I remember the first time my husband said, “I LOVE YOU!” I had only waited 730 days for it!! I always knew I loved him, but I was determined to wait until HE said it, before I did.
It was the last day of High School – graduation was just a few days away. I was so excited to go to college and be a “grown up!” Tyson picked me up for a “last day of school date” and drove me to the High School. I was a bit confused! He opened my door and got a picnic basket out from the trunk of the car and we walked hand in hand onto the football field. He set up a picnic for just the two of us, sang me a song on his guitar and looked me in the eyes and said, “You are my best friend and I want you to know that I have fallen in LOVE with you!”
That was only the beginning of our life together – Now, 9 years later, careers in our faces, a baby upstairs and bills to pay – I still love to hear him say those words… “I LOVE YOU.”
Photo by Ms.Photographer
SO – how do we do it?! If you are getting ready to tell the girl of your dreams you love her for the first time or if you have been married for years and you are trying to think of a good way to show your man you are still in love with him – here are 25 WAYS TO SAY I LOVE YOU!
1. JUST SAY IT! EVERY DAY: Sometimes I think we might overthink LOVE. Often times it is nice to hear the words “I love you” come out of my husband’s mouth in just casual conversation at the grocery store or laying on the couch as we are talking. Saying I love you can never be said enough! Let them know it wherever and whenever! There is no wrong place to express your love!
2. GO ON A SCAVENGER HUNT: It is so fun to go on an adventure! Plan ahead and send them around town looking for clues and doing fun activities.
3. ALWAYS SAFE WITH ROSES: Flowers are always a great gift – but be creative with them! Sprinkle a trail of flower petals from the front door, leading into the kitchen where you prepared dinner, the bathroom where you prepared a bubble bath, or the bedroom where…ya know.
4. DIY I LOVE YOU BECAUSE FRAME: This is SO easy to make and the perfect way to show your love EVERY DAY! Print off a piece of paper with the words, “I LOVE YOU BECAUSE” and put it in a picture frame. Every morning write a note to your special someone expressing what you LOVE about them!

More info and photo here
5. VISIT A MEANINGFUL PLACE: Just like my husband took me back to our High School, go back to a special place that is meaningful to the two of you. Where your first date was, where your first kiss was, where you met, etc. He/She will love that you remember and it will be so romantic thinking about how far you have come since then!
6. MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: A romanic and creative way to say it! You can even purchase it here. 101 Reasons Why You Are Loved?! Anyone would LOVE that!
7. REALLY LISTEN: How often do we say we are listening, but aren’t really LISTENING!? Ask your love questions and open your ears and actually take in what they are saying. THEN after you are done listening, REMEMBER what they have said and bring it up again in the future.
8. PHOTOS OF LOVE: Print off your favorite pictures of you two together and tape them on the wall above their bed in the shape of a heart! It will be a fun surprise for them to walk in and see!

More info and photo here
9. DO A CHORE FOR HIM: If you are anything like me, you have a little “Hunny-Do” list of things you would like him to do. Take a look at his list and do it yourself. Surprise him by completely a chore or two for him.
10. SPELL IT OUT: Everyone loves breakfast in bed! Make pancakes, buy alphabet cereal, or write a note and simply spell it out. Seeing it with their own two eyes will have him grinning from ear to ear!

More info and photo here
11. LAUGH AT HIM/HER: Laugh at their jokes and tell them they are funny! Often times life gets so serious – lighten the mood and make them feel like you think they are cool.
12. MAKE A PLAYLIST OF “YOUR” SONGS: I was going to say make a CD, but I know my husband would make fun of me if I said that because he always says that nobody makes those any more. SO – create a PLAYLIST and put it on their phone so they can listen to all of “your” songs when they are out and about!
13. MESSAGE IN THE MIRROR: Hop in the shower first and get is steamy – then write on the mirrors and leave a little love message!

