To the man standing in line at Target with a box of chocolates in his hands.
To the gentleman walking around the mall with a list of things to buy, but not knowing where in the world to begin.
To the guy online who is searching to order the prettiest roses.
And to my own husband who has asked me for weeks what I want for Christmas… THIS is for you. Each of you.
This is for the men who aren’t sure what to get their wives for Christmas this year.
For the men who are searching for the most sparkly necklace, the prettiest dress, the hottest lingerie or the perfect blender your wife has been asking for.
Put it all down for a minute and check this out. I have a whole list of 21 things your wife REALLY wants this Christmas.
This is exactly what she needs this year.

2. A COMPLIMENT: She wants you to know that she thought you looked real good when you left the house this morning. She loves how hard working you are and loves how you make her feel. She recognizes the things you do and although she is sometimes too busy to tell you – she thinks you’re the hottest hard-worker EVER!
3. A LAUGH: She wants to laugh harder than she ever has before. She wants a genuine, belly-hurting, peeing your pants, tears rolling out of her eyes kind of laugh. She wants to see you laughing with her, showing off that smile she fell in love with so long ago.

4. A SURPRISE: She wants to be spontaneous. She wants to get out of her daily routine of cleaning the house, taking care of the kids, playing taxi driver and making dinner. She wants to do something out of the ordinary.
5. A DATE: Could be romantic. Could be fun. Could be both. But whatever it is – she wants a date. And this includes getting a babysitter for the kids. She wants to be taken out on the town.
6. A MEAL: A meal that she doesn’t have to prepare.
7. A MAID: Or maybe just a little helper that can follow her around and help clean up the toys that she has already cleaned up three times today.
8. A LISTENING EAR: And not just an ear… but a responsive mouth too. She wants to have a conversation. She wants to talk to you about her life and she wants to hear about yours.
9. A RELAXING NIGHT: Gather all the blankets in the house, start the fire and cuddle on the couch. Hold her tight and kiss her forehead. Watch one of her favorite movies with the Christmas Tree lights on. Make some hot chocolate and find her slippers. Make her feel warm and cozy – that’s what she wants.
10. A FATTENING – NO CALORIES COUNT MEAL: She wants to splurge. She wants her favorite Oreo cookies and milk. She wants her delicious Chinese take-out. She wants nachos with extra cheese and popcorn with extra butter. She wants to eat whatever she wants and not have to worry about the pounds.
11. A SONG: She wants you to turn on a song that reminds you of her – then grab her and dance with her. Maybe it’s a slow song, maybe it’s a fast dance party song. But she wants to know you remember “your” song.
12. A MASSAGE: No need to spend the money on a fancy spa day {although that is amazing} – you can make a romantic spa in the comfort of your own home. Dim the lights, spread out rose petals around the bed, grab some lotion and oils… and give her a massage. She deserves it – and maybe she will give you one in return! Win-Win, yeah?!
13. AN INSIDE JOKE: She loves to know that she and you have a few things that are just between the two of you. Remind her of the fun times you have had and reminisce of your inside jokes that make you both laugh.
14. A HAND TO HOLD: She wants to hold your hand to let you know she needs you and she wants you to hold her hand to let her know you are there. Grab her hand in the car. Grab her hand at the mall. Grab her hand as she is sleeping. And when she grabs yours, hold it tight. Let her know you love that affection.

16. A THANK YOU: She wants you to know that you are appreciated. She loves what you do and isn’t sure what she would do without you! In return, she likes to know that you love what she does too. Tell her what she does well and what your appreciate her doing.
17. A FRIEND: You are her very best friend and she wants you to stay that way. {Check out 10 Ways To Stay Best Friends With Your Husband here}
18. A SENSE OF SECURITY AND LOYALTY: She wants you to know that you are the only one for her. She can’t image life with anyone else. She loves that she chose you and is excited to be with you forever. Financially, mentally and physically – you are secure.
19. A LITTLE HAPPINESS: Okay, maybe I meant a LOT of happiness. She wants to make you the happiest man on earth because you have made her the happiest lady.

21. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT: Just be perfect for her.
So you men standing in line and worrying about your long list of things to buy this Christmas Season – take a break. Put the list away. All she really wants for Christmas…. is YOU.
Don’t forget to share this with your MEN! –
Diatta @ Femme Fitale Fit Club
December 20, 2014 at 1:21 pm (10 years ago)This article was so nice. I agree with dinner. One I don’t have to prepare as I am hungry like everyone else. LOVELY article and photos.
December 20, 2014 at 4:36 am (10 years ago)Danielle, you are such a sweetheart! I love your list and agree with so many things. Today my husband DID something just for me and I told him that what he did was WAY more touching than any present he could give me under the tree. His answer? Well, if I would have known that, I would have done it weeks ago! I think sometimes our guys really don’t know what we want so your list is perfect! See you at Snap!!
December 19, 2014 at 3:34 pm (10 years ago)Though this sounds good in theory, any man who shows up to Christmas with no presents whatsoever is gonna hear about it forever…
December 16, 2015 at 3:29 pm (9 years ago)Agreed. And mine does all these things regularly. I was helping my brother with gift ideas but he does all this too. Sweet article, still in need of real gift ideas.