I always wanted a fairy tale love story. One of those where they leap on a horse and go off into the sunset and live happily ever after. One of those love stories where they don’t fight. Don’t get upset. Don’t say mean things. Don’t ignore. Don’t lose their patience. One of those love stories where the husband knows exactly what to say at exactly the right time. And of course where I, the wife, am flawless and I make absolutely no mistakes. Sounds intriguing, right?
After being married for six years now, I have learned that men think a lot differently than women. In my fairly tale love story, my husband and I would walk hand in hand as we go on a shopping spree and then out to a nice dinner. In my husband’s fairy tale love story, he would like to stay home and watch a football game while eating Chipotle. Can you relate?
Today I wanted to share with you a few things your wife needs from you.
Initially, when I told my husband the title of this article, he thought that I was going to talk about how I needed all of his money. For some reason he thinks I like to go to the mall while he is at work and spend all of our savings – I have no idea why he thinks that. 🙂
But, no. Money is nice. And yes, any wife will take your money ANYTIME you offer… and that would be a very nice little bonus for this list of things she wants from you. 😉 But today, I want to talk about her expectations. What she desires. What she has always hoped and dreamed her husband would be able to provide for her.
Photography by Canico Studios
At times I think my husband thinks my “expectations” of him are PAGES long… and it may seem that way to a lot of men {after all, we are women and we can be picky and moody and it’s totally fine and normal} but today I have broken it down to the TOP 10 SIMPLE things that are most important to a woman. These are things your wife needs from her better half… the man by her side…her sugar daddy…. her arm candy….her sweetheart… yes, these are things she needs from YOU.
1. SUPPORT: When you put that ring on her finger, you immediately became a team. Your goals, dreams and wishes all of the sudden become BOTH of your goals, dreams and wishes. Support her and give her strength. Let her know you are proud of her and believe in her. This also means to help her achieve her goals. Be there for her when she has a hard day. Be that shoulder to cry on and those wings to make her fly.
2. COMPLIMENTS: Even if you think she already knows that she is pretty – TELL HER. Even if you think she already knows that she looks amazing in her new outfit – TELL HER. Even if she doesn’t have time to get ready and looks like a hot mess when you get home from work – TELL HER she still looks amazing to you. Women LOVE, no not just love, they NEED to hear things like this. We are always comparing our bodies, hair, nails and clothes with other women around us. It is always nice to hear from the man of our dreams how good we look! As her husband, you have the opportunity to make her confidence boost 100%.
3. RECOGNITION: Every woman likes to hear that you recognize everything she has done. Say thank you when she cleans the house or puts your clothes away. Tell her what a great job she did at work or what a fun mom she is for your children. Let her know that you notice all of the little {and big} things that she does.
4. A LISTENER: Bad days will come – so let me tell you a little secret about ladies. Sometimes they just want to TALK! They just want to tell you all about their day and the drama and the crazy things that happened. Sit there and listen. Let them vent. Often times my husband will come home and I will talk for 30 minutes and then I stop and say, “So. How are you?” and he looks at me and smiles. That is when I realize that I talked WAY too much. But listen. And don’t only listen with your ears – listen with your whole body. Show her you are interested in what she is saying by not being on your phone or watching a basketball game. Disconnect from the electronics and be a listening ear. She will LOVE it.
5. TO BE A PRIORITY: We completely understand that you are human and you are a man with a LOT on your plate. But we also like to be on the top of your list of “importance.” Things will come up, work meetings will happen, games will be on – and that is TOTALLY fine, but make sure she knows that nothing is more important than her.
Photography by Canico Studios
6. COMMUNICATION: You know how I said that often times ladies just like to talk?! We also like when you talk back. Ask your wife questions and what her opinion on things are. And when she asks you questions and asks for your opinion, be open and have a discussion. Communication is key in a successful marriage. Don’t keep secrets from each other. And always be honest.
7. A HOT DATE: Your relationship with your spouse probably began as friends and then she probably became your girlfriend and then she became your fiancé and now she is your wife – correct? {Or in my case, you began as enemies and then became friends… but that is another story.} At any rate – throughout the process of building your relationship to marriage, DATING probably played a big part in your lives. Well men, once you tie the knot, dating doesn’t end. Your wife would LOVE for you to take her out to a nice dinner. She would LOVE for you to take her to a fun activity. You can check out a few other articles about dating for every budget and how to date your spouse here.
8. A BEST FRIEND: We ALL want a best friend – men and women! That person you can tell EVERYTHING to. That person you can laugh until you cry with. That person you can call just to say hi. That person you can rely on. That person that will always make you feel better. So BE that for her. 10 Ways to Stay Best Friends With Your Spouse can be found here.
9. AN EXAMPLE: You always want to marry someone that brings out the very best in you. A person that makes you become better, stronger and happier. Believe it or not, us women look up to YOU – the men of our households. We notice the way you live, the way you treat our children, the way you work hard, the way you pray, the way you spend your free time {if you ever have any!}. Always do what is right and help lead your family on the right path to happiness in this life.
