13 Practices to Help You Lighten Up as a Mom | Today's the Best Day

13 Practices to Help You Lighten Up as a Mom

The dishes were stacked so high, that they were overflowing the sink and scattered on my countertops.

The laundry pile wasn’t even really a pile anymore, as we had been rummaging through it trying to find a somewhat clean pair of pants to wear.

And the boxes of toys that were emptied around the house made it look like a little zoo.

My list of things to do was getting so overwhelming and one look at my house just about put me over the top. I just couldn’t take it anymore!

“HOW DO MOMS DO IT?!” I asked myself.

It seemed to me that all my cute mom friends on Facebook and Instagram had complete control over their lives – with sparkling kitchens and smiling children. What was I doing wrong?!

I decided that day, that I was going to take control over my life. There HAD to be an easier way to master “MOM LIFE”?!

Today I am excited to share 13 Practices that have helped me – and I am sure will help you too, to lighten up as a mom!

13 Practices to Help You Lighten Up As A MOM

1. STOP COMPARING: I put this first, because I honestly think it is the most important – especially in this day and age where all of our mom friends and their daily lives are RIGHT in front of us because of Social Media.

Like I mentioned before, it seemed to me that all of my friends on Facebook and Instagram had complete control over their lives, but little did I know that was just my perception. Nobody’s life is perfect. Social Media is only a highlight reel and we really don’t know what happens behind the camera. So don’t compare yourself to others – I promise it will make a WORLD of difference.

2.  TAKE A BREAK: And do something for YOU! Life is crazy. Life is busy. So step away for a minute and breathe. Whether you take a hot bath {add in candles by the way – it makes it even better!} or read a book or sit outside or go to sleep early or go on a date. You deserve it! The house can wait. Your things to do list can wait. But focusing on YOU needs to happen.

3.  TREAT YOURSELF: That’s right! Go to the store RIGHT NOW and grab a bunch of your favorite treats! Warning: If you have kids at home they will want you to share so you may need to hide in a closet when you get ready to feast! 🙂 But seriously. Something sweet can make you lighten up SO MUCH! I have been addicted to G.H. Cretors Popped Corn – and their limited edition holiday flavors are THE BOMB!! Their Pumpkin Spice Caramel Corn… oh my gosh. Get it and thank me later! You can check out their website or they are also on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube!

13 Practices to Help You Lighten Up As A MOM

4.   HAPPY/SAD MOMENT: My absolute favorite tradition as a mom! Every night before bed we go around the room and say one thing that made us sad that day, and one thing that made us happy. I LOVE the open communication it creates! It allows our children to talk openly about what happened in their day and teaches them how to express their feelings. It is also a great time for us moms to hear what is going on in their little brains and a teaching experience to explain to them why they feel sad and how they can find joy even when hard things happen. IT IS THE BEST. DO IT!

5.   MAKE A JOURNAL: If you are a good journal keeper – I praise you! I am horrible at it! BUT I have noticed, if you put a little notebook by your bed and every single night, just quickly write something you are grateful for in it, it can become a gratitude journal and is so good for the soul to help us recognize our blessings!

6.   GET MOVIN AND GROOVIN: Yes, exercise! I know as a mom you may not have a lot of time. But try to squeeze in a workout, even if it is at home! Or go for a walk/jog outside. Getting your body moving is so good for the mind.

7.   HAVE SOME CALENDAR TIME: Plan and schedule! It will make a WORLD of difference in your mom life! When we know exactly what we need to get done and are organized, it is a lot easier not to get stressed!

8.   MAKE DAILY GOALS: And they can TOTALLY be little daily goals! Like as a mom – a goal can be to take a shower! You better believe that counts as an accomplishment! Or a goal can be to get dressed! Do your hair! Pick up your kid at school! Organize 3 boxes of toys! Fold and put away one load of laundry! You don’t have to do everything on one day – by doing one or two things each day, you can feel accomplished AND still have time to be with the kids!

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9.   FOCUS ON YOUR TA-DA LIST RATHER THAN TO-DO: Key you guys. THIS IS KEY. I heard it once at a conference and have implemented into my life since. Rather than focusing on our things to do or things we didn’t do – let’s focus on the things we DID do! Like “TA-DA” I played with my kids today! Or “TA-DA” I read a book to my kid before bed! Or “TA-DA” we are all still alive and happy!

10.  GET SOME SNUGGLES IN: Every night before bed – go snuggle up next to your babies! Time goes SO fast. You will never live this day again with those kids of yours. Snuggle up together. Talk. Give kisses. Tickle them. Hear them laugh. LOVE them. It is not only good for them… it’s good for you too!

11.  FIND THE GOOD: Because I promise there is good in every day! EVEN when it is really hard. Or really bad. Or really sad. There is good. Find good in your children. Find good in your spouse. Find good in your friends, neighbors and strangers. Find the good. And then be the good.

12.  YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO LAUGH: Let’s be real. Mom life can be a little nuts – so learn to make it light of situations that are out of your control ridiculous. Like when there is poop in the bath. And you get to the store and they don’t have shoes. And you search the entire house for your phone that was in your hand the entire time. Learn to have fun. And learn to laugh.

13.  TRY YOUR BEST: When it comes down to it all, we just have to try our best. We aren’t required to BE the best, only that we TRY our best. And when we try our best – we can lighten up, we can have some fun and find that mom life, although the hardest job, is also the most incredible, rewarding, and BEST job in the world!

Special thanks to G.H. Cretors for being a sponsor of Today’s The Best Day! Although we were compensated for this article, all opinions are my own. 

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