12 "Musts" For Moms Of Girls | Today's the Best Day

12 “Musts” For Moms Of Girls

Pink balloons flew out of the box at our Gender Reveal Party. I was 17 weeks pregnant and couldn’t believe it – We’re having a GIRL?! Tears filled my eyes… I couldn’t believe it!

It didn’t take long for me to get SO excited about the new adventure we had ahead of us! Bows on bows on bows – “go BIG or go home” was my motto. I had a collection of over 50 headbands before she was even born. I knew being a mom of a girl was going to be a DREAM.

The day soon approached and our little lady arrived. There is something so special…so sweet… so PERFECT about a newborn baby fresh from Heaven. The first thing I did was put a big bow on her head of course. I wanted EVERYONE to know “She was ALL GIRL!”

I quickly learned that with this new GIRL in our house – came a list of “MUSTS” for moms like me… 12 “MUSTS” to be exactly for Moms of GIRLS:

12 MUSTS for Moms of Girls

1. YOU MUST LOVE BEING FANCY: From the age of ONE – a girl loves her dress ups. From Frozen capes to princess crowns – tutus and big puffy dresses, little ladies know what to do. They love glitter, sparkles, feathers and heels.

2. YOU MUST LOVE SINGING, DANCING AND PERFORMANCES: Your hairbrush will be used as a microphone. Your bathtub will be turned into a stage. Your iPhone will be the speakers – and a beautiful performance will blow your mind. As she gets older, friends will come over and they will spend hours of writing programs and planning out talent shows. You will get use to the constant performances, dance parties and fun – and you will probably join in on a few of them… if not all of them.

3. YOU MUST DEDICATE A WHOLE CLOSET TO JUST THEM: Don’t think your baby girl can share a closet with your husband like I thought. Her clothes, bows, shoes, dresses, dress-ups and sweaters will need a space of their own! Everything is SO cute, you will not be able to contain yourself when you are at the mall… or Target…or Wal Mart… or the grocery store…. or online… or ANY.WHERE.

4. YOU MUST REALIZE THEY GET DIRTY TOO: I thought I was off the hook with the dirt and the bugs when I heard the words, “It’s a GIRL!” but that wasn’t the case. Girls like to get dirty too! They like to play in the sand. Get dirt on their faces… and in their mouths… and have dirty fingernails. They burp and poop. They do it ALL – just like boys – only a little more lady-like!

5. YOU MUST HAVE OPEN EARS: Girls like to talk. Listen to her stories. Listen to her drama. Listen to her singing. Listen to her worries. Listen to her prayers. Sometimes she just needs someone to listen to her.

Daughter and Mother

Photo from here

6. YOU MUST REMEMBER YOUR PAST: When you listen – you will remember that you know how it feels. You know exactly what she is going through. You have been her age. You have had to deal with mean girls before. You have had to deal with dumb boys before. You have had to deal with periods, drama and school. You will be able to relate to her unlike anyone else.

7. YOU MUST LET HER PLAY IN YOUR MAKE-UP AND HAVE AN IMAGINATION: She wants to be just like you – she sees you putting on your make-up and wants to try too. Her little imagination is full of rainbows, sparkles and princesses. Let her be little.

8. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND PILES OF CLOTHES IS NORMAL: This never changes – from the moment she can start “helping” with laundry at just a few months old until she has a house of her own, piles of clothing will be endless, because lets be real – one outfit just doesn’t fit right one morning. And the other has a stain. And the other needs to be ironed. And the other makes her look fat. And the other one is itchy. And before you know it, she has tried on 6 outfits in one morning. It’s normal.

9. YOU MUST KNOW SHE WILL SOMETIMES LIKE DAD MORE THAN YOU: There is a special connection a daughter has with her daddy – and sometimes she may just want him. A daddy’s girl will make you fall more in love with your man, because you will see the love they have for each other.He is the “fun” one. He is the one that makes her laugh. He is the one he goes to when you say, “no.”

10. YOU MUST BE CAREFUL WITH HOW YOU TALK ABOUT YOURSELF: You can no longer say you are fat. You are ugly. You don’t like your teeth. You hate the number on the scale. Because she is listening. Little ears are in your home and hear what you are saying about yourself. Talk positively about yourself, so she learns to talk positively about herself.

11. YOU MUST LOVE CUDDLES, KISSES AND HUGS: Girls are so passionate, emotional and loving. She will come and give you a kiss, just because she feels like it. She will come and sit on your lap, just because she wants to be by her mom. When she is older, she will call you just to say hello – and to ask for a recipe. And she will always love you.

12. YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER SHE IS WATCHING YOU: Little girls look up to their moms. She sees how you act. She hears how you speak. She watches how you dress, how you serve, how you work, how you read, how you sing, how you dance, how you shop, how you play and how you laugh. She is the “only one that knows what your heart sounds like from the inside” and is “just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.”


