10 Ways To Create Love At Home | Today's the Best Day

10 Ways To Create Love At Home

It is completely normal to have a little bit of contention in the home… at least that is what I like to tell myself to make me feel better. 🙂 Husbands and wives don’t always see eye to eye, kids are going to be kids and misbehave, babies are going to cry {sometimes a lot} and the craziest, most frustrating circumstances are probably going to arise. You know those moments where you’re like, “Is this REALLY happening right now?”

I grew up in a family of 6! I was the middle child {I often times blame that on the reason I am a litttttttle crazy}. I wasn’t the oldest, I wasn’t the youngest, I wasn’t the boy – I was… me! 🙂 There is this home video of me just trying so hard for all the attention, it is actually hilarious. I was literally jumping up and down trying to get my dad to record me, rather than my little sister who was learning how to walk. I am a big believer in the “middle-child-syndrome.” My parents were SO patient and kind – I actually think they are the biggest peacemakers I know. Every day I strive to make my house, just like theirs.

Siblings TEASE. It is just a fact of life, right?! I remember when I would start fighting with one of my sisters or brother, a sweet voice would start singing, “There is beauty all around, when there’s love at home. There is joy in every sound, when there’s love at home. Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on every side. Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there’s love at home.” It was my mom. She always knew how to handle us. And she had a song for EVERY circumstance.

We would of course roll our eyes and say, “oh mom.” But deep inside my heart – that song stuck with me. There IS beauty all around – when there’s love at home. She was right.

10 Ways To Create Love At Home

Photo by our amazing photographer, Christine Olson Photography

So how can we create Love At Home? Whether you are the mom, the dad, the brother, the sister, or even the grandma or grandpa under your household roof – YOU play a special part in your home. Your home NEEDS you! No matter what role you hold, here are 10 Ways To Create Love in YOUR Home. 

1. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK {OR YELL}: When someone says something mean about you – it hurts. But when someone you LOVE says something mean about you – it hurts a lot harder and a lot deeper. So many times, we are quick to react in certain situations and words that we don’t mean can fly out of our mouths. Think before you speak. Breathe before you yell. Really consider the consequences your words can have on the other person.

2. SHOW PHYSICAL AFFECTION: Studies say that children who are touched physically by their parents once a day, are happier and feel more loved. There is a special bond between parents and children when you give your child a hug, a high five, a kiss before bed or snuggles just because. The same could be said about husbands and wives too!

3. HAVE A FAMILY NIGHT ONCE A WEEK: Take a look at your busy schedule and find a specific night, once a week, that can be considered “Family Night.” On that night – do something FUN together! Play a game, go get ice cream, watch a movie, sing songs – do something your family enjoys. By having that specific time set aside to be together, your family relationships will be able to grow.

4. SAY THREE NICE THINGS: If I was ever mean to a family member or said an unkind comment about someone – my mom would have me say THREE nice things about the person I was angry with. It may sound silly, but it actually works! When we search for the positive in someone, it is easier to recognize that their flaws aren’t that bad.

5. QUALITY TIME IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN QUANTITY TIME: You can be with your family ALL day long – but that doesn’t mean your love is growing. These days every child has their own phone or electronic device, mom and dad each have their own computers and iPads – and suddenly, the quantity of time we spend with each other is a LOT – but the quality is close to nothing. Unplug from your phone. Unplug from Social Media. And treasure the moments you have as a family. {Read more about unplugging here)

6. DON’T FIGHT OVER STUPID THINGS: If you are anything like our family, 97% of your fights could probably fall under the category of “stupid things.” Try to remember what really matters and ask yourself, “Is this REALLY worth it?” Most of the time, it is better to just move on. Choose your battles.

7. EVERYONE NEEDS A LITTLE SPACE: As much as I want to say that family relations is best when you spend time together – on the other hand, each family member needs their own space. I always thought once I got married – it was just me and my husband and we had to do EVERYTHING together.

I have learned that you are still you. He is still him. And you both can still have your own hobbies and loves. Space is sometimes the best thing for the family – that way when you come back together, you realize how much you really miss and need one another. It is true that sometimes you do not realize how much you have, until you do not have it anymore.

8. A FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER, STAYS TOGETHER: Whatever your religion may be – make time for family prayer. Bring Jesus into your home. We have a sign in our home that says, “Christ is the center of our home. A guest at every meal. And a silent listener to every conversation.” Take time to thank God for your family. For your health. For your safety. For your blessings. Then ask him for guidance, help and love.

One morning I made breakfast for my one-year-old and I sat next to her and started eating. She looked at me and was folding her arms, just waiting for me to do the same so we could pray. I learned that day that even at her young age, she is watching me. She knows that we pray.

Take the time to pray out loud as a family and even as a couple. The most special moments between my husband and I, have been while we have been kneeling together in prayer asking for help. It strengthened our marriage and helped us get through the hardest times in our life.

9. SAY “I LOVE YOU” EVERY CHANCE YOU GET: You really can never say those three words enough. Say it to your spouse. Say it to your children. Say it to your parents. Say it to your friends. Let those around you know how much you care for them. Never let them question or wonder – make sure they always know they are loved. Say it when you see each other, say it when you leave each other, say it on the phone, say it in person – just say it. Here are 25 Ways You Can Show It!

10. HAVE A HEART FULL OF LOVE: Love for each other. Love for friends. Love for co-workers. Love for neighbors. Love for even strangers. When we have love in our hearts – we seem to be able to focus on the positive. When we have love in our hearts – we seem to be able to be a little happier. When we have love in our hearts – we can create love in our homes.

The song my mom sang continues, “Kindly heaven smiles above, When there’s love at home; All the world is filled with love, When there’s love at home.

By focusing on our families and creating love in our homes, the WORLD will be full of love – and how awesome would that be?!

Don’t forget to share this with your family today –

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9 Comments on 10 Ways To Create Love At Home

  1. Chelsea
    September 10, 2014 at 7:29 pm (11 years ago)

    I absolutely love these! I agree with every single one! Thanks for the reminders 🙂

  2. Katie
    September 6, 2014 at 2:37 pm (11 years ago)

    We work hard to keep our words uplifting in our home!

  3. Sarah
    September 6, 2014 at 12:05 pm (11 years ago)

    As always you have some really great tips! 🙂 We are really, really trying to stop all yelling in our house, and it has been a challenge but it will be so worth it!

  4. Charles Johnston
    September 6, 2014 at 11:47 am (11 years ago)

    Great ideas and a thoughtful list, the world definitely needs more love and it starts at home.

  5. Janeane Davis
    September 6, 2014 at 5:03 am (11 years ago)

    There are a lot of great ideas for creating a loving environment.

  6. Rachel
    September 6, 2014 at 4:14 am (11 years ago)

    What a great list! I think every family could use this!

  7. NEVA
    September 6, 2014 at 12:59 am (11 years ago)

    All those tips are great and it helps to remind ourselves of each one. I especially like the “say 3 nice things” since a compliment means so much to everyone and doesn’t get said often enough.

  8. Heather Baker
    September 6, 2014 at 12:07 am (11 years ago)

    I really love this, I will be using this guideline with my family.

  9. Maggie C
    September 5, 2014 at 11:59 pm (11 years ago)

    I had a friend who had a fight with her boyfriend when he said some really hurtful things. They can’t be unsaid so I really have been trying to think before I speak lately, remembering how hurt she was.


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