8 Things Motherhood Is And 8 Things It Isn't | Today's the Best Day

8 Things Motherhood Is And 8 Things It Isn’t


Photos on this article are by our talented photographer, Christine Olson Photography

8 Things Motherhood Is Not: 

1. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT JUST ABOUT OUR APPEARANCE: Although when you think of a mom you may imagine messy hair, dirty clothes, a mini van, to-do lists and crunched up fishy crackers at the bottom of her purse, motherhood goes far beyond those things. Motherhood isn’t just about how many errands to run or how many kids to pick up for car pool. It isn’t just about kissing boo-boos and making dinner.

Motherhood is about love. Motherhood is about putting someone else’s need in front of yours. Motherhood is about making mistakes and trying to do better. Motherhood is about teaching and finding joy. Motherhood is about time and affection.

2. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT ALWAYS WHAT YOU HAD IMAGINED: Moms may not always look their best, in fact they may go days without showering. They may not be the skinniest they would like to be, in fact they may not have ever lost that baby bump. They may not always play with their kids, in fact they may sit on the bench and let them roam free because they need a break. They may not always have patience, in fact they may have yelled or spanked their kids out of anger. They may not always feed their littles fruits and vegetables, in fact they may have just had a popsicle for breakfast. And they may not always have fun things planned, in fact they may have turned on the tv for some much needed quiet time.

3. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT A HOBBY: Neil A. Anderson said, “Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. It is not something you do if you can squeeze time in, it is what God gave you time for.”

motherhood is not a hobby!

4. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT SOMETHING THAT CAN BE MEASURED: Besides the weight gain that can be measured that motherhood brings – it is impossible to measure the “success” of a mother. In fact, it is impossible to measure the love a mother feels when she feels her baby kick for the first time. It is impossible to measure the happiness a mother feels when she holds her swaddled baby in the hospital room. It is impossible to measure the joy a mother feels when she hears the words, “MAMA.” It is impossible to measure the feeling a mother experiences when she gets a hug just for fun, feels a little hand reach for hers just for security, sees her child make good decisions and become more than she could have ever hoped for.

5. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT PERFECTION: Moms are the first to tell you that they make mistakes. That they could have done better. That they could have tried harder. But really – the very fact that they think they aren’t perfect, shows how amazing they are. They try their best. They forgive themselves. They try again and again.

6. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT A COMPETITION: To a mom it doesn’t matter how early her neighbor’s baby walked or when he took his first steps. It doesn’t matter how put together her friend looks or how flawless she makes motherhood seem. It doesn’t matter how cute her sister’s baby’s clothes are or how many hours a night she sleeps. It doesn’t matter if she breast feed or formula feed. It doesn’t matter if she goes to work, works from home or is a stay-at-home mom. None of these things matter, because motherhood is not a competition.

7. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT A SPRINT: It is a journey. So enjoy it! It isn’t about who can get their kids grown and moved out the fastest – but it is about enjoying the spilt juice, because one day there won’t be anymore juice in the refrigerator to be spilt. It is about enjoying the piles of laundry, because one day there won’t be any more clothes to wash. It is about enjoying the cuddles, because one day they will be too big to sit on your lap. It is about loving every minute.

8. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT ABOUT YOU: “Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you have gained from having one.”


8 Things Motherhood Is: 

1. MOTHERHOOD IS FINDING A YOU THAT YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED: If you let it, motherhood will find the child in you that will sing and dance to the ABC’s and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Motherhood will find the energy in you to run around the park and play tag or duck duck goose. Motherhood will find the voice in you to read the same book 7 times before bed, just because the little one says, “Again! Again!.” Motherhood will find the muscles in you to carry a baby much longer than nine months. Motherhood will find the happiness in you that you never knew existed.

2. MOTHERHOOD IS EVERYTHING YOU NEVER KNEW TO HOPE FOR: As a mom you experience things you never thought you would experience – like sitting in a parking lot and nursing a fussy baby. Or laying in a crib, just to calm a scared toddler. Or experiencing the holidays through a child’s eyes and witnessing the miracles, surprises and joys that comes from it.

3. MOTHERHOOD IS A CHOICE YOU MAKE EVERY SINGLE DAY: Every day moms wake up and make a decision to be a mom. They make the choice of sharing their sandwich with their little ones, because little fingers couldn’t stop touching it. They make the choice of giving the last cookie in the cookie jar to their little one who wants it just as bad as she does. They makes the choice of waking up early, going to bed late and taking care of her family through all of the hours in between.

Motherhood is a choice you make every day!!

Donna Bell said, “Motherhood is a choice you make every day. To put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own. To teach the hard lessons. To do the right thing, even when you’re not sure what the right thing is, and to forgive yourself over and over again, for doing everything wrong.”

