18 Awesome Mormon Bloggers You Should Know | Today's the Best Day

18 Awesome Mormon Bloggers You Should Know

It is always SO fun to find new blogs to follow and to find new sources for upliftment and encouragement! I am extremely honored and super excited to be included in this group of 18 of the most AWESOME Mormon Bloggers out there. These women are beautiful inside and out and I KNOW you will love them…. here are a handful of the best bloggers you should start following!

Looking for some new blogs to follow? These are some of the best.

Awesome Mormon Bloggers You Should Know


Alexis Tanner, We Like to Learn As We Go




I’m a SAHM to 3 kids 4 and under so life can be a little crazy! I love to blog about how I’m learning to be a mom, family activities, crafts, recipes, product reviews, book reviews, and giveaways. Come learn with me!


Check out a few of her posts:


Kids’ Painted Valentine’s Bags

Father’s Day Shirt Cake

Chewy Eggnog Cookies


Brittany Bullen, BrittanyBullen.com and International Bloggers Association


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My mission is BrittanyBullen.com is to help my readers discover the incredible potential within them. I love musicals, marketing, writing, the occasional DIY project and talking about how much better life is since I joined the LDS church. I started the International Bloggers’ Association to create a community of supportive bloggers who are dedicated to helping each other succeed.


Check out these posts:


DIY Marble Countertop Look for Under $30

How to Audition Like a Pro When You Feel Like an Amateur

9 Reasons to Stop Being Afraid of Mormons



Kathleen Clegg, Fearlessly Creative Mammas




We are very close sisters (in heart, not distance) who blog together on all things creative and on family. We love to create recipes, craft projects, and DIY. We also do some book reviews because we both love to read. We have some family members with Celiac Disease, so expect us to throw in some gluten free cooking along the way.

We love to get our inspiration for our projects from our real life so that not only can we use what we’re creating, but so our readers can use the project as well. You won’t find anything too fancy on our blog because we are not fancy people.

We are moms like many of you. We enjoy spending time with our families, traveling and sitting on the beach. (One of us actually lives by the beach. The other, not so much.) We get together as much as we can, but it isn’t often enough, so we talk on the phone almost daily. We love blogging and hope you will swing by our blog and check it out.


Check out a few of their posts:


Chemo Bucket of Cheer

Chocolate and Vanilla Sandwich Cookies

Grandma’s Butterscotch Cookies


Candice Schenk, She’s Crafty




I’m a crafty girl who is a wife, mother, daughter of our Heavenly Father, photographer, wanna be interior decorator, party thrower, Young Women leader, organizer, power tool enthusiast, craft supply hoarder, and lover of all things creative. My little part of the blog world reflects all of these things.


Check out a few of her posts:


Harry Potter Birthday Party

Girls Camp Treats

Home Tour: Craft Room


Stephanie Loiaza, Six Sisters Stuff




We are six biological sisters who started our blog to stay in touch with each other. As it has grown, we decided to just focus on quick and simple family recipes, easy DIYS, fun activities for families, and home projects.


Check out a few of their posts:


Fresh Food Friday: 50 Easy and Delicious Chicken Breast Recipes

One Bowl Chocolate Cake (made from scratch!)

25 Easy Hairstyles With Braids


Amberly L, A Prioritized Marriage


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The goal of A Prioritized Marriage is to inspire other couples to put their marriage first and make an effort every day to build up their relationship with each other, no matter what life brings. There is always room for growth and learning in your relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together. If you want a strong marriage, you have to work at it continuously. You have to be willing to set aside your pride and look for ways that you can improve in your role as a spouse and make your marriage better. It is important to not only set goals that you can work toward as a couple, but also to look at what you can do personally to help your marriage be amazing!

The goal of A Prioritized Marriage is not to portray what a perfect marriage should look like, because marriage relationships aren’t perfect and no two marriages are the same. The posts that you find here will always be a transparent and honest portrayal of a real married relationship that is constantly growing and evolving. The purpose of this blog is not to say what you should or shouldn’t be doing in order to have a happy and successful marriage. The purpose of this blog is to encourage couples to look at their own marriages, find areas where there is room for improvement, and set goals to help their marriage relationship reach its full potential!

A Prioritized Marriage is written for everyone. Whether you’re still single and preparing for a future relationship, dating someone and starting to think about marriage, engaged and planning for a future together, or married for any length of time, you can choose to change the future of your marriage relationship now and apply these posts to your life.


Check out a few of her posts:


Why A Prioritized Marriage?

The Man I Didn’t Even Know I Needed

The Time I Took It To Facebook


Looking for some new blogs to follow? These are some of the best.


