We asked 10 children between the ages of 3 and 11 what their favorite holiday was and guess what our results were? 9 out of 10 of them had the same answer… Christmas.
Is it the happiness in the air this time of year? Is it the spirit of giving? Is it the curling up by the fire with a blanket and hot chocolate? Is it the decorations? Is it the music? Is it the parties? Is it Santa Claus? Is it Jesus Christ?
Whatever it is {maybe it is a mixture of all of the above}… it’s the most wonderful time of the year!
When I was 19 years old I wanted to have a different Christmas. I wanted to have an experience better than ever before. I wanted to feel what it felt like to truly GIVE on Christmas, rather than receive. I asked my parents if instead of receiving presents that year, if I could just have money to adopt a family for Christmas. They supported my idea, but wanted to make sure I was 100% positive that this is what I wanted. They would give me all the cash they would have spent on me, I would use it on a family that needed help and on Christmas morning I would have nothing to open. I said, “YES!”
I did my research and was able to find a family in need through a school. The family of 4, a father, mother and 2 daughters lived near the Stratosphere on the Las Vegas strip. The school sent me their Christmas Lists and this is what they consisted of:
FATHER: Nothing. Would like their daughters to have presents on Christmas.
MOTHER: A toothbrush and toiletries
8 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER: Warm coat, shoes and a camera
5 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER: Warm coat, shoes and a doll
Tears filled my eyes as I read this list. My lists every year were always so complex and detailed. This family needed the most simple things! My mom and I went shopping. It was SO fun! We bought stockings and gifts for this family that I had grown to love, yet I hadn’t even met! We wrapped everything and put all of the gifts in a big black trash bag. The school had asked us to wrap everything in a trash bag, so their neighbors wouldn’t see the gifts they were receiving.
My mom and I pulled up to their apartment complex. There were children playing and adults walking around. Everyone starred at me and my mom. We didn’t really fit in. We grabbed our bags of garbage bags and carried them into this families humble home. The mom and children were there. Their eyes lit up with happiness and gave us hugs as we left.
Christmas morning arrived and I didn’t have any presents. I watched everyone open up their gifts and loved the things they received. I sat there and my experience of dropping off the gifts flashed in my head over and over again. In the middle of opening presents, my phone rang. It was the family’s father. I snuck out of the crazy room at my grandma’s house with children and wrapping paper everywhere to answer the phone call.
He was in tears. He cried and cried on the other end of the phone. My eyes filled up with tears too. His wife received her toothbrush, his daughters received their warm clothes, the 8 year old received her camera and the 5 year old received her baby doll. I cannot describe the joy that overcame me that day. It was the BEST Christmas ever.

Photo by our amazing photographer, Brittany Busk Photography
Here are 10 Ways To Make This Christmas The BEST Christmas for you and your family.
1. TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY: The first way to make this Christmas the BEST Christmas… is to simply be happy. Put a smile on your face and enjoy the season! It is easy to get mixed up in the hustle and bustle of shopping and lists of things to do… but take a minute and realize what is most important. Say hello to a stranger. Tell your family you love them. Make memories and do something fun everyday to celebrate!
2. IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS: The second way to make this Christmas the BEST Christmas… decorate. As a family, decorate the Christmas tree. Hang your stockings on the fireplace. Put Christmas lights on your home. Make a pretty wreath to hang on your door or plan a fun craft for the kids to make {check out this fun list of crafts for kids!}.

Photo from Babble
It’s also fun to bundle up and enjoy your neighborhood’s Christmas lights! Go on a family walk or drive and check out other people’s yards. This is fun for the entire family.
3. MAKE A LIST AND CHECK IT TWICE: If you are a list person like me, make a list of things you would like to get done this season. You may have several lists to make – a shopping list, a things to do list and maybe a things we would LIKE to do this year if we have time list. The holidays can be overwhelming when we feel like there is so much to do! So make your lists and enjoy checking things off as you accomplish them one at a time. It’s the BEST feeling!
4. NUTTIN’ FOR CHRISTMAS: The fourth way to make this Christmas the BEST Christmas is to remember those who don’t have anything. Like my story above, there are so many families who are less fortunate who would do anything to have a gift under their tree this year. Giving is better than receiving. I know that for a fact. And when we serve others, we are guaranteed to have the BEST Christmas!
5. THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS: A fun way to celebrate and to get into the Christmas spirit: a countdown! There are so many darling advent calendars you can make as a fun countdown until Christmas. Check out this list of fun ideas!

Photo from Most Lovely Things
6. I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS: The sixth way to make this Christmas, the BEST Christmas… show love. AND remember who is most important. Don’t forget to show love to your spouse this time of year. We can easily get wrapped up into serving others and our children, that we forget about our men. Surprise him in a fun way! Tell him you love him! Take him on a date! And kiss him underneath the mistletoe!
7. JINGLE BELL ROCK: Throw a party! The BEST way to celebrate and make this the BEST Christmas… Our family has a Whobilation party every year and it is our favorite thing! Check out the details for the party here!

8. THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS: The eighth way to make this Christmas the BEST Christmas is to make your home a place of peace. A place of FUN. A place for calm. A place for crazy. A place for kindness. A place for comfort. A place for love.
9. TRADITION! TRADITION!: Do something new. It is never too late to start a new tradition! I love that we can take traditions from our husband’s families, traditions from our own families and make our own little family traditions too! Go see Christmas lights, go ice skating, make a gingerbread house, watch a Christmas movie or make a craft. Have FUN as a family and make a memory! The gifts will fade, get lost or we will outgrow them… but families are forever.
10. SILENT NIGHT: The last, but certainly not least, way to make this Christmas the BEST Christmas, is to remember the reason for the season. Jeffrey R. Holland said, “But first and forever there was just a little family, without toys or trees or tinsel. With a baby – that’s how Christmas began.”

Don’t forget to share this article to help spread the Christmas spirit with your friends! –
December 12, 2014 at 7:42 pm (10 years ago)So many great ideas! Thanks Danielle! You inspire me!
December 9, 2014 at 6:44 am (10 years ago)Advent calendars are a key part of my Christmas fun! I am also in agreement that giving back is the best part of Christmas 🙂
December 9, 2014 at 5:24 am (10 years ago)such a kind gesture and what a way to make their holidays. Something they will never forget I am sure.
December 9, 2014 at 4:20 am (10 years ago)Such a lovely and inspirational post! I believe that all holidays should be made simple and be more about sharing and love rather than the materialistic things.