8 Signs You Might Be A Modern Mom | Today's the Best Day

8 Signs You Might Be A Modern Mom

My mom came to visit a few days ago – and can I just say how much I LOVE having her in town?! She is a fun grandma, the best shopper, an excellent cook, a fast cleaner and is just the best mom around! I love staying up talking about life, our family and old friends we haven’t seen in a while – and I especially love laughing with her, about pretty much everything!

Aren’t moms the BEST?!

While she was visiting we realized something – being a mom in 2014 is SO different than being a mom in 1987! Besides the fact that the 90’s fashion trends are back {overalls, jean shirts and plaid button ups} – my mom would have never even imagined doing 90% of the things modern day moms do!

8 Signs You Might Be A Modern Mom

Photo by the talented Canico Studios

Today we have a list of 8 Signs You Might Be A Modern Mom – these are the things our moms somehow lived without!

1. YOU SCROLL PINTEREST TO FIND A RECIPE FOR DINNER, BIRTHDAY PARTY IDEAS, HOME DECOR AND HOW TO LOSE THAT BABY WEIGHT: How did our moms know what to cook? How did they come up with fun activities for us to do? And how in the world did they plan our birthday parties?! An online source that has EVERY idea, recipe, craft and outfit inspiration all in one place?! Unheard of! These days – You need a recipe for a dish you are in charge of at the pot luck on Saturday? Check Pinterest! Looking for fun things to do on a family vacation? Check Pinterest! Looking for a color scheme for your upcoming family photo shoot? Check Pinterest! Oh the list goes on and on…


3. YOU HAVE 10 PICTURES A DAY OF YOUR LITTLES NOT ON A CAMERA: If our parents wanted daily pictures of us, they had to carry around a camera with FILM. No digital screen to see if we looked cute and approved it. No re-takes. These days, we have cameras on a little device in our pockets that can capture any moment at any given time. How lucky are we?! I do not have enough room in my purse for a camera and film!

4. YOU CAN WATCH THE SAME EPISODE OF BUBBLE GUPPIES ALL DAY FROM DVR: I remember having to record shows on our VCR and having to “stop” “rewind” and randomly guess when to stop and push “play.” – Our children will never even know what a VCR is!

5. YOU TEXT YOUR HUSBAND WHEN HE IS JUST UPSTAIRS: SO guilty of this. We have all done it. “Hey, will you throw me down a diaper?” “Hey, dinner is ready!” “Hey, come watch a movie!” “Hey, will you come get this sleeping baby and put her in the crib?”

6. YOUR KIDS WANT TO BORROW YOUR CELL PHONE TO TAKE A SELFIE: Most modern day moms have posted that picture on Facebook or Instagram “My baby’s first selfie!”  – If you haven’t yet, it is coming!

7. YOU HAVE SEVERAL TO-GO POUCHES OF APPLESAUCE, PUDDING AND OTHER BABY FOOD IN YOUR PURSE: Everything is on the go these days! I cleaned out my purse the other day… I counted FIVE! 5 of those little pouches. Some half eaten, some all the way empty and some had never been open. Along the side of those pouches you will probably find crumbs of mum-mums and organic PUFFS.

8. YOUR HAIR IS IN A BUN, YOUR YOGA PANTS ARE ON, YOUR HOUSE IS A MESS… AND YOU ARE ROCKIN’ ALL OF IT: I LOVE the look of modern day moms! I love that top knots are in! Yoga pants are in! Messy houses are in! And we can rock it all… because we are Modern Day Moms!

What other signs would you add to the list of being a Modern Day Mom?! I would love to hear!

Don’t forget to share this with all the moms you know –

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5 Comments on 8 Signs You Might Be A Modern Mom

  1. Letty C.
    October 6, 2014 at 1:55 am (10 years ago)

    I hit most of this 🙂

  2. Debi
    October 6, 2014 at 1:26 am (10 years ago)

    I can see me in several of these.

  3. farenlyn
    October 5, 2014 at 6:29 am (10 years ago)

    love this! all me! I do wish we had old cameras still tho, it feels like I take advantage of it and now all I have are digital files, and if I wanted to print it out and put it in an album, I can’t help but to print maybe 5 of the same pics in slightly different poses just because I can! smh…I’ve been backing then up constantly fearing I’ll lose them of they’re get corrupt in some weird way! also even finding what’s on tv using the paper book TV guide and highlight my shows! lol! we DVR everything so I barely remember the times my favorite shoes are even on! so sad! lol!

  4. Whitney H
    October 5, 2014 at 3:16 am (10 years ago)

    Yes! My house is in style!

  5. Jamie
    October 3, 2014 at 11:57 pm (10 years ago)

    Very good…I match every single one of these lol


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