20 Phrases 20-Somethings Say That Make You Cray-Cray | Today's the Best Day

20 Phrases 20-Somethings Say That Make You Cray-Cray

I like to consider myself your average 20-something girl. As the daunting 3-0 mark gets closer and closer, I find that there are quite a few special phrases and words that only people in my age bracket use.

I just spent some time at a family reunion up in the mountains. The weather was gorgeous and everyday was SO fun! One day we walked outside of our cabin and I saw one of my cute cousins in the BEST little outfit. Without hesitation, I said, “STOOOP! You are totes adorbs! I am literally dying!”

Those phrases are just a part of my daily vocabulary. I never really thought anything of it. I say it – my friends say it – sometimes my husband says it, making fun of me. But I just figured everyone knew what they meant. But suddenly, my Grandpa looked over and said, “What did you just say?” with the most confused and concerned look on his face.

I sat there for a minute and realized my Grandpa had no idea what I had just said! I didn’t really mean to “stop,” he had no idea what “totes adorbs” meant and I especially wanted to make sure he knew I wasn’t LITERALLY dying.

20 phrases 20 somethings say that make you cray cray

Photos in the post by MS Wedding Image

Here are the Top 20 Phrases 20-Somethings Say That Make You Cray-Cray. Carry this around with you, so you will always know what in the world these girls are actually talking about.

1. CRAY CRAY: Let’s start with the basics. Cray Cray was in the title of this article so we definitely need to define it first. Definition: CRAZY! Used in a sentence: “My life is seriously cray cray right now! I am so busy!”

2. I KNOW, RIGHT?: It may sound like they are asking a question, but they aren’t. Definition: They are agreeing with whatever you said right before. Used in a sentence: You: Chocolate is THE BEST! They say: “I know, right?!”

3. STOOOP!: If you watch the Bachelor, Andi Dorfman said this on a daily basis. Definition: They can’t believe what you are saying! It is too good to be true! It is another word for “no way!” Used in a sentence: Simply…. “STOOOOP! Get out of here!”

4. SO, BASICALLY: Most girls say this when they are starting a story they are very passionate about. Definition: Get ready, because here comes some juice. Used in a sentence: “So BASICALLY, we aren’t friends anymore.”

5. WHAT A BEAUT: Because who has time to say full words these days? Definition: Beautiful. Beauty. Whatever it is – they love it! Used in a sentence: “That swimsuit is a BEAUT!”

6. JUST SAYIN’: A common term when girls say something that might be a bit offensive and to cover up their backs they throw this saying out there. Definition: They are just trying to help. Used in a sentence: “I would never wear that outfit – just sayin’.”

7. I CAN’T EVEN: Definition: They are in shock. They can’t believe what they are seeing. Used in a sentence: “I can’t even! I can’t even take any more of that cuteness!”

8. SERIOUSLY RIGHT NOW?: Definition: They are questioning what is going on in the current situation. Used in a sentence: “Seriously, right now? You are going to let that happen?”

9. BUT LOOK HOW MUCH I SAVED: The sentence ever man hears after his wife comes home with 9 bags from Target and a credit card bill for $300. Definition: They are trying to justify spending all of your money. Used in a sentence: “But look how much I saved! It was going to be $600, but I got ALL of this for only $300! I saved us HALF the money!” My husband’s normal response: “But you still spent $300.”

10. THAT SOUNDS PERF: Definition: Perfect. Excellent. Perfection. Used in a sentence: “That sounds PERF! Can’t wait to see you!”

Laughing girl

11. YEAH, NO: A bit confusing – you may ask yourself if they mean “no” why don’t they just say “no?” But it is because we like what you said and we are acknowledging it! Definition: They are agreeing with you – but their answer is NO. Used in a sentence: You: I hate tomatoes. Them: “Yeah, no! Me neither!”

12. TOTES ADORBS: Definition: Totally Adorable. Used in sentence: “You are totes adorbs!”

13. TMI and DEETS: You are probably thinking, what in the world? Definition: Too Much Information and Details. Used in sentence: “That is TMI! I do not need any more deets!”

14. I’M SO DONE: Normally used when upset. Definition: They are tired of a situation and are giving up. Used in sentence: “I am so done with this conversation.”

15. I AM LITERALLY DYING: Don’t worry – they aren’t literally dying. Definition: Whatever you just showed them is making them SO happy. Used in sentence: “I am literally dying. That is hilarious!”

16. I’M TAKING A BREAK FROM SOCIAL MEDIA: How many times have you heard this one? Definition: They lost their phone or their computer died and they want you to be proud of them for not being on it for three hours. Used in sentence: “I’m taking a break from Social Media. I have been off of it for 10 hours!”

17. I’M SO OLD: Definition: They are feeling old at the moment, even though you know they aren’t. Used in sentence: “I am SO old! I am such a Grandma!”

18. OBVI: Definition: Obviously. Used in sentence: “Obvi I am too busy for that right now.”

19. DON’T JUDGE ME: Definition: They are about to tell you something they aren’t ashamed of, but you think might be a little crazy.  Used in sentence: “Don’t judge me, but I use all of these phrases in my daily vocabulary.”

20. I’M OBSESSED: Definition: They LOVE something. Used in sentence: “That shirt makes you look SO skinny! I’m obsessed.”

Whether you are in your 20’s or a little more seasoned, you may hear these words and phrases in different situations. Now you have a little reference to turn to next time you aren’t sure what someone means.

My family reunion was coming to a close and as I gave my Grandpa a hug goodbye, he whispered in my ear, “You are a beaut.” I guess hanging out with a 20-something girl, gets you talking like one! 🙂

What other phrases do you use or hear girls use? I would love to hear from you!

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3 Comments on 20 Phrases 20-Somethings Say That Make You Cray-Cray

  1. Jennifer
    August 8, 2014 at 7:31 pm (11 years ago)

    I love it!!! I am nowhere near my 20’s bit I’ve been saying “I know, right?” since I was! My 9 year old says Cray-Cray and totes adorb. My husband just shakes his head and moves on, lol.

  2. Rebecca
    August 7, 2014 at 10:43 pm (11 years ago)

    I found your post via Pinterest. I’m definitely not in your age group, but I was familiar with all of the expressions. It surprised me, though, to see “beaut” on your list, and I love the grandpa story. You should probably know that he already knew “beaut.” My dad was born in 1919, and he said it all the time! In fact, he probably passed away before you were born. Here’s another of his expressions: “Everything old will be new again.”

    • Danielle Davis
      August 8, 2014 at 12:49 am (11 years ago)

      Rebecca, that is such a wonderful saying! It’s so funny how so many things recycle to become new again. In our language and in fashion so many things that are old become new! Thank you for finding us on Pinterest and for leaving a comment today. It sounds like your grandpa and I would have got along.


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