7 Dirty Little Secrets From Experienced Moms | Today's the Best Day

7 Dirty Little Secrets From Experienced Moms

Girl time. Something most women absolutely love! Visiting and talking about their lives, their kids, their men and their friends?! Who wouldn’t love that?

The other night I was with a few other moms and we started chatting about our lives…our MOM lives. The things we do. The things we miss. The things we love. The things we hope to  become. I took every minute of it in, because as moms we all know we don’t get those minutes very often.

Being a mom is the best thing that ever happened to me. I eat, drink, sleep and dream MOMMY LIFE – and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. But today I thought we all deserved a little break. A little mommy break. Let’s get together and have some GIRL time tonight. And let’s chat.

Let’s get to know each other a little better and share our experiences, our mistakes, our memories and our desires. I want to hear your dirty little secrets about motherhood!

I’ll share ours and then you share yours – I asked a few experienced moms what their dirty little secrets are and these are what we all could agree on:

7 Dirty Little Secrets From Real Moms

Secret #1: MOMS NEED A BREAK: As much as every mom wishes to be “super-mom” and to go-go-go, they all need some time away. A few minutes in a relaxing bath. A few minutes to put on her make-up. A few minutes to chew her own food. Being a mom isn’t a 9-5 job with an hour break in the middle to eat lunch and make personal phone calls. It is a 24-hour non-stop, always on the clock job.

Secret #2: MOMS HAVE WORN THE SAME SHIRT THREE DAYS IN A ROW: And they don’t even care! Just because it is comfortable. Just because it is somewhat clean. And just because she can…she will. Even though she may have a closet full of clothes waiting to be worn, she probably has a favorite shirt that she loves to hang out around the house in and it maybe only gets washed if the baby had an accident on it. Maybe. 😉

Secret #3: MOMS PUT THEIR KIDS DOWN TO SLEEP JUST TO SNEAK DESSERT: “No, kids you can’t have any more cookies… it is time for bed.” As soon as all the kids shut their eyes, the first thing she does is race to the cookie jar to grab a treat and watch her favorite show she has been thinking about all day.

Secret #4: MOMS ARE GUILTY OF COMPARING: Or maybe even judging. How soon did the neighbor’s kid walk? How stylish is the little girl down the street? What is the mom at the grocery store buying for her children? Moms are constantly looking at other moms to help build themselves up or put themselves down. Oh and seeing a child have a meltdown in public makes them secretly feel SO good, just to know they aren’t alone in this whole parenting thing.

Secret #5: MOMS WOULD CHOOSE NAP TIME OVER DADDY TIME: After a long day, moms are dreaming of one thing: their pillows. She understands the importance of her man and spending time with him and lovin’ him. But some days, she would rather be catching up on some z’s then making out.

Secret #6: MOMS HAVE USED THEIR KIDS AS AN EXCUSE: Don’t feel like going out with another couple tonight? “Babysitter cancelled – have to stay in.” Don’t feel like going to mommy’s playgroup? “Bummer – baby is sick, can’t make it.” Don’t feel like going to a family activity? “Unfortunately we had a rough night with the kids – we better all stay in.” Once you became a mom, you officially have an excuse to get out of anything and everything.

Secret #7: MOMS CAN’T WAIT FOR BED TIME: They can’t wait to put them to bed, but then they can’t wait for them to wake up. Sometimes after just a few hours of the kids going to bed, moms are guilty of going into their children’s rooms just to see them sleep, to hear them breathe and to steal one more kiss.

What are YOUR dirty little secrets?! I would LOVE to hear from you! Share yours in the comments below or on Social Media using #bestdayconfessions.

Don’t forget to share this with all the moms in your life! –

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6 Comments on 7 Dirty Little Secrets From Experienced Moms

  1. Chelsea
    December 22, 2014 at 6:15 am (10 years ago)

    I give my little girl candy when I don’t have the motivation to get her in the car seat, stroller, doing her hair, etc. I don’t like dealing with fits at several junctions of the day, and candy has become my best friend. I’m trying to stop but it just works so beautifully! A dirty little secret I’m not so proud of!!

  2. Jess
    December 19, 2014 at 12:59 am (10 years ago)

    Love all these tips!

  3. Lisa Rios
    December 17, 2014 at 6:29 pm (10 years ago)

    LOL, awesome little secrets these are! No.3 & No.5 are already in my list. When I can’t take them out, I used to lie them that I am going to meet our Doctor or the neighbors for whom they are bit scare of.

  4. Melodi Steinberg
    December 17, 2014 at 3:48 pm (10 years ago)

    I am so guilty of comparing. I do it all the time.

  5. Kristin
    December 17, 2014 at 1:05 am (10 years ago)

    I am so guilty of all of that lol. On more than one occasion I’ve put the kids to bed and gone to dairy queen or McDonald’s for a treat lol. I’ve only been caught a couple times…and the rug rat stole my ice cream.

  6. Katie
    December 16, 2014 at 1:19 am (10 years ago)

    Sometimes I turn the light off while I go to the bathroom so that my son won’t find me and I can pee in peace!


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