Photo from here

Do you love having a girl?! What other “MUSTS” would you add to this list?! AND if you LOVE having a GIRL… don’t forget to share it!

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20 Comments on 12 “Musts” For Moms Of Girls

  1. Kathleen
    March 31, 2017 at 7:43 pm (8 years ago)

    Wonderful list ! My ” little girl ” turns 20 tomorrow ! Can’t think of a single thing to add !

  2. Eva
    April 14, 2016 at 7:39 am (9 years ago)

    Moms are different and their girls are different. My mom never was big on make up, nails and clothes, and I’m very much the same. But there’s a whole world of other stuff that I’ve learned from her. And now having my own girl I realise just how much those little things matter.
    So I’d say, skip the list and remember just the #12, the girls are always watching you. If you do it right, then you have a great chance to have your daughter as your best friend for life.

  3. mary-ann
    February 6, 2016 at 7:46 pm (9 years ago)

    My little Taylor is 17 months and what an amazing journey and adventure it has been thus far. My life Has changed the moment she took her first breathe and I knew then I had to become better than I was because so that I can lay a strong foundation. My angel is cheerful and fun loving I love being in her presence no greater gift💖

  4. Jen Petersen
    February 2, 2016 at 2:22 am (9 years ago)

    I love this list so much! Having a little baby girl of my own is a dream come true. Thank you so much for sharing and celebrating our little girls!

  5. Regina
    January 6, 2016 at 7:27 am (9 years ago)

    My baby girl just turned 7 weeks today, this just made my heart swell!!! I am so looking forward to it all!

  6. Cheryl
    December 17, 2015 at 2:57 pm (9 years ago)

    Yes it is so true she is always watching. Thanks for the sharing these wonderful tips

  7. Kemi
    September 16, 2015 at 11:35 pm (10 years ago)

    You must realize she will not always like what you like. She will watch you like a hawk. And that she loves just being with you.

  8. Narvia
    June 10, 2015 at 2:59 am (10 years ago)

    This is beautiful. My daughter is 3 (almost 4) and so girly, but she also likes bugs, dirt, sticks, and all things science. She’s daddy’s princess and just soooooo awesome! Girls Rock!

  9. Alicia
    April 2, 2015 at 7:46 pm (10 years ago)

    This was just beautiful!!
    My baby girl is due in August and I couldn’t be more excited to have a girl to share all this girlie-ness with!!!!

  10. Remona
    March 27, 2015 at 1:09 pm (10 years ago)

    In our house my 6 year old Minnie me loves to play and walk around the house in my high heel shoes and carry my handbags . Love it. The girls got STYLE!

  11. Alison
    March 19, 2015 at 1:04 pm (10 years ago)

    this is a beautiful article but none of it applies to my daughter. From birth she has refused dresses and bows. She is a total tomboy, can’t stand Disney movies, wants to build a fort outside.

  12. katie bush
    February 7, 2015 at 3:47 am (10 years ago)

    Love this. We have our little Ella (9months) and so far, she’s everything in this article and is so perfect. <3

  13. destiny
    January 26, 2015 at 9:44 pm (10 years ago)

    You also must be exactly what you want her to be. If you let people walk all over you she will too. If you let your husband treat you like crap she will let guys do the same to her. If complain a lot she will… If you lay around and don’t take care of yourself she will… The way your life is, is how she will expect her life to be. All the way from junk food to managing money she is watching… This is also motivation to work on yourself.

  14. Bri
    January 24, 2015 at 8:49 am (10 years ago)

    I love this. It honestly made me cry, happy tears =] My daughter, who just happens to be my first, just turned 1 on January 21st and this list made me all warm and fuzzy and just made me even more happy an excited to watch her grow up and be her mommy =]

  15. Tabitha Russell
    December 16, 2014 at 1:40 am (10 years ago)

    Amost everything should SPARKLE! My 6 year old baby girl (my one and only) LOVES anything that has glitter! From wrapping paper to the switch plates on the wall. They must sparkle!! I’m so very thankful to God that he gave me my very own Princess!!

  16. Janeane Davis
    November 17, 2014 at 2:27 pm (10 years ago)

    A new baby is a treat for the entire family, it is a way for the love to grow.

  17. Adanna
    November 16, 2014 at 10:58 pm (10 years ago)

    This is so cute! I have a daughter and I agree with most of these.

  18. katrina g
    November 15, 2014 at 1:54 pm (10 years ago)

    I have 2 girls who are very girly and love makeup, nails, bows and you name it. it’s tons of fun. I do think a boy would be cheaper though lol

  19. Eileen
    November 15, 2014 at 5:01 am (10 years ago)

    Great tips! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Cherri
    November 15, 2014 at 2:11 am (10 years ago)

    Coming having big girls..these are more than true! I love how warm this whole list made me feel just thinking of them!


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