20 Things Nobody Told You About Motherhood | Today's the Best Day

20 Things Nobody Told You About Motherhood

I received an email the other day from a young girl who just found out she was pregnant.

Her letter stated, “I want to be excited to be pregnant and to be a mom, but I’m not. I am struggling with the idea of becoming a mom and caring for a little human! I hear all the time how I won’t have any time for myself to even shower, I won’t even think about my husband anymore and my house will be a complete disaster… and honestly, I don’t know how I am going to handle that.”

Often times when we find out we are are expecting, we hear about how hard motherhood can be and how life-changing it is. It can be discouraging and nerve racking.

But today, I share with you the things that nobody has told you about motherhood. These are the things that moms that you have talked to about becoming a mom, may have forgotten.

20 Things Nobody Tells You About Motherhood - BEAUTIFUL! Every mom must read!

Photography by Brittany Busk Photography

1. YOU WILL BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: We’re talking FIRST first sight – I mean, before the baby is even born. Someone will tell you that pregnancy is hard and miserable, but they probably won’t tell you how your heart will want to burst with the very first ultrasound you will ever have. The baby will look like a little gummy bear, bouncing around inside of you, but you will cry. You will love the baby. You will listen to his heart, beating with yours. You will cherish every hiccup, every twirl and every kick inside of you. You will not even be able to describe the love you have for the little thing, before you even get to hold him.

2. YOU REALIZE THAT YOUR BODY ACTUALLY ROCKS: Someone will tell you that your body will ache, you will have stretch marks all over and your boobs will start to sag, but they probably won’t tell you what a miracle it is that your body just knows what to do. You CREATE a baby! You CARRY a baby for nine months! You DELIVER a BABY! Your body then naturally knows how to PRODUCE MILK for your baby. It’s incredible. It’s a miracle. It’s beautiful!

3. YOU’RE TIRED BECAUSE YOU CAN’T STOP STARING AT THE PERFECT LITTLE HUMAN THAT YOU CREATED: Someone will tell you that you are going to be so exhausted and to say goodbye to sleeping ever again, but they probably won’t tell you that you are tired because you won’t be able to stop staring. Through complete exhaustion and hard work, will come the biggest blessing and heart-felt love. After feeding the baby, you will look at him and realize YOU created this perfect ball of perfection. You will kiss his nose and perfect lips. You will admire her lashes and tiny little ears. You will stay up wondering how you got so lucky to be his mama.

4. YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT A MESSY HOUSE: Or a clean one either. Someone will tell you to enjoy your clean house because once a baby comes things get real messy, but they probably won’t tell you that a clean house doesn’t even matter. A messy house means people live there. A messy house means memories are being made. There will be toys on the ground and pots and pans will be out of the cupboards, and everything will be okay.

5. THE COUNTLESS HUGS AND KISSES MAKE YOU REALIZE WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT: Someone will tell you that being a mom is hard as you deal with tantrums full of screaming, flailing and tears, but they probably won’t tell you that between those moments, are a whole lot of good ones. As a mom you will get more hugs and kisses you have ever received in your life.

20 Things Nobody Tells You About Motherhood - BEAUTIFUL!

6. YOU CRY. BECAUSE YOU’RE HAPPY: Someone will tell you that you will cry, but they probably won’t tell you that it’s because you are happy. When you become a mom, the flood gates open and just about EVERYTHING will bring on the tears. Whether you are reading a book, celebrating a birthday party, taking pictures of a milestone or rocking your baby back to sleep… you might cry. In fact, you will probably cry. Because they are precious, special moments that only YOU get to experience as a mom.

7. YOU GET TO WEAR LEGGINGS EVERY DAY: Someone will tell you that you will gain weight and it will be hard to lose the baby belly, but they probably won’t tell you that it doesn’t matter because you get to wear leggings, yoga pants and/or sweatpants from here on out. As a mom, it’s all about comfy and fast… and anything goes when it comes to the mom-uniform.

8. THE FIRST TIME YOU HEAR “I WUV YOU” YOU WILL BAWL YOUR EYES OUT: Someone will tell you that you that kids learn how to talk back, but they probably won’t tell you that their voices are the sweetest things you will ever hear in your entire lifetime. The words “I wuv you, mommy” is music to your ears and you will never hear anything more precious…ever.

9. YOU LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY. SINGLE. DAY: Someone will tell you that being a mom is boring or that a career/education is more important, but they probably won’t tell you that you can learn more from a baby, than a college professor. As a mom, your children will teach you about life. About love. About sacrifice. About patience. About hope. About kindness. And about things that matter most.

10. TODDLERS ARE HILARIOUS: Someone will tell you that toddlers drive them nuts, but they probably won’t tell you that toddlers are the funniest people on earth.The stories they share and the things they do when they don’t know you are watching, will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.

11. YOU’RE NEVER ALONE: Someone will tell you that you will never be alone to pee, to eat or to sleep, but they probably won’t tell you that you also will never be alone when you need someone to hold. You will never be alone when you cry or when you are scared. You will never be alone when you need a little hand to hold or someone to wipe your tears. They will always be there.

