I do.
Two words that change your life forever as you finally find your prince charming you want to spend the rest of forever with.
Ever since you were a little girl you dreamed of this day. You just know from the bottom of your heart that marriage will be an adventure just like in your favorite storybooks……talking squirrels and magical glowing hair included.
Your wonderful day came and you pledged your whole heart for better or for worse.
Weeks go by and the reality of bills and jobs and life kicks in. Suddenly, you start to see that Mr. Charming has some interestingly un-charming habits.
The dishes pile up, he starts to burp in front of you, you discover smells that you never knew existed before and you find yourself wondering…….
Is this really what I signed up for?
Fairy tales are all great but true love…real love…. is found when a married couple experiences these 11 REAL life moments together……..
1. You move into your first place and you discover your spouse has 67 pounds of “junk”: The moving truck is loaded and you suddenly realize there are boxes and boxes of things you have no idea why you are keeping. His boxes of yearbooks, elementary school trophies, binders of baseball cards and ehrlooms from his great-grandparents fill your garage. While he sits and wonders about the importance of all of your boxes of makeup, face lotions and high school scrapbooks.
2. Learning you are the only person in the relationship that knows how to put a roll of toilet paper on the rack properly: Most often you will find a full roll of paper sitting on top of the holder and you will question why the other person can’t take thirty seconds and put it on correctly. And then there will be those times where you will be so excited they actually put the roll on the holder, but this time?… It is backwards.
3. While driving in the car your husband believes he is a GPS. You know your way is faster, but he thinks he knows better: They want you to drive, but then they become the expert backseat driver we all love with all of our hearts. “You were supposed to turn back there.” “You need to slow down sooner.” “Just park! We are late and you need to just choose a spot!”
4. Opening the fridge with excitement to eat leftovers from dinner last night, and you find… they are gone: If you are lucky they saved one last bite for you, just so you can have a little taste and crave it the rest of the day. Next time maybe try writing your name on it? Although, I am not sure if that works either.
5. Falling into the toilet because someone left the seat up: It’s dark. You’re in a hurry and you have to use the restroom SO bad – you quickly sit down and slip riiiiiight in. You were half way asleep, but now you are WIDE awake.
6. He pretends to listen for 5 minutes, and then replies “what?”: I once heard a man say that listening to your wife is like reading the Terms & Conditions of a website. You understand nothing, but you still say “I AGREE!”
7. The alarm goes off every five minutes because they keep pushing snooze and won’t get out of bed: You have been there. I have been there. We ALL have been there. Is there any other sound that is more annoying than an alarm clock at 5am?!
8. Getting hit, punched or kicked in the middle of the night: On accident of course. Maybe they were fighting Kung Fu Panda in their dreams or were falling off of the Eiffel Tower, but when they throw their arms – they throw them hard and fast. And SURPRISE! Your face is right there to receive it.
9. Realizing you are a personal Butler, who gets to carry around an extra wallet, cell phone, set of keys and sunglasses: When your hubby realizes he doesn’t have enough pockets for his belongings and he just slips everything into your purse so you get the pleasure of carrying everything around. OR when the tables flip and you don’t have a purse and are wearing leggings with no pockets, and he gets the honor of carrying your phone, wallet and lip gloss.
10. That moment you don’t know what to cook and he won’t tell you what to cook because neither of you know what you want for dinner: Bag it. We aren’t eating dinner tonight then. Planning meals is one of the most stressful things! The worst actually.
11. Realizing that marriage is a journey, not a destination: You mean all of my worries don’t go away after the wedding? Trials come and stressful situations arise? Yes. They do. But it’s only because marriage is something that helps us grow. In fact, a perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
Sure, there are moments in all of our marriages when we see the other person for who they really are, flaws and all. But marriage is so much more than just finding flaws. It is about loving someone unconditionally.
One of the greatest things in life is finding someone who knows all of your mistakes and weaknesses, but still thinks you are the most important person in the world!
In the moments of “he does that?!” and “she does what?!” we need to realize that we are all human. Truly connecting with another person and loving them for ALL that they are, IS in fact what we signed up for and we are better every day because of it.
“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”
July 13, 2015 at 11:15 pm (10 years ago)I loved this article! Marriage is definitely a journey, and there are struggles- but it is truly incredible to find someone who loves you for you and you can take on the world together!
You have an awesome website Danielle, I just discovered it today on Pinterest and I love everything! Thanks so much for sharing your life and your insights 🙂
June 15, 2015 at 5:07 pm (10 years ago)#1,4,9,10 and 11 = DEAD ON. The clutter when we moved and that still takes up valuable space in our closets, halls, balcony, etc…how does he have SO MUCH STUFF??
<3 Haley @ http://www.beautyinthischaos.com