More info and photo here
14. COMPLIMENT, COMPLIMENT, COMPLIMENT: EVERYONE loves a true, meaningful compliment. Tell him he smells good, tell her she looks beautiful – help boost that self-esteem!
15. SEND HIM AN INVITE FOR ROMANCE: This can be done on the computer via email or a handwritten card. Invite him on a date night or a night in. Specify when, where and what he needs to bring.
16. CUDDLE UP AND READ: You can say I love you, just by cuddling and being with them! Hold their hand, kiss them after every page or chapter.

More info and photo here
17. FRUITY TOOTY LOVE: Grab a banana or their favorite fruit and make a basket. Write on the fruit and express your love!

More info and photo here
18. SHOWER WITH LOVE: This takes some time, but if he/she is away, blow up TONS of balloons and fill their shower with them! You can also do this to their cars, offices or bedrooms!
19. BE SWEET: If your love has a sweet tooth, they will LOVE this one! Use candy to write a message for them!

More info and photo here
20. BACON ROSES: Have you ever seen such a thing?! Seriously incredible. For all of you bacon lovers out there – this is no joke! Nothing says I love you more than bacon!

More info and photo here
21. KEEP YOUR PROMISE: You can always say, “I LOVE YOU” but often times actions speak louder than words. Remember the promises you made when you became a couple – and cherish them. Be devoted, say I’m sorry, forgive quickly and keep falling in love.
22. WATCH A SUNSET OR SUNRISE TOGETHER: This is SUPER romantic – wake up early and watch the sunrise or go to a mountain or the beach to watch the sunset. This is the perfect setting to tell them your feelings!
23. DECK OF CARDS: 52 REASONS why you love them! SO creative! On each card write something you love about them! This is perfect for anyone, but especially those couples that love to be competitive and play games!
24. TURN ON MUSIC: Turn on romantic music that sets the mood, grab him and dance. He will love feeling close to you!
25. WAKE HIM UP: Not with a blow horn or shaking him – but gently kiss him and wake him up. He will love seeing your pretty face first thing in the morning!
26. BE HIS/HER BEST FRIEND: Honestly, nothing says I LOVE YOU better than being their best friend. When you think of a best friend, what do you think of? Someone that loves you. Someone who is there for you. Someone who forgives you. Someone that you make laugh. Someone that is fun to be around. Someone who you know is ALWAYS there.
There are TONS of ways to say I LOVE YOU! Thomas S. Monson said, “Don’t save something for a special occasion. Every day of your life is a special occasion!”
How do you say I love you?! I would love to hear from you – share below!
Don’t forget to share the love by SHARING THIS –
Tammy Greene
February 11, 2016 at 6:07 pm (9 years ago)I love all of these ideas
Off to write on a banana right now.
March 13, 2015 at 10:18 am (10 years ago)I love these ideas especially the banana one, will have to try this on my husband
madelyn lewis
January 21, 2015 at 1:46 am (10 years ago)i love all the ideas but the bannana one, but what about ones for teenagers when they first find love
Julie St.
June 26, 2014 at 9:23 pm (11 years ago)Some very sweet ideas. Would be an excellent post for Valentine’s Day lol
June 26, 2014 at 6:40 pm (11 years ago)Super cute ideas! I am sharing this!
June 26, 2014 at 2:51 pm (11 years ago)Thanks for the ideas. I love the banana idea.
June 26, 2014 at 2:07 pm (11 years ago)That banana idea is awesome! What a bunch of great romantic tips!
Kelly Kimmell
June 26, 2014 at 1:02 pm (11 years ago)I love the bacon roses, what man wouldn’t love these, right? All of these ideas are very creative! Awesome post.
Paula Schuck
June 26, 2014 at 3:02 am (11 years ago)Love the banana idea the best! These are some great ideas anyone can use!
Brandy Gilbert Toenges
June 25, 2014 at 10:43 pm (11 years ago)I am so making that I Love You frame! That is just genius!!!!