Moms do some pretty strange things.
Have you noticed?
Just the other day I was in the grocery store and I thought I smelt a soiled diaper. So, I picked my toddler up and stuck my nose up against her bum and gave a deep sniff.
Ya know, normal right?
After I left the store I thought about how many people saw my motherly sniffing instincts in action and thought I was a bit odd.
How many of you have had instances like this?
Regardless of where you are or what you’re doing, when problems occur, your mommy reflexes kick in even if they are a tad different from normal social protocol.
Personally, I wear my ‘weird mom’ behavior as a badge of honor even though I know that normal people have every reason to think that I am a few Teletubies short of a PBS special.
Here are 9 reasons why normal people may think moms are just a little crazy sometimes.
Picture by our fabulous photographer, Christine Olson Photography
1. WE TALK TO OURSELVES: Whether we are driving a car, cleaning the house, looking for that item at the grocery store we just can’t seem to find, folding the piles of never ending laundry or making our list of “things to do today” – you will find a mom whispering to herself. To normal people, this might be strange…. to moms, it’s completely normal.
2. WE HEAR VOICES: Well, maybe not voices – but we SWEAR we heard the baby crying! The moment you put the shampoo in your hair…you suddenly think you hear the baby crying. The minute you put your feet up to watch the show you have been dying to watch and have stayed off Social Media all day because you don’t want anyone to spoil it for you…you suddenly think you hear the baby crying. The second you find something in your cupboards to shove in your mouth for the twelve seconds of alone time you found… you suddenly think you hear the baby crying. Sometimes they are really crying… and sometimes it’s just your imagination.
3. WE REFER TO OURSELVES IN THIRD PERSON: “Mommy will be right back!” “Mommy loves you!” “Smile for mommy!” The very moment you become a mom, you say goodbye to “I” or “Me” and hello to “Mom” and “Mommy.”
4. WE TRACK POOPING HABITS: Moms examine poop. It’s what we do. We look for colors. We look for textures. We look for smells. We look for patterns. We keep track of how often they go and what time of the day it is. We worry when it is a lot. And we worry when it isn’t enough.
5. WE CAN SIT IN COMPLETE SILENCE: It doesn’t happen very often – but when it happens, we are completely fine with just sitting. No TV. No music. Just the sound of peace and quiet. We don’t have to do anything. We can just let our minds roll and take a breather.

6. WE TRANSLATE BABY GIBBERISH: When nobody else understands what the baby wants – mama does! In fact, often times we become the translator. “Goo-Ga-Gee-Ga” “What did she just say?” “She just said she loves you and wants you to play with her!” Uh…..huh.
7. WE CARRY AROUND A SUPERMARKET AT ALL TIMES: Diapers? Wipes? Crackers? Juice? Water? Medicine? An extra pair of socks? Books? Toys? Something sweet? Something salty? Color crayons? Coloring book? Yep – moms have it ALL. In fact, often times it takes more time getting ready, packing the bag and being out the door than the actual errand itself.
8. WE GO INTO HIDING TO EAT: A normal person would think this is strange. VERY strange. But often times you will find moms hiding in various rooms in the house, hoping to just sneak a piece of chocolate, a little handful of nuts or even their entire lunch in peace. You may find us in a bathroom, in a bedroom, in a hallway or for some… even in a dark closet.

9. WE DON’T SHOWER EVERY SINGLE DAY: Maybe it was yesterday? Maybe it was the day before? Oh, maybe it was last week – but we don’t mind. Because we are moms. And a mom doesn’t mind wearing leggings and an oversized tee every day. And a mom rocks the bun with unwashed hair. And a mom is busy. And a mom has fun. And a mom puts others before herself.
So, maybe we are crazy? Maybe we aren’t? But just because people have lists of reasons why you may be strange… doesn’t mean you really are.
Be proud of being a mom! Be proud of being YOU! Share with us the funniest thing you do as a mom in the comments below.