I have been thinking a lot about Christmas and what a fun time of year it has been! I can’t believe it is only a week away now. It is crazy to think that Laila’s first Christmas is going to come and go so quickly. This year she is still too little to understand what Christmas is all about and what in the world we are doing, but I am excited to see her try to open presents and to see her face as she watches all of her cousins get excited about what Santa may bring them. Time goes so quickly and soon enough she will be old enough to really understand what Christmas is all about. I don’t want the opportunity of teaching her about Christmas to pass me by! So today I have written 8 THINGS TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN THIS CHRISTMAS. I have a feeling I will be referring to this list often as she gets older, so I can remind myself and my whole family what Christmas is all about.

8. GIVING IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN RECEIVING – I have always loved making Christmas lists. I love writing down everything that I want from Santa. Gift cards, jewelry, scarves, clothes and boots are normally what my list consists of. Tyson hates it and thinks I am so boring, but I love it and it honestly is all I even want! The excitement of receiving these gifts is great! I love shopping with my gift cards and wearing my new outfits. It is fun to feel stylish and to receive the things that I had been wanting all year long.
When I was 19 years old I wanted to have a different Christmas. I wanted to have an experience better than ever before. I wanted to feel what it felt like to truly GIVE on Christmas, rather than receive. I asked my parents if instead of receiving presents that year, if I could just have money to adopt a family for Christmas. They supported my idea, but wanted to make sure I was 100% positive that this is what I wanted. They would give me all the cash they would have spent on me, I would use it on a family that needed help and on Christmas morning I would have nothing to open. I said, “YES!”
I did my research and was able to find a family in need through a school. The family of 4, a father, mother and 2 daughters lived near the Stratosphere on the Las Vegas strip. The school sent me their Christmas Lists and this is what they consisted of:
FATHER: Nothing. Would like their daughters to have presents on Christmas.
MOTHER: A toothbrush and toiletries
8 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER: Warm coat, shoes and a camera
5 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER: Warm coat, shoes and a doll
Tears filled my eyes as I read this list. My lists every year were always so complex and detailed. This family needed the most simple things! My mom and I went shopping. It was SO fun! We bought stockings and gifts for this family that I had grown to love, yet I hadn’t even met! We wrapped everything and put all of the gifts in a big black trash bag. The school had asked us to wrap everything in a trash bag, so their neighbors wouldn’t see the gifts they were receiving.
My mom and I pulled up to their apartment complex. There were children playing and adults walking around. Everyone starred at me and my mom. We didn’t really fit in. We grabbed our bags of garbage bags and carried them into this families humble home. The mom and children were there. Their eyes lit up with happiness and gave us hugs as we left.
Christmas morning arrived and I didn’t have any presents. I watched everyone open up their gifts and loved the things they received. I sat there and my experience of dropping off the gifts flashed in my head over and over again. In the middle of opening presents, my phone rang. It was the family’s father. I snuck out of the crazy room at my grandma’s house with children and wrapping paper everywhere to answer the phone call. He was in tears. He cried on the phone as he thanked me for my service. My eyes filled up with tears too. His wife received her toothbrush, his daughters received their warm clothes, the 8 year old received her camera and the 5 year old received her baby doll. I cannot describe the joy that overcame me that day. It was the BEST Christmas ever.
Giving is better than receiving. I know that for a fact.
7. WHEN WE’RE HELPING WE’RE HAPPY – There is no better time than NOW to serve others! We can serve in our own homes. We can make our sibling’s bed for them when they wake up. We can do the dishes even if there are a LOT of them from making holiday treats. We can help fold the laundry, even if it isn’t our job. We can write someone a note, say thank you, smile at everyone we see, have patience and show forgiveness.
6. ALWAYS BELIEVE IN SANTA – My mom always told me the spirit of Santa Claus is real. St. Nicholas is real. He was a man of giving. You can read his story HERE. I love Santa! I love everything about him! I love what he has taught me and I hope will teach my children. He was a hard worker and so many people looked up to him! When he became a bishop, he wore a red cloak and a red hat. At night he would leave food and gifts for his people, so they had special surprises when they woke up! Just as he did, we do now. I love that Santa is real and that he can continue to be real for as long as we want!
5. THE BEST GIFTS – Gifts can be expensive! And sometimes it is so hard to decide what to buy someone! I have learned that gifts that come from the heart are the very BEST gifts! In fact, this year I have been struggling trying to figure out what I should get my dad so I texted him. I asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he said, “To be with you, To be with Laila, To be with Thud and to have a great time together!”
We went back and forth and I was telling him those gifts were not real gifts! As I have thought about it though, now that I am a mom, I can see what he is saying! He just wants to be with his family and make memories! That is all I want too! So… gifts don’t need to cost a lot. They don’t even need to be wrapped. Gifts can come from your heart. Just show the love!
4. TRADITION! TRADITION! (like Fiddler on the Roof) – I love traditions! For those of you that read my blog on a daily basis, I have talked about traditions a LOT. I love doing fun things with my family. In fact, I find myself most happy when I am with them. I love that we have brought a few traditions into our family from Tyson’s family, a few traditions from my family and have started our own too. It is never to late to start new traditions. Go see Christmas lights, go ice skating, make a gingerbread house, watch a Christmas movie or make a craft. Have FUN as a family and make a memory! The gifts will fade, get lost or we will outgrow them… but families are forever.
3. I HEARD THE BELLS – I love music. In fact this blog’s name is even named after a song! Music has always been a part of my life and I hope it will be a big part of my children’s lives as well. Listen to Christmas Music as often as possible. Sing to it, dance to it, drive to it, cook to it, work to it and play to it. Laila and I have Christmas music playing almost all day long. {We love Carrie Underwood’s Christmas Pandora station right now!} I love the spirit that is in our home when good, uplifting music is playing. It really makes you feel like it is CHRISTMAS!
2. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU – If you like to receive gifts, you should give gifts. If you like to get Christmas Cards in the mail, you should send out Christmas Cards. If you would like the door held open for you at the mall while shopping, you should hold the door open for others at the mall while shopping. This time of year things get a little crazy! It is easy to slip into a selfish mindset and care about your “to-do” list only. I hope my children will always remember to always be kind. To always be a good example. To always choose the right…In this season and throughout the whole year!
1. THE REASON FOR THE SEASON – There is so much to do this time of year and it can be a bit overwhelming. I encourage you to simplify and ENJOY the Season. With so many things going on, I find myself forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. I love this quote by Jeffrey R. Holland, “But first and forever there was just a little family, without toys or trees or tinsel. With a baby – that’s how Christmas began.”
I want my children to know the true reason for the Season. I know that Jesus Christ was born in a manger. I know that He is the Son of God. I know that he lived the perfect life and I know that if we follow his example, and live our lives like He did, that we will be able to return to Him and our Father in Heaven again one day. I am grateful for Christmas and that we get to celebrate His perfect life!
It is my hope that my children will always remember these 8 simple things. It is my goal to teach them and remind them what the true meaning of Christmas is all about!
December 17, 2013 at 8:49 pm (11 years ago)What a great list! I love your #1. It is so easy to get caught up in the materialism that surrounds Christmas. I look forward to remembering the true reason for the season. Great post!