50 Of The Best "You Know You Are A Mom When" Moments | Today's the Best Day

50 Of The Best “You Know You Are A Mom When” Moments

The day you become a mom, you automatically become a member of a very prestigious, extremely fun, sometimes a little crazy, but absolutely amazing, club – let’s call it, The Mom Club.  A club where thousands of women belong, have many different opinions and stories, can feel fifty different emotions in one day, and all come together with one purpose – survival. 🙂

Every day as a mom is a new adventure. We asked women from our Facebook and Instagram followers for some of their REAL stories and REAL experiences as moms.

We have compiled a list of the best 50 answers and present to you:

50 Moments When You TRULY Know You Are A Mom:


1. You know you are a mom when your heart is too big for your body.

2. You know you are a mom when you use the phrase “Hold on. Let me put on my good yoga pants if we are going out in public.”

3. You know you are a mom when it is perfectly normal to include poop in daily conversation.

4. You know you are a mom when the sound of silence worries you. You never know…

5. You know you are a mom when you are more excited about buying a tiny converse track suit for your son over that handbag from Kate Spade.

6. You know you are a mom when you haven’t gone to the bathroom alone in six years.

7. You know you are a mom when you consider it a small victory when you shower AND brush your hair by nap time.

8. You know you are a mom when your two year old picks his nose, asks what is stuck on his finger and proceeds to try and wipe it on your pants.

9. You know you are a mom when you have said the phrase “who peed on this?” on more than one occasion.

10. You know you are a mom when you change a diaper with one hand while eating a sandwich in another.

11. You know you are a mom when you turn on Netflix and automatically turn on a cartoon before realizing your kids have been in bed for an hour.

12. You know you are a mom when you’ve been dying for your child to take a nap and then when they finally do, you stare at them, thinking “you are so adorable” and touching them.

13. You know you are a mom when your excited for your new car… which is a van!

14. You know you are a mom when you catch throw up in your hand and it doesn’t even bother you.

15. You know you are a mom when you try to have a conversation with someone, but keep getting interrupted to shout out things like, “Don’t eat that!” “Get down from there!” and “Do you need a time out?”

16. You know you are a mom when you get dressed in “normal” clothes {aka not leggings/yoga pants or PJ’s} and your kids ask “Where are you going Mom?” Or “Can we come with you?” when you aren’t going anywhere.

17. You know you are a mom when your breakfast consists of your kids leftovers.

18. You know you are a mom when you’ve perfected that a piece of bread can only stay in the toaster for 23 seconds on setting one because your child does not actually want toast. She wants a warm piece of bread. Any actual browning of the toast constitutes that it’s burnt and therefore cannot be eaten.

19. You know you are a mom when you are no longer the first person you consider in your decisions.

20. You know you are a mom when you stop saying “oh my future kids would never do that!”

21. You know you are a mom when you are cleaning up someone else’s poop and are hungrily thinking about what you will make for dinner.

22. You know you are a mom when you finally go on a date night with your husband and spend the whole time thinking or talking about your kids.

23. You know you are a mom when you have hundreds of pictures on your phone of your baby doing nothing, but being the love of your life.

24. You know you are a mom when you hand a freshly made sippy cup of chocolate milk to your husband….?? Mom-cruise-control.

25. You know you are a mom when poop, farts and burbs are celebrated!

26. You know you are a mom when the floor in your car is covered with cheerios, gold fish and some unrecognizable gunk, but you are always too tired or too distracted to care. They also say it’s a sign that you are a mom of 2 or more when you watch your child eat a goldfish off of said floor and don’t even blink.

27. You know you are a mom when you are in such a rush you shave the same leg twice and  when you realize it, you just shrug and leave the other one hairy.

28. You know you are a mom when you find random pacifiers and toys in your pockets, purses and drawers.

29. You know you are a mom when work counts as your social life.

30. You know your a mom when your hiding in your bedroom to eat a chocolate bar because by golly just one time you don’t want to share any of your food.

31. You know you are a mom when your child throws a tantrum in the store, stiffens like a board so you can’t buckle them in their car seat, goes limp as you try to get them in the house while carrying bags in the other hand… and then, while tucking them in at night, they hug you tightly with chubby arms. While you watch them close their eyes, they look at you with such love, that you forget and forgive the day.

32. You know you are a mom when you overpack for everything.

33. You know you are a mom when you take a shower just to get five minutes by yourself, only to have your child jump in with you right after you get in!

34. You know you are a mom when you have no money for yourself but thousands to spend on little surprises for them.. then being fully satisfied by the happiness in their eyes.

35. You know you are a mom when going to the grocery store alone totally counts as a vacation!

36. You know you are a mom when your vacuum is part of your decorations in an open spot because you gave up putting it away due to how often you need to use it.

37. You know you are a mom when you are wearing one brown boot and one black boot and you don’t even care who stares – you are just proud you found a right shoe and a left shoe.

38. You know you a re a mom when you go to tell your child to please don’t do whatever they are doing and they make a face that you have to either look away and try to hold your composure or leave the room to laugh!

39. You know you are a mom when you get to church and realize their is a stream of puke down your back.

40. You know you are a mom when you realize that your baby is standing in the crib smiling and laughing at the fact that you are crawling on your hands & knees looking for the paci that they have thrown out of the crib.

41. You know you are a mom when you have to say, “Please don’t try and put your foot in the toilet” seven trillion times a day.

42. You know you are a mom when you go to grab the nearest drink and gulp it down because you are so thirsty, after realizing that it was your child’s drink and it was filled with huge chunks of food.

43. You know you are a mom when you go shopping and end up with tons of stuff for your kids and nothing for yourself.

44. You know you are a mom when food and vomit are a regular accessory to your outfit.

45. You know you are a mom when it takes you the entire car trip to realize that you just were listening/ singing along to the Frozen soundtrack for the millionth time and you have no kids in the car. Dang it… you could have listened to the actual radio. 

46. You know you are a mom when you go to the kitchen for a snack and come back into the room to find your bras and underwear everywhere and your one-year-old trying to put them on as shirts.

47. You know you are a mom when you go to bed at 8pm on a Friday night, willingly. Just to get some sleep!

48. You know you are a mom when you use the term “go to the potty” with other adults and your talking about yourself.

49. You know you are a mom when you blink and they are off to college and someone forgot to tell you that you are suppose to let go with a smile.

50. You know you are a mom when you will never come first again and nothing makes you happier.

To read all of the responses {there were SO many hilarious, true and amazing answers!} check out our Facebook and Instagram.

If you are a part of The Mom Club {or are excited to one day be a part of it!} don’t forget to share this –

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1 Comment on 50 Of The Best “You Know You Are A Mom When” Moments

  1. Lauren
    March 11, 2015 at 2:20 am (10 years ago)

    This made me laugh so hard.. I ALWAYS find myself listening to Frozen on the way to work after dropping the kids off at school and daycare! hahaha


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