10. LOVE: Last, but probably the most important thing your wife needs from you is LOVE. She needs to hear it. She needs to see it. She needs to feel it. Saying the words “I love you” is so important and taking it a step further by SHOWING it is even better.
I think your wife wants you to know that you are doing a GREAT job, gentlemen! If you are trying your best, give yourself a pat on the back! I know I could not live without my husband and I am willing to bet your wife feels the same. You men are our rocks! You mean the world to us! Thank you for being YOU and being our supporters, lovers and friends.
Anita Ganzalez
November 19, 2016 at 4:27 am (8 years ago)My boyfriend is a great guy and he is been here for me threw thick and thin since day one. But the only thing I wish he would more is open up more and his feelings and challenges he faces. I wanna be here for him like he is been here for me.
January 15, 2016 at 2:16 pm (9 years ago)This is all true. 🙂 My husband does all 10 things you mention here and I am a very happy woman.
December 16, 2015 at 3:58 pm (9 years ago)How can you tell a man these things without sounding like they don’t do enough? I’ve told him several times things I’d like him to do like come home and greet me as if you truly missed me or I feel like you didn’t at all. I’m so in love with this man and I feel like no matter what I do to make him happy like doing his laundry his specific way or making sure the kids get to school when the bus doesn’t show up…how do I make it known to him and why do I feel like I burden him even though I don’t mention all the things I do around the house and outside of the house for him…? 🙁
Vilma Daily
September 30, 2015 at 2:17 am (9 years ago)Great tips. Help is always a keyword and a click away indeed! But the challenge here is to implement and apply these tips. It will not develop overnight, but your first step bring you closer to being the best wife/husband and have an ever lasting marriage that your kids and next generation will look up to. Great blog!
Pamela Kichler
October 7, 2014 at 10:21 pm (10 years ago)All of these things are wonderful and I truly appreciate my husband for all the things he does right.
But, and this is so big to me I would trade several of these if I could only make him understand this: Protect Me from other people!
When I am verbally or physically attacked, don’t stand there and watch! Do something!!!
I’m so sorry if this makes me look like a bad person.
I’ll stop here, but please add the importance of protection, security and having your wife’s back in your list becuase I feel like you’ve left out the most improtant one.
Thank You,
October 2, 2014 at 3:20 pm (10 years ago)I was married before and failed in almost every one of these categories. Now I’m five months into a relationship that I’m hopeful will be the last. This list is a gentle reminder of the things I must do to start living unselfishly and make a lifetime commitment.
Zach Lorton
August 8, 2014 at 3:53 pm (11 years ago)I gotta say, the only one of these that is a revelation to me is #3. I often recognize and thank my wife for things I can see that she’s done specifically for me (washing the dishes so I don’t have to, hanging up my laundry), but I forget to tell her about the things I see that she’s done in the home. Rearranging furniture, cleaning, dusting, creating some new crafty thing to hang on our walls — stuff like that often catches my eye long enough for my brain to go, “Hey, that’s different.” But then I log that away in the “Okay, I’ve noticed that” file and forget to actually say anything to my wife about it. And that’s tough, since doing that kind of stuff puts her in her happy zone. So I need to tell her that I notice that stuff more often.
Of course, God forbid I fail to notice if she colored her hair or got it cut 2 inches, which honestly, that’s tough to notice sometimes when your wife keeps her hair long.
August 8, 2014 at 3:34 pm (11 years ago)My husband started out as my enemy too! We were 16/17 though, haha! For the first year I couldn’t stand him AT ALL! He tried and tried, and tried to win me over. Finally my mom talked me into trying 1 date with him. I didn’t want to go, determined that I would be miserable. I went and the rest as they say, is history!
July 19, 2014 at 3:05 pm (11 years ago)I am so glad my husband does all these things for me. He does need to work on a couple though. He listens, but for some reason he thinks he always has to fix.
Danielle Davis
July 22, 2014 at 2:18 pm (11 years ago)April it sounds like you have a great husband. It is so amazing when our spouses look out for us. Like you said, we all have room for improvement but it sounds like you have an above average husband already. Thanks for your comment today!
July 18, 2014 at 10:25 pm (11 years ago)Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful post!!! I want a reality show. Love it beaming through this entire post. Thank you for sharing your love with the rest of the world.
Danielle Davis
July 22, 2014 at 2:19 pm (11 years ago)Thank you for your kind words CJ. I’m not sure about the reality show but I am grateful for your comments!
July 18, 2014 at 9:22 pm (11 years ago)What a beautiful post and a beautiful blog in general! I have only seen wedding blogs, but I love your perspective on life after the wedding and making love grow. Thank you!! 🙂
Danielle Davis
July 18, 2014 at 9:42 pm (11 years ago)Hi Stacey! Thank you so much for your comment! Building a relationship after marriage is so important and I am grateful to have readers out there like you who are constantly working to improve their relationships! You may enjoy this post from earlier this year! https://www.todaysthebestday.com/true-love-happily-ever-after/. Thanks again for your comment!