Bobbie at A Vision to Remember




I first found my love for sewing when I had my first daughter 7 years ago. Since then, all 3 of my girls and my little boy have been my inspiration for everything I do. Right now, I love to make and sew rag quilts, car seat tents, baby blanket, rag quilt patterns, car seat tent patterns, ruffled curtains. Many times you can find me in my sewing room sewing away at customer orders, but when I am not doing that I enjoy blogging. You can find sewing, home decor, craft, and DIY tutorials on my blog along with updates to shop, A Vision to Remember.


I hope you find your “Vision to Remember” Inspiration here on my blog or in my shop.


Check out a few of her posts:


7 Ways I Use Vinegar to Clean

Easiest Quilt Binding Method Ever!

How To Decorate a Large Wall


Camille Walker, My Mommy Style




My Mommy Style is written by three women that also happen to be family! Camille and Janae are sisters and Melissa is their cousin. We wanted to create a space online that we could share the beauty of motherhood and family life. We believe there is not just ONE right way to be a Mother and we enjoy sharing those different “styles” to our readers in hopes that they can find something that will influence them in a positive way. It is so easy to compare one’s self to others and we hope to encourage women to be the best Mom that they are no matter the differences.

We share parenting tips, recipes, travel, activities, inspiring stories, fashion, health, decor, holiday fun, fitness, DIY, and learning activities for children.


Check out a few of their posts:


Healthy Lunch Box Ideas – Week 2

A Complete Guide to Nursing Your Baby

He Knows Us By Name


Andie Thueson, Maybe I Will




I know from experience how hard it can be to stay fit and healthy while raising children or meeting the demands of a career! My aim is to make fitness and healthy eating simple and fun! Just because you need to lose some weight or get in shape doesn’t mean it has to be this exhausting chore! I firmly believe that fitness and health is NOT a destination!! It’s a way of life! So follow along on my day to day journey as I am navigating motherhood, my waistline, AND my sanity! So what can you expect?!?! …You can expect; Kick Boot-ay workouts, drool worthy healthy recipes, and AWESOME Tips to help you become a more Positive, Fit and Healthy Person! – Plus lots of fun!


Check out a few of her posts:


Why I Love to Work Out (and You Should Too!)

Finding Your Balance By Making Me Time a Priority

10 Exercises You Should Re-Embrace From Your Childhood


Heidi Hillman, A Lively Hope




I’m Heidi: a maker, mama, dreamer and planner. A Lively Hope is a place for me to share all the things I love. I tell the story of our family, including my handsome engineering genius husband and our three miracle children (one biological girl and two adopted boys). Here you’ll find everything from books and homeschooling to home improvement projects and goals. I love to scripture journal, create art and make things. I share thoughts on faith, parenting and taking time to develop our talents. I love to share free printables and ideas to help your busy family. I hope I can offer the inspiration and encouragement you need.


Check out a few of her posts:


In Which I Share Strong Feelings About Feeding Our Children

2015 LDS Free Primary Theme and Scripture (Free Printable)

Chunky Crochet Blanket Pattern


Aubrey Zaruba, AubreyZaruba.com


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I’m a working girl dreaming about someday being a stay at home something. Like my life, my blog is about a little bit of everything. I blog about fashion, running, recipes, travel, happenings, crafts, and everything in between. I love connecting with others, and I want everyone to be my best friend.


Check out a few of her posts:


Random Rambling… The 10th Wheel

Weddings and Wedding Cake… Steve and Rachel

Random Rambling… Dating+Giveaway


Danielle Davis, Today’s The Best Day




A website dedicated to celebrating the journey of motherhood and enhancing every mom’s parenting experience. Danielle, the owner and creator of Today’s The Best Day, was told at a young age that she probably would not have the opportunity to become a mom – and her dreams were shattered. But after several years of fertility treatments and countless prayers – she learned that miracles DO happen! With a desire to better the lives of women everywhere, Danielle created this website to be a place where women can come together to strive to make EVERY day, the BEST day for themselves, their marriages and their families.


Habits of a Successful Mom

10 Ways to Stay “Best Friends Forever” With Your Husband

Dos and Don’ts of Being a Good Mom


Meredith Ethington, Perfection Pending




I’m a mother of 3 writing about my quest to stop trying to be the perfect mother, and just be the mother I was always meant to be. I love encouraging other moms to do the same! I like to write about all the “perfect” and not-so-perfect moments I encounter everyday raising my three kids. I also occasionally share recipes that my kids will actually eat, so that maybe you can try them out on your kids too. Just call me your test kitchen.


How to Become the “Sorry Not Sorry” Mom

The Survival Skill Every Parent Needs

Asian Chicken Salad


Staci Potter, The Potters’ Place




The Potters-Place is a blog where you will find a creative place to show what we are creating, making, DIY-ing, and doing at our place. We hope to help inspire you to create a happy, simple home! We sale a monthly box called the Potter Packs. They sale for $20.00 a month and that includes shipping. We like to keep it a secret but we can tell you this, each pack contains a printable, a yummy treat, seasonal items, a craft, cute things to wear and other fabulous items we know you will love.