20 Things Nobody Tells You About Motherhood - BEAUTIFUL!5

12. YOU WILL FALL MORE IN LOVE WITH YOUR MAN: Someone will tell you that babies are hard on your marriage, that you won’t have any time for him and your intimacy drive will tank, but they probably won’t tell you that when you see him hold that baby in his arms the first time, you will be balling like a baby. They probably won’t tell you that you will fall deeply in love with him when you hear him read a bedtime story or sing a goodnight song. Your marriage won’t be perfect {no marriage is} but a baby can bring you closer together. The memories that you make as a family will be so special and irreplaceable. You will experience things with him, that you will never experience with anyone else.

13. YOU REALIZE THAT TIME DOESN’T MATTER: Someone will tell you that you will be late to everything after becoming a mom, but they probably won’t tell you that you won’t care. Your “to-do” list can suddenly be pushed to the side, because you would rather lay on the couch and cuddle your baby. You will try to find the cutest outfit when you finally leave the house, but he will probably poop all over it and you will have to change him again…and then again. But you realize it doesn’t matter. None of that does.

14. AND REALLY ALL THAT MATTERS IS IN YOUR OWN HOME: Because really they are all that matters. Someone will tell you that you will go stir-crazy and HAVE to leave the house, but they probably won’t tell you that you quickly realize that the things that matter most in life, are right in front of you. And when you do leave the house to get away, you will miss them and will not be able to wait until you get to hold them again.

15. YOU WILL COMPLETELY FORGET WHAT LIFE WAS LIKE BEFORE A MOM: Someone will tell you that your life will never be the same again, but they probably won’t tell you that you won’t want to have your old life ever again. In fact, you won’t even be able to imagine your life NOT being a mom, because you will feel like they have always been a part of you.

16. YOU NEVER WILL FEEL SO IMPORTANT: Or needed. Or wanted. Or trusted. Someone will tell you that you will want to run away at times because you will be overwhelmed, but they probably won’t tell you that it’s because you are irreplaceable. That nobody can comfort, kiss boo-boos, make dinner, make beds, smile, laugh, or love like you.

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17. YOU LEARN HOW TO BE QUICK: Like REAL quick. Someone will tell you that you won’t be able to get anything done and there is no such thing as “you” time, but they probably won’t tell you that when you become a mom, you immediately know how to do things at lightening speed. You can pick up your house in five minutes before someone comes to visit and you can shower in three minutes because you realize you don’t actually have to wash your hair…ever. You can put on make-up in just sixty seconds and throw your hair up in a bun even faster.

18. YOU HAVE SO MANY REASONS TO CELEBRATE: Someone will tell you that being a mom is a lot of work, but they probably won’t tell you that because of your hard work, you have so many reasons to celebrate! You will want to throw a party at every milestone, because you get to see your hard work is paying off! When your baby sits up for the first time, crawls, walks, runs, learns the ABC’s, counts to 10, gets a goal in soccer, performs in their first dance recital, gets straight A’s, and the list goes on and on… you get to celebrate! Because you are the mom!

19. THERE ARE A MILLION WAYS TO BE A GOOD ONE: Someone will tell you that you are doing it wrong, that you HAVE to breastfeed or you HAVE to have a natural birth or you HAVE to have your baby sleep in their own bed, but they probably won’t tell you that actually they are the one’s that are wrong. That you CAN formula feed and you CAN have a c-section and you CAN co-sleep. Being a mom doesn’t come with a play-by-play instruction manual, you do your best and it works! {The Do’s and Don’ts of Being a GOOD Mom can be found here}

20. YOU WILL HAVE THE BEST REASON IN THE WORLD TO GET UP EVERY SINGLE DAY: Someone will tell you that you will stay up so late, you won’t want to get up every morning, but they probably won’t tell you that when you are a mom, you actually have a REASON to get up every morning. You have a reason to get out of bed and make breakfast. You have a reason to put a smile on your face and start a new day. You have a reason to work hard and try new things. You now have a reason to live.

So to my dear friend AND to all of you cute women who want to know what motherhood is REALLY about, remember these things they probably haven’t told you.

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1 Comment on 20 Things Nobody Told You About Motherhood

  1. Christin
    May 16, 2015 at 1:01 am (10 years ago)

    I absolutely LOVE this! I am a first-time mom to a beautiful 7 month old and so while I have yet to experience “I wuv you” (aww!), toddlerhood, and little fingers reaching under the bathroom door, I feel like I could’ve written a lot of the things you listed–word for word! It feels like just yesterday I was sitting in the hospital bed staring at my sweet baby while I should have been trying to sleep…I got a grand total of two hours that first night. I went into it expecting to adore my baby but also feeling like life as I knew it was over because all you hear about from others are the exhaustion and stretch marks. Little did I know I wouldn’t miss that old life. To all the mamas to be: you never knew time could fly so fast!! Seriously. Treasure the time where your sweet little person falls asleep on your chest while you’re sitting on the couch. Or when you’re up all night exhausted from bouncing her, cherish the fact that you are holding your tiny little miracle. You always hear it but you can’t understand until you esperience it–time flies and they grow so fast! You won’t want to blink.


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