The other day I was talking to my husband and I said that I was in my “mid-20’s” and he quickly corrected me and said, “I am sorry to break it to you, but you are now in your LATE-20’s.” When he said that, I just about had a heart attack and fell off my chair! My LATE 20’s?! NO. Not possible! I still feel like I just graduated from High School and that I am still super fun, hip and young! Right?!!?There is no way I am in my LATE 20’s.
We were talking about this on the beach a few weeks ago and this woman came up to me and said, “I was listening to your conversation about being in your late 20’s. Right now you are just 20-something and when you turn 30+, you then are a 20-something with a few years of extra experience. That way you will ALWAYS be in your 20’s and you never have to say “LATE.”
She made me feel so much better. I am 20-something,folks – I am NOT in my late 20’s!
No matter how old you are – whether you are a freshman in college and this is your first year away from home, or you are ninety-nine and have a lot of experience under you belt – YOU are special. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are – there are a few things that every woman should know.
As as a wife, as a mom, as a sister, as a friend, as an employee, as a student, as a girlfriend, as a WOMAN – we each have our own experiences, trials and heartaches. At the same time, we each have our own joys, celebrations and really good days!
Photo by our talented photographer, Ms. Wedding Image
I have always loved collecting my favorite quotes and things I hear that make me feel GOOD! So today, I have compiled a list of 20 THINGS EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. These are the top bullets in life that you should ALWAYS remember, no matter what:
1. YOU ARE BRAVER THAN YOU BELIEVE, STRONGER THAN YOU SEEM AND SMARTER THAN YOU THINK {Christopher Robin}: Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You can really do hard things!
2. YOU’LL HAVE BAD TIMES, BUT IT’LL ALWAYS WAKE YOU UP TO THE GOOD STUFF YOU WEREN’T PAYING ATTENTION TO {Robin Williams}: Sometimes when bad things happen to good people, we wonder why?! But often times those hard days, help us recognize the real blessings in our lives. And normally those blessings are RIGHT in front of our faces {good friends, sweet babies/children and/or a loving spouse}.
3. GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE, BETTER THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO ARE PATIENT AND THE BEST THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO DON’T GIVE UP: Our family motto is “The best things in life are worth waiting for” and I truly believe that. Don’t ever give up on something you want. Anything is possible. I was told I would never have the opportunity to be a mom and I am one now! NEVER give up.
4. SMILE BECAUSE YOU ARE LOVED: It is easy for us to forget this and you may have times you feel alone. But always remember who you are! If it seems like the world is against you and everyone around is putting you down – you are a Daughter of God! And He loves you more than you know.
5. SOMETIMES WHEN THINGS ARE FALLING APART, THEY MAY ACTUALLY BE FALLING INTO PLACE: We only know so much – often times the big picture is bigger and better than we can even imagine.
6. BE BELIEVING, BE HAPPY, DON’T GET DISCOURAGED, THINGS WILL WORK OUT {Gordon B. Hinckley}: Things will ALWAYS work out. Need I say more?
7. HAPPINESS IS A PERFUME YOU CANNOT POUR ON OTHERS, WITHOUT GETTING A FEW DROPS ON YOURSELF {RW Emerson}: Happiness is contagious! Serve others. Be kind to everyone. Don’t gossip or say mean things about others. When we are nice to others, happiness just clicks and everyone seems to have a better attitude.
8. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO LIFT YOU HIGHER: {Oprah} As women, we need to be with those who make us feel GOOD! We need to be with those that support us and help us become the person we want to become. Not only hang out with those who are good for you, but be the good for others too.
9. BE A GIRL WITH A MIND, A WOMAN WITH ATTITUDE AND A LADY WITH CLASS: A well-rounded woman is always a good thing. Be smart, be sassy and be kind – sounds easy, right?!
10. LET YOUR DREAMS BE BIGGER THAN YOUR FEARS: I love the quote, “Don’t let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.” Do what makes you happy and don’t be afraid to fail. You can always pick yourself up and try again.
11. DISAPPOINTMENTS ARE JUST GOD’S WAY OF SAYING “I HAVE GOT SOMETHING BETTER”: Sometimes God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. At the time we may want something so bad, but it is withheld from us. But once it happens, we realize why the timing was so important.
12. JUST KEEP SWIMMING {Dory from Finding Nemo}: I have a one-year-old who is obsessed with fish… obviously I had to throw Dory in here. Just keep going… just keep going…
13. LEAVE A LITTLE SPARKLE WHEREVER YOU GO: Be you and have FUN! Try to be that girl that made everyone feel a little better about themselves.
14. ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN: When we think positively, life is just a lot better, isn’t it?! There is always something super fun right around the corner – so enjoy it!
15. GOOD MOMS HAVE STICKY FLOORS, DIRTY OVENS, PILES OF LAUNDRY AND HAPPY KIDS: Sometimes the cleaning just needs to be put to the side. Chores can wait – celebrate your family and spend as much time with them as possible.
16. DON’T LET THE NOISE OF OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS DROWN OUT YOUR INNER VOICE: {Steve Jobs} As a woman, YOU know that is best for YOU and YOUR family. Follow your heart and do what you know is the right thing.
17. FRIENDSHIP IS NOT ABOUT WHO YOU HAVE KNOWN THE LONGEST. IT’S ABOUT WHO WALKED INTO YOUR LIFE, SAID “I’M HERE FOR YOU” AND PROVED IT: Sometimes the best friends we have are only in our lives for a short time. Everyone enters into your life for a reason – make that reason a good one. And celebrate those who make a difference in your life. I know SO many people have made a positive impact on my life that I am SO grateful for – and they don’t even know it.
18. EVEN MIRACLES TAKE A LITTLE TIME {The Fairy Godmother from Cinderella}: Sometimes miracles happen quickly and sometimes they take YEARS – but for those who have faith, they happen.
19. GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN: And guess what?! That is TOTALLY fine! Have a girls night. Take a bath. Watch The Bachelor. Go on a hot date. Do something that you LOVE and that makes you feel good!
20. BE THE REASON SOMEONE SMILES TODAY: I had this on my mirror for a really long time and I saw it every day when I got ready for work. To this day, it is my goal to try to make someone smile. To try to make someone a little happier. Be the reason! YOU have the power.
What an important role women play in the world these days! Not only can we make a difference in the future – but we can make a difference today! Whether you are single or married, no kids or 10 kids – know that YOU are important. Know that you can make someone happy today. And know that you can be an example, a leader and light to the world!
Don’t forget to share with the women in your life! –
August 28, 2014 at 1:06 am (11 years ago)You forgot what I think is the most important thing every woman needs to know. You can say no, you don’t owe any explanation to anyone ever and no doesn’t mean convince me. It took me 20 odd years to figure this one out for myself and it shocks me to think that no one ever thought to explain it.
Jana Seitzer
August 27, 2014 at 2:51 am (11 years ago)I love this! What a great inspirational post!