I was at the park and overheard two moms talking about the book 50 Shades of Grey.
I’ve never read the book and I don’t plan to see the movie, but their conversation reminded me of something. As we sat and watched our children play together, going up and down the slides, I thought to myself, “that sounds familiar.”
Many people told me once I became a mom I would say goodbye to my “husband and wife time” and it is somewhat true – it is a lot harder to find time for just the two of us. But their 50 Shades of Grey talk wasn’t reminding me about my married life and alone time with my man. It reminded me about my job… my mom job.
On a daily basis, motherhood causes a woman to feel a lot more than 50 shades of emotions. We feel up and down, crazy and concerned, overwhelmed and at peace.
Girls experience a lot more emotions than men do, it’s science. See for yourself – how true is this graphic?

THESE are the 50 Shades of Motherhood:

2. YELLOW CHEERFUL: Nobody wants to start the day off grumpy and “If mama aint happy…aint nobody happy,” right?! So moms puts on a smile to set the mood for their families, so they can help start the day off on the right foot!
3. NEON ORANGE ENERGETIC: Some moms like coffee, some moms like hot chocolate, some moms like green smoothies and some moms like tea… whatever it is, mamas get it into them every morning as quickly as possible, so they can have the energy to get EVERYTHING done that they want to, for the busy day they have ahead.
4. OLIVE GREEN FLUSTERED: No more than five minutes later, moms start feeling a little flustered. It’s time to get the kids ready and out the door, but suddenly everything seems to go missing. Car keys, cell phones, backpacks, lunches, jackets… even shoes that seem to have been on their little feet 2 minutes prior.
5. DOGER BLUE TEARFUL: Getting children into their carseats can sometimes be extremely stressful. The tears just come pouring out of their eyes because they just “don’t want to” buckle up.
6. BRIGHT PINK READY: It’s time to get ready – which in mom terms means to change out your pajamas to yoga pants. But this time you decide to step it up and put on a pair of jeans. FANCY!
7. PLUM UNCOMFORTABLE: But then moms realize how uncomfortable jeans are and they decide to go back to the leggings or yoga pants. In the mom life, comfort is everything.

9. TAN NERVOUS: But just like when you were in Junior High, the nerves start creeping in and we decide we don’t really need any friends – who has time for friends these days anyways?
10. CRIMSON ENTHUSIASTIC: Without being worried about the other moms on the benches judging, we decide to have fun. We remember how quickly our babies have already grown and want to just cherish these park play dates!
11. PEACH PUFF PLEASED: After playing for only a few minutes, us mamas need break! Don’t we all wish we had the energy of a toddler?! This is the shade we feel when we notice our children playing so well with other kids.
12. PURPLE GRATEFUL: On the drive home moms tend to have those little moments of peace. Those little moments where they realize how much they love their life and how grateful they are to be a mom!
13. ROSEY EMBARRASSED: That moment when “your song” is on the car stereo and you are jammin’ out and singing it with your kids in the back. But then you realize the car next to you is watching – you just wave and drive.
14. DARK GREEN ENVIOUS: The shade moms feel once they walk into their messy house that they already picked up twice that morning. They open up Social Media on their phones and everyone seems to be happy. Everyone seems to be able to do it all and we wonder HOW?
15. BRIGHT RED LOVE: But then that text comes. From your husband…. maybe from your mom… maybe from your friend – and you realize you are doing a pretty good job!
16. DARK ORANGE OVERWHELMED: The shade moms feel when they turn off their phone and look at our long “To-Do” lists – and when I say long, I mean a mile long. Sifting through trying to decide where to begin and what is a priority, we question if there is even a way to get it all done.

