50 Essential Lessons That Change Every New Moms Life | Today's the Best Day

50 Essential Lessons That Change Every New Moms Life

The teacher went around the room handing out pieces of paper. Listed on it were questions we, as fifth graders, were supposed to answer for the yearbook.

What is your favorite color? I answered PINK… of course!

If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? I answered New York City… I have always been a city girl at heart!

What do you want to be when you grow up? My answer was simple… a MOM.

Some of my friends wrote doctors, veterinarians, teachers and police officers. But I didn’t care about my future profession…I really just wanted to have tons of babies to hold and kiss!

But my life was going to change. 

Fast forward seven years later…I sat in a cold doctor’s office waiting for the OBGYN to tell me my results. My mom was with me and was holding my hand. As a seventeen year old girl, getting ready to graduate high school, I didn’t expect the news I was about to hear.

“It seem to be you have a severely intense case of PCOS.”

After one little ultrasound, I was told news that shattered my childhood dreams. The doctor looked me in the eyes and told me I may not be able to have children. I was heart broken. All I ever wanted was to be a mom and now I was told it was probably not possible.

My life was changed. 

I married my High School sweetheart and very best friend a few years later. We were only married 6 months when we got the best news of our lifetime. WE WERE PREGNANT! I couldn’t believe it.

“That doctor had no idea what he was talking about,” we thought!

My life was changed. 

We told our families and social media, we bought books and magazines. We were ecstatic. We were going to be parents! A few weeks passed and we were supposed to go listen to our little guys heart beat. The day before though, we woke up to something I never want to see again. We had lost our baby. We had lost our miracle.

My life was changed. 

We tried for several years to get pregnant. And finally after 8 rounds of clomid, 1 failed IUI, 2 cancelled IUI’s, 2 surgeries, 2 D&C’s, 1 cycle of IVF, countless tests and hundreds of needles… our dreams came true. We were PREGNANT again after 4 years of fertility treatments.

My life was changed. 

Pregnancy was hard on my body. I spent nearly 5 months on bed rest! But the day finally came for our baby to come. It was a beautiful, January, Sunday afternoon. My husband and I were very anxious for our angel to come, as were our families. We pulled into the hospital ready to meet our baby girl. I honestly couldn’t believe the day had finally come. It was unreal.

My life was changed. 

Becoming a mom changes your life. It’s amazing that something so small can take up so much of your heart and teach you more than you have ever learned in your entire life.

Here Are 50 Essential Lessons That Change Every New Moms Life: 

50 Essential Lessons That Change Every New Moms Life

Photos by Christine Olson Photography 

1. THAT LOVE IS REAL: The moment the doctor lays that sweet baby in your arms, you KNOW what love is. You can’t even imagine falling in love with someone that fast. It is actually pretty crazy. And what’s even crazier, is that your love just grows and grows every single day.

2. HOW TO HAVE PATIENCE: A mother’s patience is tested daily as you learn how to be a mom. Through crayon marks on the walls and tantrums in the store, a mom learns how to breathe deep and love unconditionally.

3. HOW TO SHOW KINDNESS: Because a mom knows that their littles are always watching. ALWAYS.

4. TO NEVER GIVE UP: And to never stop trying. And to never stop having faith. Because bad days come, but those days do not define us. And there is a little person that NEEDS you… because YOU are their mom.


5. THE IMPORTANCE OF SERVICE: Because there is always someone in need.

6. THAT EVERYONE HAS AN OPINION: Between friends, family, doctors, books and the internet… moms are constantly being told what to do and how to do it. You learn that everyone has an opinion and how to take a look at it to see if it fits in with how YOU want to parent.

7. TO LEARN FROM MISTAKES: Most moms want to be perfect. You probably want to be the flawless mom that does NOTHING wrong, right?! We’re talking home cooked, freshly organic, delicious breakfasts, lunch and dinners daily all while being able to stay on top of the laundry, vacuuming, dusting and of course play time with the babe. You quickly learn that nobody is perfect, and all you need to do is to try your best.

8. HOW TO GROW TOGETHER AS A FAMILY: This is so important. Bringing a baby into your home, changes the whole dynamic. It is no longer just about you and your husband… you have a baby now! Moms quickly learn how important it is to find the balance of family time and alone time with the man in the house too.

9. THAT FAMILIES ARE FOREVER: And by far THE most important thing in this life.

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10. ALL ABOUT TIME MANAGEMENT: Well, some moms learn this quickly. I shamelessly will admit that I am STILL as late as ever on a daily basis wherever I go. But managing time between meals, naps, cleaning, play and work takes some mad mommy skills!

11. THE IMPORTANCE OF TAKING CARE OF YOUR MOMMY-SELF: Moms quickly learn how important it is to get up and take a shower. If you get nothing done the rest of the day, at least you feel good and at least you did something for YOU.

12. THE IMPORTANCE OF TAKING CARE OF THE LITTLES: Just as important it is to take care of ourselves, we of course need to take care of our sweet babies – who needs their mamas.

13. THE TRUE MEANING OF SELFLESS: Moms truly learn what this word means. Selfless. It is completely putting someone else’s needs before your own. Caring more about someone else, besides yourself 24/7.

14. HOW TO CLEAN: As the littles get older, this is a tough one. As moms, we feel like we clean one box of toys up, only to hear another “BANG” from all of the other toys being spilled out onto the ground in the next room. You learn as a mom that the house doesn’t need to (and probably won’t be) PERFECTLY clean all the time, after all people DO live there.

15. HOW TO MULTI-TASK: Moms are the multi-tasking QUEENS! We quickly learn how to talk to our moms on the phone and pay a bill online while combing our little’s hair and brushing our teeth all at the same time.

