11 Ways To Simplify Your Daily Mommy Routine | Today's the Best Day

11 Ways To Simplify Your Daily Mommy Routine

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But maybe for moms we can say, “It’s the most craziest and busiest and pretty stressful, but yes wonderful, time of the year!” So many things to get done, people to visit, others to serve, gifts to buy, houses to decorate, food to put on the table and fun activities to attend. Often times I think I can do it ALL – but then one day, I feel drained. Overwhelmed. Stressed. Just TOO busy.

I heard a lesson once of a teacher who put a gallon jug on a table and filled it up with stones. He asked the class, “Is this jug full?” And the class replied, “Yes.”

He then poured a bag of gravel into the gallon jug as it filled the cracks in between the stones and asked the class, “Is this jug full now?” And the class replied, “Yes.”

He then poured a bag of sand into the gallon jug as it filled the cracks in between the stones and gravel and asked the class, “Is this jug full now?” This time, the class replied, “We are on to you now! The jug is not full.”

The teacher then poured a cup of water into the jug to completely fill the jug in its entirety. The jug was now full.

The teacher asked the class what they thought the purpose of this lesson was. The class replied that they thought it meant that “there is always free cracks in our lives and we can always find things to fill up that free time.”

That was when the teacher replied, “No. That is not what the lesson is about. Do you think if we put sand, water and gravel into the jug first, we would have been able to fit the stones into the jug?” The class said “no.”

This lesson teaches us to fill our lives with STONES first. The stones represent what is MOST important. I personally believe that is our families. Our husbands, wives, children, grandparents, cousins and friends. Once we set those priorities, we then can add the gravel, sand and water…if we have time and if we are able. Too often we find ourselves filling our jugs {or lives} with those things that are less important.

Have you had moments where you have felt overwhelmed? stressed? maybe a little crazy? Have you had those days where you just can’t seem to keep up and that your to-do list is growing rather than shrinking?

You are not alone.

With your kid’s classes, school, sports, parties and playdates – And your husband’s work, date nights, school and need for “wife” time – All while your extended family has activities, concerts and gatherings – And your friends want girls nights, lunch dates, Jamberry parties and a workout buddy. You try to find time for it ALL and wonder how you will even shower and  get dressed, all while finishing up the laundry that is on it’s third cycle because you keep forgetting to put it into the dryer, do the dishes, make three meals a day and make sure everyone is surviving.

It is time to simplify. The definition of simplify is: make (something) simpler or easier to do or understand. {according to Google} I like “EASIER TO DO.”

There is a quote “When things aren’t adding up in your life, start subtracting.”

SO here are 11 Ways To Start Simplifying Your Daily Mommy Routine and how to focus on filling our lives with “stones” rather than “sand.”

11 Ways To Simplify Your Daily Mommy Routine

Photo by our amazing photographer Ms.Wedding Image

1. GET UP EARLY: Who LOVES waking up early? {not me.} BUT when I do get up early, I see the difference in my day. As we start our day off with a fresh start, we are less rushed – which in return means less stressed, less quick-tempered and less overwhelmed. By waking up before the kids do, we can enjoy a little peace and quiet. Some moms like to read in the morning, some like to get a workout in, some like to shower and get ready – find what YOU like to do and wake up and do it. You will see a difference in your WHOLE day.

According to 99u.com: “[Randler] surveyed 367 university students, asking them when they were most energetic and willing to change a situation. It was the morning people who were more likely to agree with statements such as “I feel in charge of making things happen” and “I spend time identifying long-range goals for myself.”

2. INVEST IN A BLACK MARKER: You are probably thinking, what?! How is this simplifying my life? A black marker has the POWER. There is something so incredible, so rewarding, about CHECKING THINGS OFF a To-Do List! When you accomplish something – take that marker and cross it right off! It feels SO. Good. You can even put “take a shower” on this list. or “get dressed” – because those are accomplishments.

You can also check-out #2 on How To Find Happiness Through Your Trials here. Focusing on that “Ta-Da” list is WAY more important than any “To-Do” list.

3. CREATE A SCHEDULE: By setting a day aside in the beginning of the week and having a family planning session night, works wonders. It is so nice to hear what everyone has going on and so everyone can be on the same page.

Make sure as you are setting this schedule you are remembering your STONES, rather than your pebbles, sand and water. What is most important?

