7 Things Husbands of Great Moms Know | Today's the Best Day

7 Things Husbands of Great Moms Know

Let’s face it.

Dads are awesome.

In addition to the many hours that we spend on the job, we also excel at other envious extracurriculars such as growing beards, mowing lawns and sculpting our sought after dad bods.

As amazing as all of that is, I have learned recently that no matter how cool I think I am, I will never hold a candle to my wife in the eyes of my children. After my wife left town for a much deserved vacation, it didn’t take long for my toddler to learn that things during the weekend would be a little bit different because Mom was gone.

Through the many hours of Elmo, pizza and the dreaded tickle monster, I could see in her eyes how much fun she was having… but then bed time came.

Settling down for the night, we picked out her favorite book and in my very best character voice I began to read to her.

I was quickly corrected, “No Dad, read like mommy!”

I tried a second time but again heard, “No Dad, like mommy!”

As much as I tried to be like mommy, I just wasn’t the same.

In fact, I discovered that weekend that there are a myriad of difficult things that my wife and other great moms do daily that we husbands are capable of doing, just not at the same level as our wives.  We can try, but we know that we will never be able to do some things quite like mommy.

While I missed my wife while she was away, I was grateful for my time I had with my daughter. She taught me these 7 valuable lessons about great moms that I now know to be true.

Here are 7 Things Husbands Of Great Moms Know

7 Things Husbands Of Great Moms Know

Photography by Christine Olson Photography 

1. Clothes Bring Woes:

When your main wardrobe consists of a steady rotation of 3 different shirts that all match the same pair of shorts, you don’t accessorize much. I was so grateful that my wife laid out an outfit for everyday she was gone, along with a matching bow and shoes. If it was up to me, our daughter would wear a Steelers jersey and pair of DC shoes on a daily basis. Husbands of great moms know that it’s okay to wear grubbies every once in a while, but if you want your kids to look cute, let their moms take the wheel.

2. Normal People Live In Messy Houses:

Of course, nobody likes to live in a messy house. After living as a mom, I learned that kids make you reevaluate what your definition of “messy” really is. After spending hours of cleaning just to see it destroyed within 10 minutes, it can be disheartening. No wonder my wife sends me pictures of our clean house during the day to prove at one time the living room wasn’t covered in legos and cheetos. My weekend experience gave me a greater appreciation for how much work goes into coming home to a clean house at the end of the day. Husbands of great moms know that messy means memories.

one upon a time my house was clean

3. Food Is Fuel:

Many things are on my radar of stuff that is “figure-out-able.” Cooking is not one of them, especially cooking with chaos in the air. Ronald McDonald may be a friendly face to a dad with a frying pan grease stain on his shirt, but he’s not a really healthy guy. My daughter deserves to have healthy meals prepared for her so she can grow up to be the next great defensive line (wo)man for the Pittsburgh Steelers. A dad can dream can’t he? Husbands of great moms know that their kids deserve the best.

4. Hair Is A Hot Mess

After one solid hour of Youtube video tutorials, I succeeded at creating my very first set of pigtails. Those things are a lot harder to do than they look! I am amazed by the speed and technique that moms use when forming the perfect pigtail. Husbands of great moms know that if mom isn’t around, we’re all wearing hats.

5. Time Is Relative:

Having kids requires parents to have game plans for every situation that arises. I was always used to playing two-on-one defense with my daughter. While my wife was away, I switched to man on man (or man on toddler) and it shocked me how much more time it took to play defense one on one. Just getting out the door took twice as long and I got frustrated trying to find that one little figurine she just had to have. I likely will not get on my wife’s case in the future for not being on time. She is a one man team majority of the time after all. Husbands of great moms know that being late just means being busy.

dad life mom life

6. The Power of the Purse:

There is a sacred ritual that all men have done for centuries, the three man pat. Whenever you see a dad stand up, you will see him pat his body three times – once on his back side and then twice on his legs. Why? He is looking for the only three things he ever has to keep track of…his wallet, his keys and his phone. If moms had a similar system, the pat count would be much higher. Husbands of great moms knows why moms carry so much with them in their purse everywhere they goes. From diapers and wipes to snacks and hand sanitzer, moms have it covered.

7. Love is Unconditional:

Lastly, every husband of a great mom has learned that love is constant. It is consistent and never goes away. No matter what. Through tantrums, tears, giggles and hugs don’t ever give up. With every early morning wake up calls and middle of the night alarms, patience and understanding brings a greater measure of love to every relationship. Husbands of great moms know that love is forever and for always.

Surprisingly through all of the donuts, candy and movies…I survived my weekend as a single parent. I now have a greater appreciation for the hard things that moms do that they make look so easy. At the end of the day, moms and dads can learn from each other and as a team we can grow together…..because after all, moms are great! But dads are cool too.

tysonTyson is a contributing writer to Today’s the Best Day. He is a husband to his High School sweetheart and father to the cutest girl on the planet. He loves, football, spending time with family and providing valuable content to help others have the best day every day.

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