21 Daily Struggles Every Mom Has Experienced | Today's the Best Day

21 Daily Struggles Every Mom Has Experienced

The struggle is REAL!

Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, working-at-home mom or a working-outside-the-home mom, you KNOW the daily struggles a mom experiences!

In just one day I documented the struggles, I, a mom of a two-year-old going on seventeen, went through and this is a documentation of it. I am POSITIVE I am not the only mama out there that has experienced such struggles.

21 Daily Struggles Every Mom Has Experienced - SO true!

Photo by Brittany Busk Photography

The struggle is real for a mom – especially when it comes to these 20 daily experiences.

1. SLEEPING IN: Goodbye are the days of sleeping in and Good Morning to little toddler feet kicking you in the face at 6am.

2. TAKING A SHOWER: All of those moms on Pinterest are making their own soaps and special healthy treats and I am over here like “Hi! I took a shower and we all are still alive!” It’s a miracle when you actually have the opportunity to shower really – thirty seconds into it, you are 100% sure you hear the baby crying or the toddler yelling for you.

3. LOOKING FOR YOUR PHONE: Yes, that moment you realize you remember every word to your favorite song from Junior High, but can’t remember where in the world you put your phone. And then you find it right in front of your face orrrr even in your hand.

4. GROCERY SHOPPING: The struggle of finally getting there and choosing the ONE cart out of one hundred, that has the broken, squeaky wheel that everyone can hear from the other side of the store. They always know what aisle you are going down. AND in addition as you push it straight, it seems to go nowhere, but sideways.


And after you make it through the entire store {which is a PROCESS with children} – you have to then bring all of the groceries in the house. Of course you would rather have red marks all over your arms than take two trips.

5. CHEWING YOUR FOOD: Because as a mom, you don’t exactly have time to sit and eat your meals. You are always on the go. And when you do finally sit – there is something else that needs to get done. I once heard. “The only thing a mom gets to eat warm…is ice cream.”

6. LEAVING THE HOUSE: You know you are a mom when it takes longer to get everyone in the car than it does to run the actual errand. Guaranteed, without fail, every time you get in the car someone needs to go potty or a shoe gets lost for the third time that morning or they have to re-get in and out of the car because they have to get in “all by myself.”

7. EATING A PIECE OF CHOCOLATE: Children hear everything – they are ALWAYS listening and watching. No matter where you hide: in the bathroom, in the closet – they will find you. And they will want what you are eating.

8. USING THE RESTROOM: 4.8 seconds MAX until you see those little fingers peeking under the door and you hear “MOOOOMMY?!”

9. GOING SHOPPING: That moment you go to buy one thing… ONE THING… and you walk out with over one hundred dollars worth of things for your kid, because… how could you NOT?!

10. PUTTING THE DISHES AWAY DURING NAP TIME: Or how about NEVER putting the dishes away? Because when they are awake they are dirtying three cups every hour anyway and then once they are asleep you don’t DARE touch them… SILENCE in the house.

11. FEELING SICK: Moms learn quickly they have to suck it up. No calling off for the mamas!  Through sickness and health, a mom is ALWAYS on duty.

12. GETTING DRESSED: Oh the struggle. It’s 4:30pm… do I REALLY need to get dressed now orrrr should I just wait until tomorrow at this point?! And when you DO decide to get dressed its from one pair of leggings to the other pair you think are clean… maybe?

13. CLEANING UP THE LIVING ROOM: Because by the time you make one side of the room look good – the other side of the room is destroyed. A mom often times will wonder why she even cleaned the house because people still live there!

14. BATH TIME: Bath time for the toddler often times turns into bath time for mommy – more water OUTSIDE the tub, then in.


Photo by Story of This Life

15. THE DECISION TO WASH YOUR HAIR: The mom bun and dry shampoo – two essentials in a mom’s vocabulary. Because simply, washing your hair takes WAY too much time!

16. BRINGING ALL OF THE LAUNDRY FROM THE DRYER INTO THE ROOM TO FOLD IT ALL: You know that moment when you have to carry all of the laundry from one room to another, but you drop a sock and then another one and then a shirt and eventually there is a full blown laundry trail behind you?

17. PLANNING THE ESCAPE ROUTE OUT OF A SLEEPING BABY’S ROOM: Babies will sleep through dogs barking and doorbells ringing, but the moment they hear a little squeak in their bedroom floor – they will wonder where you think you are going?! Moms memorize the ground they walk on and every little step they have to take to get out of the nursery without being caught.

18. WHEN YOU DREAM OF SILENCE: But then there is silence and you realize that silence isn’t a good thing when you have a toddler. What are you going to find now? Crayons on the wall? Permanent marker on your couches? It’s a mystery. You will have to walk the entire house to find out what they did wrong.

19. TRYING TO TAKE A PICTURE: Moms take approximately 37 pictures in one sitting to get the perfect one. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. over and over and over again. “Smile!” “Look at me!” “Put your hand down!” “Get your fingers out of your mouth!” “Okay, look at me again!” “Smile, again!” Luckily, action and candid shots are better these days anyways.

20. WHEN YOU REALIZE YOU USED TO BE COOL – BUT TODAY YOU MADE UP A SONG ABOUT POOP: Potty training at its finest. And if you haven’t sang a song like this yet in your life – it’s coming!


21. GOING TO SLEEP: When a mom finally has the opportunity to go to sleep – she can’t. Because after a long day of experiencing these daily struggles, she misses her baby! She lays in bed worrying if she was good enough, fun enough, payed enough attention, and loved enough – and can’t wait for the next day to do it all over again.

Because mom life has it’s struggles, but she wouldn’t trade them for a THING.

Just because the Struggle Is Real, doesn’t mean that we aren’t Stronger Than The Struggle! Join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and celebrate this week using #StrongerThanTheStruggle. 

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