On New Years Eve as a family we gathered together and talked about our past year. We looked back on the past 365 days and thought about our goals we had set and if we had each achieved what we had wanted to. My husband had the goal of completing his first triathlon – and he did it! My father-in-law had the goal of riding his bike from Las Vegas, Nevada to Dallas, Texas – and he did it! My sister had the goal to graduate college – and she did it! And my one year old had the goal of staying just as cute as she already was – and I would say she definitely succeeded that one.
I was in awe at these amazing accomplishments each of these people I love were able to achieve! They put their hearts to their goals, worked hard and truly found success!
For me on the other hand, it sometimes seems that making goals is a lot easier than actually achieving them. Am I alone here?! In January I tend to feel pumped and excited to become a new person and to start the year off fresh with a big bang! But as the year flies by, my goals sometimes get put to the side and I slip back into my normal habits and routine.
This year I decided 2015 was going to be MY year! And it can be YOURS too! BUT – how do we make and then actually KEEP our New Years Resolutions?! Is it even REALLY possible!?
As we sat together as a family, I asked the individual’s who were able to actually achieve their goals this past year, what their tricks and tips were! How were they able to reach their dreams and feel success?! We all want to feel that pat on our backs, knowing we accomplished a huge goal, right?!
I have compiled a list of 6 Ways To Make And Keep Your New Years Resolutions – these are from the experts themselves!

Outfit by Target® C9 – who I LOVE, ladies! Check them out here.
1. THERE ARE 7 DAYS IN A WEEK AND SOMEDAY ISN’T ONE OF THEM: The first step to goal setting is to do it NOW. Don’t wait until Monday. Don’t wait until your next vacation is over. Don’t wait until Summer. Today is the perfect day to start! Write out your dreams and the things you would like to accomplish this year! You can even print off this <FREE GOAL PRINTABLE> to help you get started!
2. IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL: Second – make a plan! Sometimes from a large scheme of things, goals can look overwhelming big and nearly impossible. Break up your goals into small steps – to make little goals a bit more achievable. As you hit each little goal, you will feel the feeling of success, which will give you more drive to keep going!
3. WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING YOU’VE NEVER HAD, YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING YOU’VE NEVER DONE: Easier said then done, right?! Sometimes it is hard to try something new and to step outside of our comfort zones. Often times we get into routines and habits that are really hard to break out of. If we want to see different results, we must change something. Whether it is waking up a little earlier, exercising a little more, going to bed at a decent hour or eating more healthy – do something you have never done before and keep at it. I promise you will see a difference.
4. IF YOU LOOK GOOD, YOU FEEL GOOD, SO YOU DO GOOD: Get up, get ready and get going! I always feel pumped when I know that I look good! Target® {as you all probably already know by know!} is one of my absolute favorite stores! Their Target® C9 line of workout clothes are to-die-for. Seriously they are not only super cute, but amazingly comfortable! In fact, no matter what your New Years Resolutions are for this year – you can absolutely wear their cute clothes all day, every day! You will look good – so you will feel good – so you will do good!
My outfit is from Target® C9 – you HAVE to check out their line here!
Leggings are from here. Hoodie is from here. Yoga Tank is from here.
5. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOURSELF, HAVE CONFIDENCE: The prettiest thing a lady can wear, is a smile! So show off those pearly whites and believe in yourself! Know that you can achieve ANYTHING! Be careful not to compare yourself to others – be YOU and be proud. You’ve got this!
6. WHEN THE WORLD SAYS GIVE UP. HOPE WHISPERS TRY IT ONE MORE TIME: Last, but probably the most important way to make and keep your New Years Resolutions this year, is to NEVER say never. When you feel at a loss and you are ready to give up, pick yourself up and try again.
What an exciting time of year, ladies! I am so excited to see what this year will bring to each of us! I know as we set goals, work hard and get comfortable {specifically with Target® C9 – what would us moms seriously do without Target® ?! } – we will be able to have the confidence to never give up on our goals and dreams!

FTC disclosure: This post was sponsored by Target® through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Target® C9, all opinions are my own.
What are some of your goals for 2015?! And what are you doing to achieve them?! I would LOVE to hear from you!