5 Signs of Labor and What To Do When They Happen To You | Today's the Best Day

5 Signs of Labor and What To Do When They Happen To You

It is my honor to introduce you today to our guest writer, Kathy DiVincenzo from Beyond The Bump Services! Kathy is full of knowledge and beyond qualified to share with all of us today about signs of labor – something that is SO important as we enter into the journey of motherhood! Without further ado, I will have Kathy take it away…



 My name is Kathy DiVincenzo and I am a momma to a spirited little lady and a wife to an amazing man. I am a doula, childbirth educator, and placenta encapsulation specialist serving Cleveland, Akron, and surrounding areas.

My journey towards birth work began with the pregnancy of my daughter, Gianna. The childbirth classes my husband and I participated in, my doula, and my new found passion for researching birth aided in the beautiful moment of bringing my daughter earthside naturally. It is my passion to show support to all women, in however they feel comfortable birthing.

Outside of work I can be found chasing around my little love, going on a date with my hubby, at a farmer’s market, or with my nose stuck in a new birth book.

5 signs of labor

Is this it?! – 5 signs of labor and what to do when they happen to you

There are so many unknowns when it comes to pregnancy. Who knew my ankles could get this big! Will my heartburn ever stop? My fingers won’t look like sausages forever…right? Listen, mommas, I feel you.

When I was pregnant my biggest unknown was, “how will I know when it’s go time?!” You’ve had that perfectly packed hospital bag by the door for weeks, but will you know when it’s time to use it? Grab a snack, prop those feet up, and let’s help ease your mind about knowing when it’s “time.”


1)   Non-progressing contractions

There’s nothing “false” about these pre-labor contractions you may be feeling, momma! Keep in mind that these surges are preparing your body for labor and a dilated cervix is NOT the only sign of labor!

What will you feel?

-Mild or strong contractions that more than likely are irregular in duration, length, and intensity

-They may occur overnight, but stop come morning

-May start hours, days, or even weeks (I know!) before active labor

What should you do?

-Drink! Dehydration can cause contractions

-Take a warm bath. This may slow or stop those pesky contractions

-Distract yourself! Go for a walk, work on the nursery, go see a movie, and REST

-Note if they seem to be getting longer, stronger, and closer together


2) “Bloody show” or losing your mucus plug

“Bloody show” is normally a pink colored mucus discharge, and just like losing your mucus plug, signals that your cervix is changing to prepare for labor. Labor can still be hours or days away, but you’re on your way!

What should you do?

-Relax! These are normal (and exciting) signs of labor, but remember that these signs don’t guarantee that labor will be happening immediately

-Keep an eye on the discharge. If it seems heavy or turns bright red contact your care provider

3) The dynamic duo – nagging backache & several soft bowel movements

You’ve had a backache for the last several months, so how will you know? This discomfort will differ from your usual backache and paired with those bowel movements may be a possible sign of your body gearing up for labor

What should you do?

-Slip into a warm bath or apply heat to your back

-Drink! Stay hydrated and rest


4) Progressing contractions

Your previous pre-labor contractions may turn into these, or they may begin on their own

What will you feel?

-Consistent contractions in your abdomen, back, or both

-You may no longer be able to be distracted through them

What should you do?

-Relax. This is exciting! Turn that anxious or fearful energy into excitement and confidence. You’ll be holding your baby soon and you CAN do this!

-Note the 4-1-1 (or 5-1-1) rule*. Wait until your contractions are 4-5 minutes apart, 1 minute long, for 1 hour. However, as a doula I tend to focus more on the signs the momma is giving, so don’t hesitate to contact your care provider if you’re unsure!


5) Your water breaks

This is rare, but some women’s labor begins with their water breaking (mine!)

What will you feel?

-You may feel either a leak, trickle, or gush of water.

What should you do?

-Note the time, color, order, and amount of liquid and contact your care provider

Don’t allow the unknown of labor scare you. More often than not you’ll know when it’s time, so trust those instincts! You’ve got this, momma!


*I wouldn’t suggest this rule if you live a long distance from your place for birth, have a medical issue that requires early admission, or if you’ve had a previous rapid labor. Disclaimer – All information detailed in this post is not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your care provider for more information.

Don’t forget to check out Kathy’s website, Beyond the Bump Services and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook!

All photos are by Christine Olson Photography

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2 Comments on 5 Signs of Labor and What To Do When They Happen To You

  1. Rachel @ Little Ivie Lane
    July 9, 2014 at 8:42 pm (11 years ago)

    Thanks for this super helpful post! This is my first pregnancy and I’m having boy/girl twins! I don’t know what to expect with labor so this really helped. Twins commonly come early so this is all great to know!

    • Kathy DiVincenzo
      July 9, 2014 at 10:50 pm (11 years ago)

      How exciting, Rachel! You’re 22 weeks along, so things will be here before you know it 🙂 Feel free to follow my community on instagram for encouraging labor and birth posts – you’ve totally got this! You look wonderful!




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