You guys!! My LITTLE sister just announced she is pregnant and I could NOT be more excited for her! Being a mom is the BEST and I can’t even wait to squeeze my newest little niece or nephew! I also HATE keeping secrets so I am way excited I get to shout it from the roof tops now!
Finding out you are pregnant is SO exciting and should be something worth celebrating! We have compiled a list of 40 of the BEST ways to announce that you are pregnant to your husband, to your family and of course what we all look forward to – announcing it on Social Media and the Gender Reveal! Are you ready for these cute ideas?!
1. Wear a shirt and see how long it takes him to notice:
2. Leave him a little note
3. Take him on a photo shoot to capture his reaction
4. At the bottom of his cup – he won’t see it until he drinks the whoooole thing!
By The Stir
5. Buy him a gift, wrap it and have him open it up. Have this shirt inside!
By Etsy
6. Set the self-timer for a family shot and yell “I’m Pregnant!” – his face will be priceless!

7. Leave a little love note about how he makes you feel
By The Stir
8. Every guy would appreciate a Roses Are Red Poem…
By BuzzFeed
9. LOVE this printable with a bag of candy!
10. Create a Dinner Menu using all things “BABY” – Serve “BABY” Back Ribs, with “BABY” carrots and drink out of “BABY” bottles.
11. Tie a little bike to your bike
12. Make or Buy a Baby Banner
Photo by
13. Read a book and hold your little belly
Photo by World Life Lifestyle
14. Show the world how he really reacted when you told him the news!
Photo from
15. And how YOU are really feeling right now!
16. Have your other child do the announcing for you …
Photo by
17. And really let them express their feelings!
18. Show off your cute belly and get your husband a shirt to break the news!
Photo from Pinterest
19. Or show off both of your bellies together!
20. Let a onesie do the talking
Photo by Brilliant
21. Or little shoes
Photo By A Life In Flight 365
22. Or even big balloons!
Photo by
23. Buy these funny matching shirts that explain pregnancy to a TEE. {haha – get it}
24. Or have some fun in the kitchen to announce that little bun in the oven!
Photo by egraynotes
25. Use a “PREGO” jar in this creative way!
Photo by
26. Or show off ALL of your pregnancy cravings in one picture!
Photo by Give It Love
27. Throw it back to the classic song…
Photo from here
28. Or this song you know you sang on the elementary school playground…
Photo from Double The Batch
29. Find a construction zone!
30. Or use simple chalk!
31. But most importantly – just be yourself! And have FUN with it!
Photo by
32. The Box of Balloons
Photo by Aertoflow
33. OR the Big Black Balloon
Photo by
34. Simple paint on your hands
35. That can turn into a full blown paint war!
Photo by macon-photography
36. Blow Up A Pink or Blue Balloon…

37. OR how about some ice cream?!

38. Celebrate just the two of you!
39. Or throw a big party with all of your friends and family!
40. And cherish every minute! Photo from Etsy