What to Expect When Having a Girl Baby | Today's the Best Day

20 of the BEST Things About Having A GIRL

I was wearing a blue striped shirt with white maternity capris. My little 17-week baby bump was popping through and I was SO excited! My husband and I were on our way to our Gender Reveal Party to find out if our little miracle was a boy or a girl.

Eight years before that day, I was told that it would take a miracle for me to have a baby. I dreamed of the day I would one day see a positive pregnancy test. I prayed for the day to come that I would feel a baby inside of me. And I imagined what it would be like to have a little baby bump sticking out from my shirt…and there I was. We had beaten the odds! And we were finally experiencing the joys of parenthood.

We arrived at the party and the box I had made was securely closed so we couldn’t peek. We had been to the doctor a few days prior and had the doctor write the sex of our baby on a piece of paper and NOT show us. I gave the paper to my mother-in-law, who had permission to look at the paper in private, then order pink or blue {depending on what the pice of paper said} balloons and fill them in a box. We planned on having our Gender Reveal Party with all of our friends and family to celebrate our new miracle. We would open up the box in front of everyone, so we could all find out the sex of our baby together! {You can see all the details about that and how to throw your own party here!}

I KNEW we were having a boy. You know those motherly instincts us women just have!? For 17 weeks I called the little baby “he” “him” and “the baby boy.” That was why I was wearing a blue shirt.

Our friends and family arrived. We had pink and blue candy with pink and blue cake pops. We played a few games, took a poll and made mustaches and lips for picture props. It was soon time for the big reveal and my husband and I tore open the box as fast as we could…. and out they flew… PINK Balloons!


I couldn’t believe it. Tears came flooding out of my eyes and we were SO excited. A baby GIRL. WE couldn’t believe it.


Photo by our fabulous photographer Ms. Wedding Image

As a first-time mom, I didn’t know what to expect… in fact, I STILL don’t know what to expect!  Motherhood is still new to me and I am constantly learning and hopefully improving every single day! But one thing I know for sure, is that my baby girl changed my life.

No matter what the sex is – Babies are fun. Babies are special. They are absolutely exhausting, extremely precious and 100% perfect. But most of all, babies are absolutely WORTH it. And today, we are talking about baby GIRLS.

When you find out you are having a girl you automatically think of PINK, bows and princesses! Girls are just that, but so much more too! Here are just 20 {out of a MILLION!} of the BEST Things About Having A GIRL.

What to Expect When Having a Girl Baby

1. THE CLOTHES: Let’s start with the obvious. We all LOVE to go shopping for baby showers when they are expecting GIRLS! Racks and racks FULL of pink, leopard, dresses, vests, skirts, leggings and bows. You better watch out though – baby girls can completely BREAK the bank! Their clothes are just TOO much to handle. I can’t even talk about it. We could go on and on. {See more about baby girl fashion here}

2. HER HAIR: Some girls are blessed with beautiful locks when they are born. Some girls are bald until they are three. Some girls have “hot mess hair” which is the category my little one falls under. But thats why girls are fun! No matter what – there are so many different ways to style it AND if all else fails: slap on the big bow and you are good to go!

3. HAVING A MINI-ME: Twinning. And you better do it NOW before they have their own opinions {at least that is what everyone tells me.} So, we do! And you should too! If you don’t like to match exactly the same, we at least color coordinate on a daily basis.

Leopard Mom and Baby Twins

Photo from Pinterest

4. TUTUS, CROWNS AND MAKE-UP: Oh the girly girl things! Need I say more?!

5. PLAY SPORTS, GO ON HIKES AND GETTING DIRTY: Not all girls are girly. And not all moms want their girls to be girly. But that is the beauty of having a GIRL. They can also still play sports, run around, get dirty, watch football and play with cars.

tomboy hat

Photo from Pinterest

6. A BETTER APPRECIATION FOR YOUR MOM: When they place that little girl in your arms, you immediately fall in love and want the very best for her. You want her to be happy. You want her to be successful. You want her to be healthy. You want her to experience real JOY in her life. But you know she is going to have trials, heartache and bad days – so you just hold on to her for as long as you can. And you realize your mom feels the exact same way about you.

