I was nine months pregnant and ready to pop! My belly was massive and everywhere I turned I thought I was going to bump into something new. My back hurt, my feet were swollen and the motherhood “glow” was surrounding me. I could not wait to be a mom! I was living the dream!
We were walking into the hospital, signing in at the front desk of Labor & Delivery, when a nurse came up to us and said, “Are you ready?! Your lives are about to change!”
I was use to hearing that by now. The word change. I felt like everyone I had seen the past nine months told me how much my life was about to change… but I didn’t truly understand what they meant until it happened. My life WAS changed.
My priorities had changed. My house had changed. My car had changed. My sleep had changed. My body had changed. The amount of time it took me to leave the house had changed. My refrigerator changed. My bank account changed. My cupboards changed. My television programs had changed. My books had changed. My schedule had changed…. and even, my marriage had changed. {Click here to read The Changes A Baby Brings in Marriage}
After having children, one of the most common things that can change is the communication between husband and wife. That is why today, we want our men to know a few things. Here are 13 Things Your Wife Wants You To Know: About Motherhood.
Photos in this article by Brittany Busk Photography
1. We love you: Let’s start with the basics. We loved you when we had the baby. We loved you the first time we saw you change a diaper. We loved you when we saw you rock the baby to sleep. We loved you yesterday… and we still love you today. Sometimes we are tired and we may not exactly act like we do – but we promise. We do.
2. The house WAS clean: Being a mom can sometimes be a bit repetitive. We can spend hours cleaning and organizing while you are away and within five-minutes, Tornado Toddler can come in and destroy our hard work. Know that we did work today. And we did try for it to be clean by the time you came home – but once again, it didn’t exactly stay that way. I hear though that “good moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles and happy kids!
3. We like to be told we look good: Having babies does a lot to our bodies {as you already know!}. Although we are proud of our tiger stripes and extra skin, sometimes deep inside we can be a bit self-conscious. And although we may go days without washing our hair and we may have spit-up and other bodily fluids on our clothes, we want to know that you still think we are beautiful. So when we are wearing an outfit you like, tell us. When we smell good because we actually showered, tell us. When you like the way we look in our mom bun and leggings – tell us.
4. We don’t mean to be dramatic, but everything REALLY is big deal: The toddler melt-downs. The napless days. The mommy gossip. The poopy diapers. When we tell you our stories of the day, we may come across a little crazy – but I promise it’s not because we are crazy – it’s because the situations were REALLY that crazy. And sometimes you just had to be there to understand how truly crazy it was!
5. We really are obsessed with our children: Being a mom is the best job – how could we NOT be obsessed with these little humans that look JUST like you! They are fun to be around. They make us laugh. They are fun to dress up. They give the best hugs and kisses. They make our hearts kind of explode! But we are still obsessed with you too!
6. We are learning as we go: We know we aren’t perfect. In fact, we wish we could be MORE perfect! We make mistakes and sometimes wish we could have re-do’s. We are learning to be moms, just like you are learning to be dads.
7. We like when you help: There might not be anything sexier than a man who helps out around the house with the family. We love to see you making the kids laugh and rolling on the floor with them. We love to see you playing piggy-back rides and chasing the kids around the park. We love to see you do the dishes or help sweep the floor. We love to hear you read bedtime stories and sing goodnight songs.
8. We worry… a lot: And I don’t know if that will ever change. I was told once that as soon as you become a mom, you will NEVER stop worrying about your children… even when they are grown and moved out of the house. So I am sorry, but you will forever live with a Worried Wendy!
9. Sometimes we are just legit tired: It doesn’t mean we don’t love you if we fall asleep at 8pm – sometimes a lady just needs her rest. Motherhood is one of the most exhausting jobs out there, with no breaks in between {we are talking a 24 hour, 7 day a week job!}… so if we sleep, don’t take it personal. We love you… I promise!
10. Massages are nice: Imagine carrying a 30 pound weight on your hip and a 20 pound weight on your shoulder, all day… every day. Might get a bit heavy, right? With babies needing to be held and toddlers deciding they can’t walk anymore, along with a purse full of diapers, wipes, toys and snacks… our bodies ache. So we will gladly accept a foot massage, a head massage, a back massage… anytime, anywhere.
11. We wish we could do it all: Moms are expert list makers. A list of “Things To Do” is created almost daily – but sometimes we don’t get to ANY of it. Well, sometimes we get the “get dressed” checked off the list and it feels like we accomplished the world! We want to do it all – we want to clean, cook, do the laundry, play with our kids, teach them their ABC’s backwards and forwards, how to count to 100, read 10 books a day, sing songs with hand motions, go grocery shopping, stop by the bank and have the house in order by 5pm – but it often times just does not happen and we hope you understand.
12. We are grateful for you: Your hard work does NOT go unnoticed, gentlemen. We want you to know that we love you and are grateful for all of the many things you do for our families. You complete us and we wouldn’t be a family without you!
13. You’re still our number one: Lastly, no matter what it may seem like with us running here and there, taking care of the kids and trying to do it all – you are and will forever be our number one priority. Nothing is as important than YOU! We would drop anything for YOU! And we are so excited to continue on this parenting journey WITH YOU!
And by the way, these are the things that a baby will NEVER change!
March 11, 2015 at 5:07 pm (10 years ago)Great post! I definitely agree with a lot of these!