4. MOTHERHOOD IS MESSY: With diaper after diaper. Change of clothes after change of clothes. For her and the baby… Motherhood is messy. They play with dirt. They play with play-dough. They change their sheets, they give them baths, they wash their hands and do it over and over again.

5. MOTHERHOOD IS THE HIGHEST PAYING JOB: Moms may not get paid weekly or have a specific “payday” – because when you are a mom, your “Payday” is EVERY day.Through every kissed boo-boo and every tight hug. Through every “I love you” and through every tear… her paycheck grows and grows.

6. MOTHERHOOD IS SEEING THE WORLD ALL OVER AGAIN: Being a mom is about the experiences. Every day is a new adventure – and seeing your child witness things for the first time is like magic in their eyes. Seeing the pumpkins at Halloween. Seeing the turkeys on Thanksgiving. Seeing Santa on Christmas. Seeing the characters come to life at Disneyland. Seeing the pure joy and innocence in their eyes, makes it a whole new world.

7. MOTHERHOOD IS UP AND DOWN: There are bad days. Those days she wants to give up. Those days she wants to lay in her bed and never come out. Those days she is holding on, praying that someone will come help her. Those days that she thinks, “Did I sign up for this?!”

But suddenly those days don’t matter. Because those days fade away as she experiences those days she never wants to end. Those days she wants time to stop because it is going too quickly. Those days that make her realize how blessed she is. Those days she realizes she is much more than “just” a mom.


8. MOTHERHOOD IS WORTH IT: It is worth it. 100% worth it. It was worth it yesterday… it is worth it today and it will be worth it tomorrow. Even on those hard days… no… ESPECIALLY on those hard days. So keep on going and keep on trying. Because moms can change the world.

Don’t forget to share this with the moms in your life! –

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18 Comments on 8 Things Motherhood Is And 8 Things It Isn’t

  1. Candace
    January 19, 2015 at 9:44 pm (10 years ago)

    Love this article,
    Motherhood is a blessing, love being a mom

  2. Jae
    December 4, 2014 at 8:32 am (10 years ago)

    Thank you for this post. I found your website on pinterest looking for the activities for my 19 month baby girl. I am so exhausted and drained mentally but your words helped me to remember the good days…. Motherhood is so much harder than I imagined….

  3. Monica
    December 2, 2014 at 5:09 pm (10 years ago)

    Beautiful! I love being a Mom. This is very inspiring. Thank you!

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:03 pm (10 years ago)

      Thank you for your kind words Monica!

  4. Janeane Davis
    December 2, 2014 at 3:58 pm (10 years ago)

    I enjoyed this article very much. I would add another luxury for moms – being able to use the bathroom, wipe and wash one’s hands without interruption and fear of household destruction.

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:04 pm (10 years ago)

      Janeane those are definitely good luxuries to add to the list! It’s so crazy how little things such as washing one’s hands in peace are luxuries once you become a mom lol.

  5. Jess
    December 2, 2014 at 2:49 pm (10 years ago)

    This is a great post! As a woman without children yet, I felt you had very helpful points here 🙂

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:05 pm (10 years ago)

      Jess that is so nice of you! Thank you for your kind words and for commenting today!

  6. Jen
    December 2, 2014 at 1:54 pm (10 years ago)

    Very well written. All so very true!

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:05 pm (10 years ago)

      Thank you Jen! So nice of you to say.

  7. Lisa@2PerfectionDecor
    December 2, 2014 at 4:34 am (10 years ago)

    Beautifully written!! thank you for your inspirational words!

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:05 pm (10 years ago)

      Thank you Lisa! Thank you for your comment!

  8. Carissa
    December 2, 2014 at 3:08 am (10 years ago)

    Great post! Motherhood is so tough and so wonderful all at the same time!

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:06 pm (10 years ago)

      Carissa, that is so true! What has been the toughest/ most wonderful part for you?

  9. Cyndi
    December 2, 2014 at 1:30 am (10 years ago)

    I LOVE this!! I couldn’t imagine my life without my kids. Motherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me.

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:07 pm (10 years ago)

      Cyndi, I am so glad your kids have such a good mom to take care of them! I am so happy to hear that you love being a mom. Thank you for your comment today!

  10. Claire
    December 2, 2014 at 1:23 am (10 years ago)

    This is so true – all of it. Finding it hard to figure out what to say besides that. I love your quote pictures too! I really enjoyed reading this so thank you for sharing!

    • Danielle Davis
      December 2, 2014 at 6:07 pm (10 years ago)

      Hi Claire! So nice of you! Thanks for the comment!


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