I have always loved being with people – I guess you can call me a “people-person.” I love making new friends and staying connected with old friends from my past. When I think of the woman I have become, it is because of the true, good, hilarious, REAL friends that I have had in my life. Those girls that have made me laugh until I cry, come to my rescue when in need and have always known exactly what to say.
I love having girl time. I love laughing and talking about those things that only us girls understand – things that our husbands just will never get because they are men. I love having someone to call when I need advice. Someone to make me laugh when I need a smile. And someone to tell me not to wear that shirt with those pants ever again.
I was told once I became a mom, my world would be upside-down. I was warned that I would barely have time for myself – which in return meant I definitely wouldn’t have much time for my “girl time” anymore. I knew going into motherhood that my life would completely change…. and it did.
Two years ago, the doctor laid a perfect little lady into my arms. Her tiny features and coo-ing sounds made me stay up all night… for WEEKS! I couldn’t put her down. I was in absolute love and didn’t want to miss a thing.
One night as I was rocking her in our nursery, I found myself talking to her. I was telling her what a miracle she was. I was telling her how much she was loved. I was telling her how grateful I was that I got to be her MOM.
And then I said, “And guess what… YOU are my very best friend.”
I thought about that. This little person that I had just met – was instantly my best friend. I loved her more than anything! I wanted to be with her at ALL times. I worried about her. I fed her. I changed her. I played with her. I taught her. I snuggled her. I never wanted to leave her.
She really was my best friend… and she IS my best friend.
Never have I ever had a better best friend either! Someone to constantly play with, cuddle with and laugh with? Please! It was at that moment that I realized that EVERY woman needs to have a little best friend! In fact, there are many reasons why.

Photo by our talented photographer, Ms Wedding Image
15 Reasons EVERY woman NEEDS a toddler for a best friend:
1. TO MAKE YOU LAUGH: One of the top qualities in a best friend is often times, someone that can make you laugh. Someone that can put a smile on your face, no matter how sad or angry you feel. Someone that can help find that REAL laugh deep inside and that TRUE smile that you can’t hide.
Having a toddler best friend does that very thing! Whether you are sad and in their little voice asks “Mommy? You otay?” or that moment you walk in on them looking at themselves in the mirror dressed up in their costumes while making duck lips at the mirror … they make you laugh.
2. TO GET OUT OF THINGS: You know those best friends that got you out of that date you were dreading? After having a baby – you officially have an excuse to get out of anything you really don’t want to do. Baby is tired. Baby is poopy. Baby has to take a bath. Baby has to eat. Baby has to nap. Baby isn’t feeling well. Or even just simply – You have a baby! Your toddler best friend can get you out of any and all things you don’t feel like doing.
3. SO YOU NEVER HAVE TO BE ALONE… EVEN WHEN YOU PEE: Every woman needs a best friend that will be by their side no matter what – and having a toddler best friend takes that to a whole new level. NEVER will you ever have to be alone again! They will be by your side as you run errands, cook dinner, watch tv, go to the restroom and even sleep if you let them.
4. BECAUSE TWINNING WITH A LITTLE, IS TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE: As adults, we can’t really pull off twinning with our adult besties every day – but with a toddler best friend you absolutely can! Color coordinate or even match from head to toe and people will think it is the cutest thing in the world!
5. THEY GIVE YOU A WORKOUT WITHOUT GOING TO THE GYM: Forget about a gym buddy – you don’t even need the gym anymore with a toddler as your best friend! Toddlers are ALWAYS on the go and will keep you on your toes. Whether you are running around playing chase or picking them up because they just can’t seem to walk a few more feet – you get your cardio AND weights in all in one grocery store!
6. THEY WILL ALWAYS ANSWER HONESTLY: We all need that friend that will tell us when we don’t look very cute. That friend that will tell us we maybe should change or we made a mistake.
Toddlers are some of the most honest people on earth – if you ask them, they will tell you straight up, exactly how it is, without hesitation. Whether you ask them if they liked the yummy dinner you made them or if they want to help you clean up – they will tell you their opinion.
7. CUDDLES. NEED I SAY MORE?: There is nothing better in this world than baby and toddler cuddles. When your best friend is under the age of three – unlimited cuddles are the best reward a girl could ask for!
8. THEY KEEP YOU YOUNG: Adult best friends will age with you – and you will grow old together. But when your best friend is a toddler – you are young, wild and free: ALWAYS! They keep you learning. They keep you going. You will always be up to date on the latest episodes of Daniel Tiger and Doc McStuffins and you will know every song from Frozen and Kidz Bop.
9. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO DO: You may remember a time sitting around with your best friend, wondering what in the world you girls were going to be doing that night! Sometimes it felt like nothing was going on and it was just going to be another night eating pizza and watching a movie.
With a toddler best friend – expect to never be bored ever again! They will always find something to get into, somewhere to climb, a piece of furniture to color on or a song to dance to.
10. YOU GET TO PLAY DRESS UP – AND YOU’RE AN ADULT: By far my favorite thing about having a toddler as my best friend: a real life doll that you get to dress up however you want! Shopping is my weakness {am I alone, ladies?!} and having a little best friend to shop for now is SO fun too! Between cute leggings and headbands to princess dresses and pirate costumes – we average seven outfit changes a day.
11. THEY FORGIVE QUICKLY: Sometimes adults hold grudges – but toddlers, they don’t. No matter how awful of a mom or a friend you think you are right now… your toddler loves you anyways. A toddler best friend is happy and just wants to have fun. They don’t care what you look like or if you haven’t gotten ready in three days. They don’t care if the house is a mess or if dinner isn’t home cooked every night. They love you – just the way you are.
12. YOU LEARN FROM THEM: An important quality in any best friend — a good example. I have always liked to put myself with people who uplift me and make me want to be better. With a toddler as a best friend, you learn daily. You learn what is most important in life. You learn not to sweat the little things. You learn how to really have fun! You learn not to worry about what others think. You learn that life is precious and FAST. You learn how to be happy.
13. THEY REALLY UNDERSTAND YOU: When I first told my girl that she was my best friend – she didn’t quite understand me. She was only a few days old! But now that she is a toddler – she really does understand me. Toddlers get it. They get YOU. They get when you are sad or having a bad day. They get when you are happy and in a good mood. They really understand.
14. YOU’LL LOVE THEM SO MUCH YOUR HEART WILL FEEL LIKE IT IS GOING TO BURST: You know the love you have had for your best friends in the past? Now times that love by a million times seven – and THAT is the love you will feel when you have a toddler best friend.
15. THEY NEED YOU – JUST LIKE YOU NEED THEM: It’s nice to be needed – and in the eyes of your toddler best friend, you are ALL they need. Because when you are their mom, they look up to you, to know how to act. They hold on to your leg, to know where to go. They look into your eyes, to seek for the truth. They hold your hand, to feel protected. They give you a hug, to thank you. They hang on to you tight, in hopes you never let go.