Craft Room

Glitter Pens

Thrifty Finds


Mandy Beyster, Sugarbee Crafts




Hi! I’m Mandy and I blog at http://www.SugarBeeCrafts.com, where you’ll find all sorts of awesomeness. If I can do a project, you can too, and I love to show you how with step-by-step tutorials. Crafts, DIY, sewing, recipes, and so much more. I have 4 kiddos and enjoy living in the midwest, where we are currently building our own home (the ultimate DIY!!)


Check out a few of her posts:


DIY Foam Frames of Awesomeness

Giant Picture Tutorial

Nightstands – From a Desk!


Lisa at Pebbles and Piggytails






Pebbles & Piggytails is all about inspiring families to make life meaningful! Whether it’s making a recipe or craft together, or just finding time together I believe in making moments count. I learned this first-hand when I was in a auto-pedestrian accident while 6 months pregnant in 2007. Although the driver was intoxicated, we miraculously survived and learned how precious life can be. I believe there is no way to have a perfect family, but that you can enjoy being together no matter how you live. I’m just a freckled-face, down-to-earth girl who loves simple but meaningful things. My blog is full of yummies and crafts to make as well as DIY projects and fun family activities. I also blog about funny parenting stories, finding joy, and all the lessons learned along the way. Come make your day meaningful!


Read some of her posts:

My Accident and Miracle

Simple Frozen Birthday Party Ideas

A Quick, Cheap, Sugar Popcorn Treat


Katelyn Fagan at What’s Up Fagans?





What’s up Fagans? is a blog about Katelyn Fagan and her family’s adventure in this awesome, totally hard thing called life. They keep things real, honest, practical, and simple. At What’s up Fagans? you’ll find posts that are helpful to your soul, your home, your health, your children, and your spouse. The Fagans are a simple, imperfect, frugal, faithful lot, who want to help you find balance, happiness, love, beauty, and joy in your everyday life.


Check out a few of her posts:


Why I’m Not Telling My Kids They Can Be Whatever They Want to Be

How to Get Over the Fear of Pregnancy After a Miscarriage

I’m a Bad Mom and So Are You


Elizabeth Lund at Balm to My Soul





I’m Elizabeth! I am a wife, mother, blogger, speaker and therapist. The focus of Balm to My Soul is to uplift, inspire and empower men and women. I love to blog about what I do, so you will find food (yum!), DiY projects, life lessons, articles on well-being, faith (I’m a Mormon!), and other great resources. So, come on over. Stay a while. Share your story with me! Maybe we can learn something together.


Check out her posts:


9 Essentials to Teach Your Daughter About Body Image

The Five Minutes That Changed My Life


Camille Gillham, Chicken Scratch n Sniff




Our mission at Chicken Scratch n Sniff is to strengthen the individual, teacher, and family. Find LDS lesson helps (Primary and Relief Society), scripture studies and journals, family time activities, and more!


Snuggle Up To Some Netflix Movies Tonight

Studying the Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson

The Miracles of Jesus: An Easter Scripture Study


That’s all, folks!


I hope you’ve found some new people to meet in this list. I know I did!

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8 Comments on 18 Awesome Mormon Bloggers You Should Know

  1. Mindy Stratton
    April 10, 2017 at 3:32 am (8 years ago)

    I just started a blog and have been looking for ideas. This will help me so much! Thank you for your help!

  2. Ellie
    January 20, 2017 at 12:44 am (8 years ago)

    This is super cool! Im 18 and I started blogging about a year ago and I get so excited when I find other LDS bloggers!

    • Valerie
      March 6, 2017 at 5:19 am (8 years ago)

      Ellie I’m so impressed you started blogging at 17! What’s the name of your blog?

  3. Tarsila
    July 27, 2016 at 7:04 pm (9 years ago)

    Thank you so much. I am looking forward to reading all about each others lives.

  4. Emilee
    May 27, 2016 at 8:21 pm (9 years ago)

    Danielle: Thanks so much for this list. I’ve recently started my own blog and have hard time finding other mormon mom bloggers in my niche. This list was a big help! Love your blog design, articles, personal story etc. You help me remember what a blessing it is to be a mom!

  5. Dustin Fife
    October 6, 2015 at 5:16 pm (9 years ago)

    It sounds like the men need to represent!

  6. Marina Nikitovic
    June 26, 2015 at 9:30 am (10 years ago)

    Hey Katelyn Fagan from What’s Up Fagans? is also one of our Top Mom Bloggers!
    So cool! 🙂


  7. Betsy
    March 17, 2015 at 9:19 pm (10 years ago)

    Thanks Danielle. I’ve started to look for some more LDS bloggers to follow. You just gave me several evenings of blog reading. Love it. Thanks again. By the way, I don’t comment often but I really like this blog too.


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