When I say the words, “Best Friend” what do you think of? Instantly – a fun memory may come into your mind, a smile may come on your face, maybe tears fill your eyes or your mind may even go blank, wondering who your best friend REALLY is.
For me, I have had the same best friend for 12 years and I wouldn’t have it any other way. At one point we hated each other, at one point we loved being together, at one point we fell in love and at one point we even broke up for 24 hours and I thought I was going to die without him.
Luckily, I had the opportunity to marry my best friend about six years ago. Just like every friendship – we laugh, we cry, we play, we fight, we dream and we try to live life to its fullest every single day.
I remember one lesson I had at church when I was 12 years old. It was about marriage. My leader had us list all of the qualities we wanted in our future husbands, sealed them up in an envelope and I was to put it in my journal until my wedding day.
Six years ago, I found the letter that I had written to myself many years prior. It was written in June 1999! The letter listed qualities I wanted in a man: “tall, dark, handsome, hott, not big-headed, rich and funny.” The qualities that were so important to me when I was twelve years old made me smile. Those were all important to me, but I grew to know what qualities were REALLY important as I got older.
Tall, dark and handsome is a pretty good combination! Rich and hott are pretty good icing on the cake too! But are those the most important?
As a 20-something woman who has been with the same Best Friend for over a decade, I have learned what qualities are most important in a spouse, in a best friend or in “your other half.”
All photos in this article are by our talented photographer, MS Wedding Image
So men, if you are looking for that best friend you want to spend the rest of your life with…. if you are already married and are wanting to be the best friend your wife needs…. here are 15 BEST QUALITIES IN THE BEST FRIEND YOU MARRY. Yes, gentlemen, these are the qualities most women want to see in YOU.
A woman wants:
1. A MAN WHO BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN HER: Women always want to spend their life with someone that will make them a better person. Someone that will build them up, support them in their goals and wants them to find success. Someone that helps them become the person they know they can become.
2. A MAN THAT MAKES HER FEEL IMPORTANT: Women want to see your priorities and your lady wants to be your number one. You should never be “too busy” to call her on the phone just to say you love her. Life gets busy – we understand – but let your lady know, even though you have a lot going on, that you can’t stop thinking about her.
3. A MAN THAT RESPECTS AND/OR SHARES HER BELIEFS: An important quality that I always needed in my best friend, was someone that shared the same beliefs as me. He had to be a member of my church with the same standards that I grew up with. It is so nice to know that now as we bring children into our home and family, that religion is not an issue – and that we both can teach our daughter about God and Jesus Christ together through not only church and scriptures – but through our examples and how we live our lives.
4. A MAN THAT IS SOMEONE SHE CAN TRUST: Women don’t want to have to worry about where you are or what you are doing or who you are with. Be trustworthy. Be faithful. Be honest. Have integrity.
5. A MAN THAT UNDERSTANDS THEY MUST GIVE A LITTLE TO GET A LITTLE: A word many people don’t like: COMPROMISE. Sometimes gentlemen, you need to go see a chick flick in order for us to want to watch another football game with you.
6. A MAN THAT KNOWS HOW TO COMPLIMENT: Every woman needs to feel pretty. We love when you NOTICE things too. If your lady is wearing a new outfit – tell her how good she looks in it! If she gets her hair done {even if you can’t tell a difference because she only cut an inch off} – tell her how much you love it! Don’t be afraid to compliment, compliment, compliment!
7. A MAN THAT IS A GOOD TEXTER: This is something that is just necessary these days. When you are apart all day while you are at work and she is at home with the kids – send her a text saying that you miss her and can’t wait to come home. Texting is a great and easy way to stay in touch throughout the day and a great way to show her you care.
8. A MAN THAT IS SUPER GOOD LOOKING: Women want to marry someone they are physically attracted to – it’s pretty important. So take care of yourself, smell good and get ready when you see that girl of your dreams – she wants you to look your best.
9. A MAN THAT IS WELL-ROUNDED: Women want men that can be hilarious and fun, but then turn around and be gentle and thoughtful. Women want men that can be full of knowledge and teach them something new, but then can act like a kid and wrestle with their kids {or nieces and nephews} on the ground and make them giggle. Women want men that can save their money and take care of finances, but can splurge and take them on a shopping spree.
10. A MAN THAT DOESN’T MIND JUST HANGING OUT: Sometimes it is nice to just relax and not do ANYTHING. Don’t think you always have to entertain and go on crazy adventures – sometimes girls just want to hang out and stay in. Some of the best date nights are eating ice cream and watching a movie on the couch.
11. A MAN THAT MAKES HER LAUGH EVERY DAY: Be funny! Be light-hearted! Make her laugh and smile. This was a quality that I put on my paper when I was 12 and still put it on the list today. Life gets too serious – you need to spend it with those that make you happy!
12. A MAN THAT IS SENSITIVE AND UNDERSTANDING: Men, you probably know that women can get a little hormonal sometimes. They can become extremely sensitive and sometimes a little crazy. Sometimes we just need you to listen. We just need you to be sensitive to our feelings and understand where we are coming from. Be a listener and be careful how you treat her when she is upset.
13. A MAN THAT BALANCES HER OUT: My husband and I work great because we really balance each other out. On some things we are complete opposites – but it works! I am pretty loud and he is pretty quiet. I can sometimes do things without thinking and he always has a plan ahead. I have a hard time staying focused and he always has his eye on the goal. Women want to marry someone that makes their weaknesses, strengths.
14. A MAN THAT WILL LOVE HER FOREVER: Show her love – unconditional love. Surprise her. Take care of her. Hug her. Kiss her. Hold her hand. Let her know you aren’t letting her go.
15. A MAN THAT MAKES HER THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD: Last, but certainly not least – a woman wants a man that makes her happy. That is what life is all about! Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured!
Looking back at my letter that was written 15 years ago – I am so glad that I married someone who is even better than I ever dreamed of when I was 12 years old! Tall, dark and handsome?! He is much taller than me – tans pretty well – and sure is the most handsome guy I have ever seen!
What qualities do you love about your best friend? OR What qualities are most important to you when looking for a best friend?
Don’t forget to share this with your best friend –
August 21, 2014 at 1:59 am (11 years ago)I looove your blog!
This post is perfect.