7. A GIRL CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY ACCESSORIES: Bows on bows on bows – big, small, sparkles, leather, flowers and fur. Girls love necklaces, earrings, bracelets, purses and shoes.


Photo from Pinterest

8. MANIS AND PEDIS: Your friend can’t make it to get her nails done with you? No worries! You have a baby GIRL… and she would love to join you!

9. SHE WILL BE MOMMY’S LITTLE HELPER: She will want to sweep with your broom. Dust with your cloth. Unload the dishwasher. Help fold laundry. And even organize the DVDs… well the last one isn’t always the most helpful. 😉

10. THE AUTOMATIC MOTHERLY INSTINCT: Baby girls love their baby dolls. Your heart will melt when you find her in the corner one day, rocking her baby to sleep saying “shhhhh” and giving kisses. Oh, be still my heart!


Photo from ChaCha

11. YOU CAN DRESS THEM IN BOY CLOTHES AND IT IS OKAY: Not too many boys can pull off wearing girl clothes. BUT the thing about girls, is they can wear Ninja Turtles, DC, Hurley and Batman to make daddy happy! Just put a bow on her and she is good to go!

12. YOU’LL UNDERSTAND HER: You’re a girl – so you know how she feels. You have dealt with mean girls.You have dealt with hormones. You have dealt with boys. You will be able to connect with her on a different level than anyone else can. She will trust you and love you. She will call you when she needs a recipe. She will text you when she is having a bad day. She will ask you for help when she needs it. Because YOU have been in her shoes.

mommy daughter

Photo by ShaiLynn Photography

13. YOU WILL FALL MORE IN LOVE WITH YOUR MAN BECAUSE OF HER: Babies change your marriage – it is true. {you can read more about that here} But I never knew I could fall more in love with my husband, until I saw him become a dad. A daddy LOVES his daughter. There is a special connection they have. To hear our girl say, “DA-DA!” and run to him, might be my favorite thing… EVER. She dances on his toes, he tickles her to make her giggle and she is the only girl I let him kiss.

14. SHE WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSON: Having a girl makes you want to do good. You suddenly have the urge to serve others because you want her to learn how to serve. You suddenly want to make her laugh because you want her to be happy. You suddenly want to not criticize your self-image because you want her to know she is beautiful. You suddenly want to spend more time in the kitchen because you want her to learn how to cook. You suddenly want to put your phone away, turn off the computer and slow time down because you realize with just a blink of an eye she will be grown.

15. SHE WILL GROW UP AND BE YOUR BEST FRIEND: One of my favorite quotes says, “A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.”

When those pink balloons came out of that box, I had no idea what was ahead of me – but looking back, I wouldn’t have changed it for a thing. Because I am better than I was yesterday…because of my girl.

What is your favorite thing about having a baby?! A girl or a boy?! I would love to hear from you!

And as always, don’t forget to share this with your friends!

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7 Comments on 20 of the BEST Things About Having A GIRL

  1. J
    November 4, 2016 at 3:26 am (8 years ago)

    The title says 20, but there are 15 FYI. 🙂

    July 6, 2016 at 1:05 am (9 years ago)


  3. Melodi Steinberg
    October 27, 2014 at 5:22 am (10 years ago)

    After having two boys and then getting my little girl I couldn’t agree with you more! I love the photos of your daughter in the red heels!

  4. Kira Thompson
    October 21, 2014 at 6:14 pm (10 years ago)

    I have a little girl and iI love this list!

  5. Monica
    October 21, 2014 at 4:33 pm (10 years ago)

    Aww, this is wonderful. I have a girl who is almost 21 now with her own little girl. Girls are amazing – great list!

  6. Anita
    October 21, 2014 at 4:24 am (10 years ago)

    I’m pregnant with our girl… She is due in just a little over a month! I loved this post! I’m too looking forward to all of these fun things.

    One of the things I’m interested to see is how my husband reacts. My SIL told me that when they had a girl my brother melted and has been forever changed (they have 3 boys). I’m curious to see how our baby girl effects daddy. I bet she’ll have him wrapped around her finger. :). Can’t wait!!

  7. CourtneyLynne
    October 21, 2014 at 12:12 am (10 years ago)

    Cute pics ❤❤❤ and little girls are so much funnn!!! I have a princess myself 😉


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