5 Things To Remember To Make Your Potty Training Experience EASY! | Today's the Best Day

5 Things To Remember To Make Your Potty Training Experience EASY!

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Pampers through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Pampers Easy Ups, all opinions are my own.

Potty training. Two words every mom dreads.

As a first time mom, I had heard horror stories of potty training and the crazy experiences that come from teaching your toddler how to use the restroom and wear big kid underwear. They made me nervous, excited and even a little overwhelmed.

Can I also add in how CRAZY fast time flies?! It seems like yesterday I was rocking my newborn baby to sleep in my arms… and in just a blink of an eye, I have a busy toddler, running around the house, coloring on the walls and completely making me fall more in love EVERY single day!

The day soon arrived a few months ago that our potty training journey had to begin! And thanks to the help of Pampers Easy Ups – the process has been SO much easier and less stressful than I had expected.

Today we have FIVE things to remember when it is time to potty train your toddler! They are the easiest things and will absolutely change your potty training experience.

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1. STAY POSITIVE: I put this as number one because it is by far the most important one! It isn’t easy for them and it definitely isn’t easy for you – so the BEST thing to do is to not worry. Don’t let the pressures of the world get to you about how easy it should be or how fast it should be done. Every child is different – and they will feel your vibes and attitude. Make it a positive experience and enjoy the little victories!

2. INCENTIVES: Don’t you like to be rewarded when you do something that is really hard?! When we work at a goal and finally accomplish it, we all like to get something out of it – and so do our littles! Create a fun box and head to the dollar store! Fill up the box with little toys – and let them choose something out of the box when they go.

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3. STICKER CHART: Children LOVE to see their progress – and a sticker chart works wonders for that! To allow them to put a sticker on their board to celebrate their success is a GREAT way to help them stay motivated. To work on counting while doing so, maybe creating an incentive every time they get 10 stickers would work for you as well! It will help them practice counting to ten AND they get a fun trip to the park, to the movies or out to lunch when they have successes!

4. LET THEM PICK OUT TRAINING PANTS: This is HUGE! When you make it fun for them – it will make all the difference.  Pampers Easy Ups are our favorites and can be found at your local stores.

With the fun and cute characters on each training pant – it has been EXCITING for our two-year-old to embrace the change and feel like a “big girl!” Probably my favorite part of them ALL, is the wetness indicator that changes color when wet, teaching the kids to try their very hardest NOT to let them get wet! Brilliant, right?!

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Pampers Easy Ups are a GREAT option for day AND night, but are actually designed for when your toddler is ready for potty training during the day, but still needs protection at night. {It happens to the best of us!}

In fact, they feature Pampers Leak Protection, which results in holding over 25% more, causing fewer leaks than the other leading training pants! Their super-stretchy sides are easy to pull on and off and tear for easy removal.

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5. WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE READY: The BEST advice I was given about potty training was to “wait until they are ready” and I could NOT agree more! With this helpful tip and Pampers Easy Ups, the whole potty training process will be SO much easier than you expect! Remember there WILL be accidents. There WILL be setbacks. But that’s okay. It is normal. You are not alone!

Potty training is a big deal – a really BIG milestone in a child’s life {and yours…the mom’s!}. Don’t rush it – and remember they will get it one day!

So mama, don’t worry! You are going to ROCK this whole potty training thing! And with the help of these special tips, you will be on your way to DRY pants, day and night in no time!

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1 Comment on 5 Things To Remember To Make Your Potty Training Experience EASY!

  1. Alison Palmer
    April 18, 2016 at 5:52 pm (9 years ago)

    One of my fondest memories of my twin grandkids’ potty training journey is the time I showed up at their house and they literally flew to the front door to greet me with their pants around their ankles, yelling we go potty, Grammy!”


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