mine.

today is going to be a great day

6. YOGA PANTS IS THE NEW LITTLE BLACK DRESS: They go with everything. Your husband likes the way the fit around your curves. They’re the most comfortable things on the planet. You can dress them up or dress them down. And out of everything in your closet – they are what you can grab every time and are totally safe with the decision!

7. YOUR SHOES HAVE BEEN PLACES: You run. You play. You walk. You work. A mom wears flats for grocery shopping to buy food for her family and tennis shoes for walks outside to stay healthy and active. She wears slippers in the kitchen to make breakfast, lunch and dinner and another pair for the bathroom to potty train, bathe and clean. A mother’s shoes have stood while working on the piles of laundry. And flip-flops in the car as she plays taxi driver. She runs around the park playing chase and serves people without even thinking of herself. Your shoes may not be in perfect condition, but they are torn because of everything you have done.

8. NATURAL BEAUTY IS BETTER ANYWAY: A little blush? A little mascara? It’s all you really need. Your lipstick comes off quick, because of the boo-boos you kissed to help make feel better. Your mascara doesn’t stay on too long, because of the hormones and emotions motherhood brings to you. And your blush blends in with the dirty, sticky finger marks on your cheeks from your baby squeezing your face and your toddler’s slobbery kisses. And honestly?! You wouldn’t have it any other way, huh?!

9. YOU’RE NEVER FULLY DRESSED WITHOUT A SMILE: Here’s the thing… being a mom can be a little crazy, dramatic and overwhelming at times – but I promise you will never find a happier woman than a mom rockin’ her momiform. A mom has a REAL smile. A smile that lights up a room. A smile that can make a really bad day, a better one. A smile that radiates light and true happiness. A smile that knows that they are so blessed and have the best job in the entire world.

10. YOU’RE A MOM: A loving, kind, fun, patient and GOOD mom! And that alone right there, makes you exceptionally attractive and every reason why you should appreciate your daily momiform. Confidence is sexy and being confident in your skin as a mom is what makes YOU stand out! There is a little person that thinks the world of you – and you are absolutely everything to them. So keep doing what you’re doing – and continue rockin’ those comfy pants and oversized tees, because you’re in the middle of the most important work that you will ever do.

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