Another thing that helps when planning is MEAL PLANS. Cooking every night stresses me out. I NEVER know what to cook. By creating a calendar in the beginning of the week with what meals are for dinner, it helps make the decision process so much easier and I can have dinner on the table for my family with one less worry.

4. DON’T OVER-SCHEDULE: Think about what causes you stress – and eliminate it. Take it out. A lot of the things that cause us to be inadequate, are not important. Don’t get caught up in needing to do everything. In fact – it is okay to have a BLANK calendar. Sometimes it is nice to just go with the flow and to see what happens in your day.

keep it simple

5. SET A TIME FOR SOCIAL MEDIA: Life has become SO congested with the internet, smart phones and social media. LOVE them all – yes I do! BUT if we spend too much time on these things it can:

{1} Waist valuable time that could have been spent with your “stones” if you will.

{2} Cause more stress/anxiety/depression because of “comparing.” As moms we see other moms having play dates, going on dates, having girls nights, being skinny, looking flawless, and having “perfect lives” according to their Facebook and Instagrams. Side note: Those girls are NOT flawless and they do not have perfect lives. It just looks that way.

{3} Disconnect you from the real world. Meet with your friends and family in person rather than the virtual world – it is way more fun!

6. SAY “YES” LESS: As women, we like to say “yes.” Can you pick up my kids from school today? “YES!” Can you bring Cindy dinner tomorrow night? “YES!” Can you watch my kids for my doctor’s appointment? “YES!” Can we go on a date? “YES!”

The word “yes” so freely slips out of our mouths – and then suddenly we realize we have said YES to EVERYTHING. It’s okay to say no. With simplifying, you are eliminating, not adding.

7. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVITY: Not just positive people – although that is so important. Surround yourself with positive things too. The music we listen to. The tv shows we watch. The radio channels we tune into. The books we read. The friends we hang out with. ALL have an affect on how we feel.

When we surround ourselves with positivity, we are simplifying our lives by getting rid of the negative. Take away the things that make you feel bad, down or sad. You deserve SO much more.

8. FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME: You don’t have to clean the WHOLE house – just clean one room. Decide on one thing that you want to accomplish in the day – and do it. It doesn’t even have to be a big thing. It could be to take the trash out. It could be to go to the park. It could be to read a book with your kids. It could be to declutter your room. Focus on one thing at a time.

9. PREPARE THE NIGHT BEFORE: We were late for church several weeks in a row, so I knew something needed to change on Sunday mornings. One Saturday night I had our outfits sitting out {include bows and shoes} and our quiet bag packed – and on Sunday morning our lives were literally changed. We were ready 20 minutes EARLY.

By doing the dishes before bed, tiding up the living room, preparing backpacks and homework folders or something as simple as setting out clothes – the mornings seem to be a LOT less stressful and a lot more simple.

10. FIND THE POSITIVE: I love this time of year because it is a time to be positive. It is the most wonderful time of the year as we focus on our blessings! For our November Challenge we are taking pictures everyday of what we are grateful for and sharing them on Social Media. {Details and Free Printable here} And it has been so fun to see all of your positive thoughts and blessings.

Complain less. Focus on happiness. Find the good. As we do so – the simple things in our lives, become the big things.

11. REMEMBER, THINGS CAN WAIT: Lastly, as moms we get so wrapped up in having to get it ALL done – but remember, things can wait. The dishes can sit in that sink one more night. The floors can be unswept for a few more hours.”Never get so busy making a living, you forget to make a life.” The word “living” doesn’t necessarily mean working to make money – especially for stay-at-home moms. Maybe it also means, to never get so busy with other things, that we forget about our families.

“We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are.”
― Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Simplify Your Life By Marjorie Pay Hinckley

YOU have the power to take control of your life. Create more time to do what is important to you. Be with the people you love most. And ALWAYS know that you ARE doing enough. You don’t have to constantly be moving and going. Simplicity is nice. Decide what is important. And do just that.

As you look at your jug, find out what your stones are. Is it your husband? Your children? Your parents? Your siblings? Your grandparents and cousins? Maybe your friends? Put them in your jug first and then add in the extras.

I hope as we enter into this holiday season, we will remember to simplify our lives. We don’t need to do EVERYTHING our friends, neighbors, co-workers and sisters do. Focus on something that YOU want to work on. Set a plan. Practice it. Get good at it. And accomplish it. There is no greater feeling than checking that something off your list and I can promise by the end of the year, you will be able to say “I DID IT!” I achieved what I wanted to do. I worked hard at it. And you then will be ready to do it again.

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