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16. HOW TO COOK DINNER WITH ONE HAND: Not very many people can probably say that they know how to cook dinner with a baby on their hip! BUT MOMS DO!

17. TO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE: Our little ones come to us so innocently. They are so nice to everyone! They wave hi and blow kisses to every person they came in contact with. They don’t judge by the way people look or dress. Or if we have no-make up or are all dolled up. Moms quickly learn by the examples of their littles to love everyone.

18. HOW TO LAUGH AT YOUR MISTAKES: Because we ALL are going to make them – so you might as well have a good time doing it.

19. HOW IT FEELS TO REALLY BE SCARED: And to worry. And to fall to your knees in prayer. And to feel like you would do ANYTHING to help your little baby feel happy.

20. HOW IT FEELS TO REALLY BE HAPPY: A mom knows what TRUE happiness is.

21. HOW IT FEELS TO BE REALLY TIRED: A mom also knows what TRUE exhaustion is.

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22. HOW TO FORGIVE & FORGET: Because our littles forgive and forget us daily, I mean even within SECONDS.

23. HOW TO ORGANIZE: With having a baby, comes a lot of THINGS. You have diapers, wipes, burp clothes, swaddle blankets, onesies, outfits, pajamas, rubber duckies, books, toys and the list goes on. Moms quickly learn how to organize and separate each item into its own place.

24. TO LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY: If you look at a moms phone, 99% of the photos will be of their children. Moms quickly learn to capture each moment of their growing baby. And almost always their phone is “capacity full” from the hundreds of shots they take in one sitting to get that perfect social media worthy photo!

25. TO NOT GIVE YOUR PHONE TO BABIES: This past year, I broke 3 iPhones. Lesson learned, ladies!

26. TO PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY: Because moms quickly learn that the greatest present you can give to your child, is your presence.

27. WHY MOMS ALWAYS SAY THEY LOVE NAP TIME: Because if you are a mom, you know there is no greater feeling in the world than seeing that sleeping baby! HALLELUJAH!

28. THAT SHOPPING IS A DANGEROUS HOBBY: Whyyyyy are babies SO fun to shop for?! Moms quickly learn if they need to run to the store to buy laundry detergent, they will most likely come home with a few outfits for the little instead.

29. THAT A BABY CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY SHOES: It’s ALL about the accessories.

30. THE FACT THAT WE ARE BORN WITH OUR PERSONALITIES: No matter how hard you try to make your little outgoing, they still may be shy. No matter how quiet you want to make your little be, they still may be as loud as a lion. Embrace who they are and love them for what they bring into your family.

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31. THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDICINE: Because nothing is more sad than a sick little babe and as the mom, not being able to make them feel better.

32. TO STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES: To slow down. Enjoy life. It is going by FAR too quickly!

33. THAT MUSIC IS A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE: If a baby is sad or fussy, moms quickly learn that they can turn on music to put a smile on the little’s face to dance the night away. Music is a way for us to communicate, even before they can talk.

34. THAT IT IS OKAY TO SPLASH IN THE TUB AND MAKE A MESS: Kids will be kids, so let them be. Let them have fun. Let them be little.

35. THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN CUDDLES: Even at 3am, a mom LOVES baby cuddles. I am not sure if there is anything better than rocking a baby to sleep in your arms. There is just something so angelic about it. You feel so close to heaven.

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36. SOMETIMES WE JUST WANT OUR MOMS: It goes for adults too, right? Sometimes I just need my mama!! And it goes for our babies too.

37. SOMETIMES WE JUST WANT OUR DADS: Dad’s have a special way of making us happy. And it is secretly sooo nice when mama gets a break!

38. SOMETIMES WE JUST NEED TO BE ALONE: Quiet time is essential. Moms need a little breather every now and then. Even if its locking yourself in a dark closet to eat a piece of chocolate alone.

39. THE IMPORTANCE OF GOING OUTSIDE: Moms learn quickly to get OUT of the house. It is good for you and it is good for the baby. Something about the sun on your faces and the warm air can make your day better.

40. WHAT CHANNEL DISNEY JUNIOR and NICKELODEON ARE ON: From Bubble Guppies to Doc McStuffins, a mom quickly learns where to find the hottest new shows and episodes.

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41. THAT HAVING A PAJAMA DAY IS OKAY: And absolutely necessary as a mom!

42. THAT ROUTINES ARE NECESSARY TOO: Moms quickly learn that baby’s learn from routines. Whether it is nap time or play time, littles like to be in that schedule so they know what is going on.

43. HOW TO ENJOY THE MOMENT: Moms quickly learn to NEVER take a moment for granted. EVER. Time goes by way way way way too fast.

44. TO BE FLEXIBLE WITH YOUR SCHEDULE: With a baby you never know what is going to happen. Most times as moms are running out the door, something major will happen. Like poop explosions or shoes go missing. Be flexible. Know that things are going to happen.

45. TO GIVE HUGS AND KISSES WHENEVER YOU WANT: As a mom, you can never steal too many hugs and kisses. Show the people in your life how important they are to you…anytime, anywhere.

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46. TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Know that you can do it! You can be whatever kind of mom you want to be.

47. TO ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS: Because one day they will be the big things. AND they are often times, the most important things.

48. TO HAVE FUN: Being a mom can be FUN. Make memories, do exciting things, go to the park, be spontaneous, stay up past bedtime, eat yummy treats early in the morning and make your children happy.

49. THAT MIRACLES HAPPEN: Moms know it. Because they have one of their own.

50. THAT YOUR LIFE IS ALWAYS CHANGING: And to embrace it. And to love it. And to know that bad things happen. And good things happen. And hard days come. And good days come. But it is worth it…. It is ALWAYS worth it.

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