18. DARK GRAY ANGRY: Or is it red? or blue? or purple? The colors of a moms face as they feel it heating up and about to lose their patience. WHY?! You ask. WHY?!
19. SKY BLUE CONCERNED: But moms quickly learn how to recognize teaching opportunities. They sit and talk about what had happened.
20. SALMON STRONG: This is the shade moms feel when they grab the towels and start cleaning. They scrub and scrub, working out those arm muscles and show that marker who is boss.
21. VIOLET RED ECSTATIC: That moment you remember a special DIY remedy of “How To Get Marker Out Of Your Furniture Because Of Your Toddler” you pinned on Pinterest so you do it.. and it actually works! WIN.
22. SILVER IMPATIENT: Nap time just can’t come fast enough.
23. INDIGO MULTI-TASKING: The shade every mom feels 24-hours a day. Sometimes we need 5 arms, 10 hands, 6 legs and real eyes in the back of our heads.
24. LEMON YELLOW PEACEFUL: Lunch is made. Cartoons are on. And for a moment you feel at ease. Everything seems to be just fine.
25. SEA GREEN IRRITATED: Oh, but don’t get too comfortable. Spilt juice. Time to clean again?
26. CHOCOLATE BROWN IMPORTANT: The shade moms feel when their baby begins to cry and is ready for a nap. The only person in the world they want… is their mom. And you love it.
27. SPARKLY GOLD AMAZED: You lay them down to fall asleep and you just stare at your little baby. As they close their eyes you can’t get over their little, perfect features. Their tiny eyes, their button nose, their soft lips, their chubby cheeks, their messy hair… you can’t help but give a gentle kiss.
28. ROYAL BLUE CONTENT: The baby is asleep. It’s nap time. Need I say more?
29. DARK CYAN INDECISIVE: That moment when a mom needs to decide: Do I clean for the 8th time? Do I do laundry? Do I do the dishes? Do I put my feet up and catch up on The Bachelor? Do I nap too?
30. TRUE RED POWERFUL: In real mom life, moms don’t get anything done while the baby is awake. So this is the shade moms feel when they find in themselves the energy to do as much as possible, while tip-toeing around the house trying not to wake the baby.

32. MISTY ROSE AMUSED: That moment you call your husband to check-in on things and he asks you, “What have you done all day?” And you want to reply, “What haven’t I done all day?”
33. LIGHT STEEL EXCITED: It’s almost 5pm?!
34. DEEP PINK ENCHANTED: Is there anything better than snuggles? Moms hold their sleepy babies as they try to wake up. The feeling of their little bodies on you makes you fall more in love.
35. SPRING GREEN ANXIOUS: The shade moms feel when their man is on their way home and they can finally get some help!
36. SNOW WHITE CURIOUS: And then that moment when it’s 5pm and you totally forgot to make dinner. You look up the easiest recipe you can find on Pinterest, but decide take-out would be a whole lot easier. Luckily, a frozen pizza from the freezer looks just as good.
37. POWDER BLUE PROUD: Pizza takes 20 minutes to order, your man has a 20 minute commute… dinner will be ready. Not. A. Problem.
38. ALMOND PINK AFFECTIONATE: The shade moms feel when little hands are reaching for them to be held. And you get a hug, just because you are a mom.
39. FIREBRICK ECSTATIC: FAMILY TIME! Nothing better in the world.
40. YELLOW GREEN ANNOYED: That moment you realize you now have ANOTHER set of dishes to do from dinner. #doesnotend
41. CYAN CONFIDENT: Moms can do everything and anything… and this is the shade every mom feels when they realize that.
42. DIM GRAY DEFEATED: By this hour, mom is done with the day.
43. DARK SALMON DETERMINED: This is the shade moms experience when they are ready for the bedtime routine. Bath, read a story, say a prayer, sing a song and maybe even a few cuddles. Moms are on a mission to get their little ones fast asleep.
44. SPARKLY PINK SUCCESSFUL: The shade moms feel when they are able to sneak out of their baby’s bedroom without them waking up. VICTORY!

46. PALE PINK CALM: Maybe it’s time for mama to have a few minutes of alone time, either by herself or with her man. She may read a book. She may take a bath. She may watch a show. She may just sit. In quiet.
47. AQUAMARINE AFRAID: But then she feels this shade. The shade of fear. The moment she heard a sound coming from the baby’s room, so she quickly turns off the lights and down the tv, praying she didn’t wake the baby.
48. ORANGE RED RELIEF: The shade when she realizes the baby is still asleep. All is well.
49. SPARKLY SILVER SATISFIED: That moment moms throw away their to-do lists and make a ta-da list for their day. Instead of focusing on our mile long lists of things we wanted to accomplish, we focus on the many things we DID do. Like… being a MOM.
50. TRUE PINK HAPPY: The shade every mom feels as they lay in bed and realize that they have the best job in the world. They get to be a MOM. The job that pays the highest in happiness, joy and 100% love.
March 4, 2015 at 9:04 pm (10 years ago)Ok, can I just say, “Thank you!” What a positive take on a not so positive book. Anyone who can take something negative and turn it into a positive post about motherhood is awesome! Way to go! We need more people like you in the world today!
Katy {What Katy Said}
February 6, 2015 at 4:01 pm (10 years ago)This is great hun! Well done for finding 50 shades too haha! x
February 4, 2015 at 5:11 am (10 years ago)This is exactly what I experience every day! Such a fun read and reminder that even if I do feel grumpy at some point in my day I can still turn it around. Thanks for the pick me up!