10 Things A GOOD Mom Is And Isn't | Today's the Best Day

10 Things A GOOD Mom Is And Isn’t

From the moment we become pregnant as women and become mothers, EVERY person has a different opinion as to what we should eat, how we should sleep and how much we should exercise.

Shortly after those fast eight months fly by and then the final month that feels like seven years finally passes… everyone has an opinion on how to give birth, if you should vaccinate, what kind of medications are safe, how to sleep, how not to sleep, how to work, how not to work, how to dress, how to feed, how to bond, how to discipline and even how to show love.

As women, we see a lot of different kinds of moms – in fact, there is a list of 15 moms that you probably know here.

Buuuuuut is one mom better than the other? What makes a mom, “good?” In order to be a “good” mom do you have to have seven perfect children, or can you just have one that teaches you new things every day?

10 Things A GOOD MOM Is and Isn't

Photo by Brittany Busk Photography 

Naturally, don’t we ALL just want the very best for our children?! It’s in our nature to want to provide the best life with the most love for them. And honestly, aren’t we all just trying and learning how to be moms, just like our kids are trying and learning how to be kids?!

Today we have a list of 10 Things a “GOOD MOM” Does….and 10 Things She Doesn’t:


1. A good mom doesn’t have to spend a lot of money.

2. A good mom doesn’t shower and get ready every single day.

3. A good mom doesn’t have to make a home-cooked meal tonight.

4. A good mom doesn’t always have a clean house.

5. A good mom doesn’t over-schedule her own calendar or her children’s.

6. A good mom doesn’t over-instruct. Sometimes free play is all a child needs to use their imagination.

7. A good mom doesn’t nit-pick or worry about the little things that do not matter.

8. A good mom doesn’t judge other moms.

9. A good mom doesn’t push herself or her children too hard.

10. A good mom doesn’t let others bring her down.


1. A good mom does give lots of hugs and kisses.

2. A good mom does provide the basics: clothes, food and a house. Doesn’t have to be fancy.

3. A good mom does guide and discipline.

4. A good mom does have confidence in her parenting style.

5. A good mom does live in her pajamas some days.

6. A good mom does bring in take-out because she just doesn’t feel like cooking.

7. A good mom does take time for herself. {even if it is just 10 minutes before bed}

8. A good mom does listen, support and uplift – her children, her spouse and her friends.

9. A good mom does enjoy TODAY.

10. A good mom does make sure her children KNOW they are loved.

10 Things A GOOD MOM Is and Isn't 3

To the mom who seems to be happy ALL the time: I know you have your struggles inside. Thank you for trying to spread happiness to others! YOU are a good mom.

To the mom who seems to be stressed and having a hard time with life: I know how it feels to go through awful trials. YOU are a good mom.

To the mom who seems to be perfect and have perfect hair, children and even a perfect spouse: I know you work hard for your family. YOU are a good mom.

To the mom who has piles of laundry, dirty dishes and sticky floors: We have all been there. Enjoy it now. YOU are a good mom.

To the mom who is taking care of your family all by yourself: You are an inspiration and you can do hard things! YOU are a good mom.

To the mom who feels like you are just not doing enough: You ARE doing enough. YOU are a good mom.

Being a good mom doesn’t look a certain way. Good moms can breastfeed or formula feed. They can co-sleep or use cribs. They can have hospital births, home births, natural births, c-section births or even have an epidural. Good moms can adopt, have one child or 10 children. They can appear to be happy or appear to be stressed. Good moms can be dressed to the nines or live in her yoga pants and tee.

So in reality…. what is a “good” mom? That’s you.

YOU are a good mom.


“There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one”

Don’t forget to share this with all of your mom friends that may need to hear they are doing a good job!

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