10 Things Your Husband Wants You to Know About Your Post Baby Body | Today's the Best Day

10 Things Your Husband Wants You to Know About Your Post Baby Body

It is practically a marriage commandment:

Thou shalt compliment your wife.

Though this truth didn’t make it into the good book, it’s an unwritten rule that all husbands are aware of, especially after just having a baby.

The beauty of bringing a new little addition into the home brings with it many new and sometimes not so exciting challenges.

In husband land, we watch our wives go through trials with their post baby bodies and naturally we want to help. Unfortunately for us, our knuckle dragging ancestors just did not equip us with the proper emotional awareness to say the right thing…..ever.

So, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a blog post that gave women an insight into the male perspective?

That being said, here are 10 things your husband wants you to know about your post baby body.

10 Things Your Husband Wants You To Know About Your Post-Baby Body

Photos in this article are by our fabulous photographer, Brittany Busk Photography

1. You Earned Your Stripes

Yes, we see you in the morning as you get out of the shower and take a few retakes of your stretch marks. The world may tell you they aren’t beautiful, but to your husband they signify more than beauty. Your stretch marks are evidence of the home you provided for each of your kids as they came into the world. You earned them and we are proud of the sacrifice you constantly give to our kids.

2. Health is Important, the Number on the Scale is Not

True, pregnancy brings with it many challenges. One of the hardest to deal with postpartum is the excess weight that is gained. Some lose it quickly, while others struggle as we are all made differently. Your husband sees you, the real you. He sees beyond timelines and numbers. Ultimately, he wants you to be healthy and happy.

3. They’re Not Saggy, They’re Nice (Big Daddy reference anyone?)

One of the hottest button issues of our day, sex and what is sexy. Kardashian-ism (worshippers of the almighty airbrush) suggests to women that if it isn’t plastic, it isn’t sexy. Truth is, real men see beyond the bunny logo and know that regardless of shape ,size or sag…you are beautiful. He loves the real you and wouldn’t have it any other way.

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4. Hair is Overrated

The other day when your husband noticed the extra chunks of hair in your brush, he got worried. Most likely, he googled it and found out that it’s normal. With a sigh of relief he probably was happy that he wasn’t the only one losing hair in your home. As things thin out up top don’t worry, your husband will most likely be bald before you are.

5. Work it Girl

Nothing in this world is sexier to your husband than your confidence. I bet that’s what drew him to you in the first place. He just couldn’t buy enough of what you were selling. Your confidence in yourself shows him that you not only love him, but you love yourself too. He knows that you can handle the hard lessons that come with motherhood and that you will be a great mom to your children.

6. Yoga Pants are the New Little Black Dress

No judgement zone here, but those yoga pants you wear all of the time now, your husband has contemplated trying them on a time or two. They just look so darn comfortable. Now that comfort is the name of the game with a rug rat in your house, don’t feel guilty about wearing a bun all day and hanging out in that oversized t-shirt.  He’ll be just as happy to join in by throwing on his old Weezer concert t-shirt. After all, what you wear is not as important as who you are raising.

7. Say Cheese!

A smile can be hard to find when you are waking up what feels like every 30 seconds to take care of a screaming infant. It is easy to find reasons to not be happy. Having a baby is hard work before, during and after. Find time every day to smile.

10 Things Your Husband Wants You To Know About Your Post-Baby Body 3

8. Don’t Dare to Compare

There will always be a neighbor with a bigger car or a greener lawn. When you are at playgroup or hanging out with your friends, someone will always have the flawless pregnancy or drop all of their baby weight in the first 30 seconds after the baby is born. Don’t get caught in the comparison game. Focus on what you can control and find things that help you feel empowered.

9. Sorry, No Time Machines Here

Remember those pictures back to your honeymoon before babies, back pain and baggy eyes? Your body was different then and it probably won’t ever be the same again, but that’s a good thing. We aren’t meant to be teenagers for the rest of our lives. We learn, we grow and we change. Life gets better as we go! Enjoy your new body and embrace the new you.

post baby body

10.You are B-E-A-UTIFUL

Whether this was your first baby or you are working on giving the Duggars a run for their money, your husband loves you. Your body is always going to change as you grow old together.  Our culture is obsessed with our bodies but beauty is where you look for it. He loves you and no matter how many kids you have, he will always love you.

tysonTyson is a contributing writer to Today’s the Best Day. He is a husband and father to two of the most beautiful girls on the planet. He loves, football, spending time with family and providing valuable content to help others have the best day every day.

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4 Comments on 10 Things Your Husband Wants You to Know About Your Post Baby Body

  1. Anita @LiveLikeYouAreRich
    October 7, 2015 at 7:04 pm (9 years ago)

    I love this post. Thank you so much for writing it. I love Danielle and I was thinking it was her writing it. When I got to the bottom and realized a man wrote it, it meant all that much more that was coming from a man. Great perspective. Thanks!

  2. Brittany C.
    April 18, 2015 at 6:20 am (10 years ago)

    This is such a hard thing for me after I have a baby and with number 3 coming in July I have already started thinking about post baby body! Thank you so much the reminder that it’s not a big deal and I should love my body as well!

  3. Brittany
    April 18, 2015 at 3:02 am (10 years ago)

    I really needed to hear this today. Thank you! I have been in a funk the past couple weeks and this really helped.

  4. Jessica
    April 18, 2015 at 2:57 am (10 years ago)

    This could not have come at a better time for me!! Thank you! This was a very good reminder…. Because my post bAby body is not so fun right now!


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