A picture has been circulating around the internet and has grabbed EVERY mom’s attention – the new movie that is coming out – “MEAN MOMS.” In the photo, it announced the stars of the show to be Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock and Cameron Diaz – but a recent article has come to announce that the photo was fake and the only star they got right in the movie is Jennifer Aniston.

Photo from here
The picture has flooded Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Newsfeeds of Moms everywhere and has been the top talk at every play group and mommy’s night out! WHY?! Well first, because we LOVE the movie Mean Girls. And second, because we are moms – and we know EXACTLY what Mean Moms is going to be all about.
As moms we are part of a circle of women that are SO different in more than one way, but come together united because we just, simply, understand each other.
Although we may have different opinions on sleep training and diapers, we all know what it is like to love someone more than we even love ourselves.
We all know what it is like to be four days past our bedtime and literally a walking zombie. We all know what it is like to laugh and to cry… to hurt and to struggle… to miss and to smile… to feel so alone, but then absolutely complete.
But there is always that mom – that mom that seems to be perfect and flawless. That mom that appears to have everything in order, the perfect clothes, the most friends, the healthiest body and a smile on her face. That mom that everybody says they want to be more like, but in reality doesn’t really want to be.
Today we are taking a look at what a Mean Mom is – and how to not be one.
10 Ways To NOT Be A Mean Mom:

If we learned anything from the Mean Girls movie it’s that how we behave really does matter.
What we say, how we say it and who we say it to not only reflects our personal prerogative but also can make or break someone’s day
Life is about building others up and that is something we must strive to do in order to avoid living life as a mean mom. You know her, the mom who is unfortunately in the pursuit of climbing to the top of the pretend mommy corporate ladder of success while burning all sorts of bridges on the way.
She has the emotional awareness of Oscar the Grouch, the scheming personality of Ursula, and the temper of Cruella De Vil.
Needless to say, she is sadly not a very nice person and is proud of it.
Here is a quick list of quotes from the Mean Mom handbook and how you can win at life by avoiding all of them.
“On Wednesdays we wear pink.”
1. WEAR WHAT YOU WANT: Let’s start with our outward appearance – embrace the leggings, oversized tee, mom bun and stains as your accessories. You don’t have to look flawless every day – friends like to see friends just the way you are! It makes them realize they aren’t the only ones who struggle putting on “real” pants every now and then.
“But you’re, like, really pretty… So you agree? You think you’re really pretty?”
2. COMPLIMENT – FOR REAL: Mean moms give compliments….buuuuut then bite you in the back. As moms, to be told that we are doing a good job means the WORLD to us. There are so many nice things to say to other moms {a list can be found here} so open your mouth and say something kind. You never know how a simple compliment can change someones life.
“I want to lose three pounds.”
3. LOVE WHO YOU ARE: And be confident about yourself. As moms it is easy to get trapped in the world of “keeping up with the Jones’s,” but don’t worry about the other moms around you and how their lives look on Social Media. Find who you are and embrace your inner-you.
“Get in loser. We’re going shopping.”
4. THINK ABOUT OTHERS: Before you criticize – before you say something negative – before you talk about someone behind their back, think about the person and how it will make them feel. Didn’t our moms always said, “treat others the way you want to be treated.”
“Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries.”
5. TREAT YO SELF: As moms, every now and then you just have to treat yourself – you deserve it! And you will drive yourself crazy if you don’t do it! Whether it is a piece of chocolate to eat as you hide in the closet or a girls night out away from the kids… treat yo self.
“We only carry sizes one, three and five. You could try Sears.”
6. EMBRACE TARGET: Sears… or how about every moms favorite store…Target?! Could we NOT live without that store? It’s the one place where we can walk in needing one item and walk out spending hundreds of dollars without the item we initially went in for. Embrace your favorite store and don’t let anyone bring you down.
“It’s like I have ESPN or something.”
7. LOOK FOR OTHER MOMS: Easier said then done – how are we supposed to look for others when we are trying to nurse a baby, eat our own lunch and text our moms back, all while trying to protect our toddlers from falling off the 15 foot slide at the playground? BUT – there are moms out there that need a friend. There are moms out there that are dying to have an adult conversation. There are moms out there that really need YOU.
“I don’t hate you ‘cause your fat. You’re fat ‘cause I hate you!”
8. DON’T BE HATIN’: And don’t let the haters bring you down. Often times the haters in life are just jealous of you. Haters are gonna hate – so don’t join in. Kill them with kindness.
“’Cause she’s a life ruiner. She ruins people’s lives.”
9. BE A FRIEND: People may not remember exactly what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Make someone else’s day. Mean Moms only have their group of friends and don’t reach out to others. Try to talk to someone new at the park or call an old friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Text someone just to let them know you were thinking of them. You can’t ever have too many friends.
“I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.”
10. BE A COOL MOM: And the coolest, prettiest mom out there – is the nice mom. Because nice girls always win.
If you are as excited as I am for the new movie – don’t forget to share this with your mom friends!