25 Things I Have Googled Since Getting Married | Today's the Best Day

25 Things I Have Googled Since Getting Married

Like most guys, I am pretty sure that I know everything.

That’s right, 60% of the time I am right, every time. For the few times that I am found flat on my feet I turn to my reliable old friend, Google.

Unless you have been living under a rock in a galaxy far, far, far away, you too have found yourself googling an answer to those burning every day questions like; ‘how to change a light bulb’ or ‘where can I find funny cat videos?’

When I found the love of my life and got married, I found out quickly how much I didn’t know about life and more importantly, about women.

Turns out they’re pretty complicated.

Often situations put me in way over my head and left me with nowhere to turn for answers. That’s when everyone’s favorite search engine came to my rescue and more often than not, I found a reasonable answer to my inquiry.

Recently I took a look back on my browsing history from years ago. I noticed over the years that the things I ‘googled’ really reflected the state of my marriage at the time. My search history said a lot about me as a husband.

Today I share with you, 25 things I have googled since getting married

25 Things I Have Googled Since Getting Married

1. How to react when your wife tells you she is pregnant

tumblr_mn84asQkkS1ryroxuo1_400Via Tumblr

2. What size bra should I buy at Victoria’s Secret

anigif_enhanced-buzz-29759-1422642093-29Bravo/via giphy

3. How many pairs of shoes is normal for a woman to own

anigif_enhanced-buzz-30765-1422644182-14Warner Music Group / Via giphy.com

4. Is makeup really necessary

SO1iz1EdSyC9DPvP6CS6_Confused Tom HanksVia Reactiongif

5. How to get my wife to find a hobby other than spending our money

tumblr_inline_n9hlbxEj5H1rwjrx3via WhyRyerson

6. Why carry flats around when wearing heels

tumblr_nkak7rakdS1rb1i9do1_400via Tumblr

7. What does “hefty” mean on tampon boxes

tumblr_m6e0yzqopn1rys4czo1_500Via Thought Catalog

8. Chick flicks that I will actually stay awake in

boy-meets-world-sleep (1)Via Mashable

9. How to get a six pack like Taylor Lautner

tumblr_m5dhenLu2E1r0kdjro1_500Via Tumblr

10. Ways to tell my wife she doesn’t look fat in her jeans

original-1Via Thought Catalog

11. How to say you’re sorry for saying the wrong thing


via Tumblr

12. Will eating one pound of cookie dough kill me

giphyVia giphy

13. What to do when my wife gets her hair done

cheering_minionsvia The Stir

14. Why do women pee with the bathroom door open

tumblr_m0ldyr4heI1qfh57po1_500Via Tumblr

15. What does ‘it’s fine’ really mean

tumblr_muso2xrMMX1sfbnazo1_500Via Tumblr

16. What do women do that takes them so long to get ready

giphy (1)Via Giphy

17. How to say I am sorry and really mean it

llafVia Ashamed Archives

18. Are leggings really pants

tumblr_n3665tVh3r1tw1vhco1_500Via Tumbr

19. How to trick my wife into giving me a back massage



Via Tumblr

20. What does my wife really mean when she says ‘sure you can watch the game’

tumblr_m7y8huV3za1qibhlao1_500via Tumblr

21. How to not pass out during labor and delivery

shocked-will-smithvia The Stir

22. The number for Chinese food because I burnt dinner again

tumblr_m196grbcoe1qdumnho1_500via Tumblr

23. How to clean poop out of carpet

tumblr_mbpfw9kww91rg7q18o1_500Via Tumblr

24. The benefits of real hair vs extensions

giphyVia Gify

25. Ways to show my wife how much I love her

tumblr_meuphyRaUY1rktqugo1_500Via Tumblr

What is something you have googled recently. Share with us in the comments below funny and meaningful problems that have been solved through the power of search.

tysonTyson is a contributing writer to Today’s the Best Day. He is a husband and father to two of the most beautiful girls on the planet. He loves, football, spending time with family and providing valuable content to help others have the best day every day.

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1 Comment on 25 Things I Have Googled Since Getting Married

  1. Fatima @MotherhoodThroughMyEyes
    February 21, 2015 at 12:39 am (10 years ago)

    This is too cute! I can’t believe he had to Google how many shoes are “normal”! Oh, and the hobby one… yeah, I totally feel the pain. Haha! Great post overall!


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