We’ve all heard it – “What do you do all day?”
“Do you get bored?”
“Don’t you miss having adult interaction?”
And we have also all read article after article about how busy moms are and how they barely have enough time to eat, shower and sleep.
But today we are talking about the things all stay-at-home moms do, that nobody has told you before. The things that they do in between changing diapers, cleaning, laundry and playing taxi-drivers. The things that they experience on a daily basis.
These are the things that every stay-at-home mom has done today…and it’s only noon.

Photography in this article are by our super talented photographer, Christine Olson Photography
1. SHE’S BEEN BOSSED AROUND {BUT SMILES} – By a two-year-old… or maybe a threenager. That’s right – she has been owned by a toddler that is three going on 18. A toddler that thinks they are ready for High School and can boss their mom around. With demands on what to eat, what they should wear, what shows to watch, what toys to play with… she let’s them and does it with a smile.
2. SHE’S LIFTED WEIGHTS {BUT HASN’T MADE IT TO THE GYM} – And we aren’t talking about the free weights in her bedroom either. We are talking about the weights she’s been carrying all around town – a baby who can’t walk, a toddler who refuses to walk, a carseat, a diaper bag and a purse… all equalling about 100lbs. Not to mention the bags of groceries she’s unloaded and the trash she has taken out or the baskets of laundry she has carried.
3. SHE’S MADE 5 DIFFERENT BREAKFASTS {BUT HASN’T EATEN ANYTHING HERSELF} – She hasn’t made that much because the kids are really hungry or she is a bad cook – she’s made them because the first one was “too hot.” The other was “too cold.” The other was spilt on the floor and the next was spilt on her.

4. SHE’S PICKED OUT OUTFITS {BUT STILL ISN’T DRESSED} – She’s supposed to be meeting a friend for a playdate in just a few minutes, so she lays out a few outfits. One for her – one for her toddler. But when the toddler sees the outfit and diapers, tantrum of the century comes along because they really just want to wear their pajamas all day. Often times she remembers to “choose her battles” and will leave the house, once again in her leggings and t-shirt with day three of unwashed hair.
5. SHE’S GONE TO WAR {BUT IS STILL LEARNING HOW TO WIN THE BATTLE} – From changing a diaper to getting dressed – then finding shoes and putting on shoes – then putting them on and keeping them on – it’s the never ending battle. Every day is a learning experience and she takes it all in – hoping that one day she will learn how to conquer the mommy-toddler battle.
6. SHE’S PACKED A BAG LIKE SHE IS GOING ON A WEEK VACATION {BUT REALLY SHE IS JUST GOING TO THE PARK FOR 30 MINUTES} – But seriously – the struggle is real. You never know what you’re going to need! After she loads her diapers, wipes, extra outfit and sweater – she remembers treats and drinks and extras to share. But then she can’t forget toys and buckets for the playground sand – and then her wallet, keys and sunglasses.
7. SHE’S BEEN LATE {BUT YOU WOULD BE TOO} – If you had to chase a little monkey around the house all morning… you wouldn’t be on time either.

8. SHE’S HAD A BROKEN-UP CONVERSATION {BUT SOMEHOW UNDERSTANDS WHAT IS GOING ON STILL} – You know that phone call you get from her or the few minutes you finally get to catch up at the park – but you continuously get interrupted by “Hold on – Don’t do that! Okay, I am back. Oh wait, hold on – Get down from there! Okay, I am back. Oh wait, Hold on – stay right here, okay? Hey, sorry, I think I am back – oh, hold on. Can I call you back?”
9. SHE’S REALIZED SHE HAS THE CRAZIEST, MOST STRESSFUL, YET REWARDING, HILARIOUS, BUSIEST, FUNNEST, AND BEST JOB IN THE WORLD {AND NEVER WANTS TO QUIT} – Within just the first few hours of the day, a stay-at-home mom feels about 50 shades of emotions. And even when stressful situations arise and she feels like crying or screaming, she looks back and realizes that she has the BEST job in the world. Through every hug and every cuddle…through every smile and every “I wuv you” – she realizes she is right where she belongs and she wouldn’t trade it in for anything.

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Joy Swenson
March 20, 2015 at 4:11 am (10 years ago)Thank you for writing this. I’m currently in my 9th year of teaching & am 6 months pregnant with my first baby. My husband & I have the goal to get to the point where I will have the option to stay at home with kids while he is the bread winner. While I am thrilled with that goal & possibility, I am also very nervous that 1) I will miss being in the classroom working with students; my life’s calling I’d to be a teacher & I cannot imagine my life without it. 2) If I stay in the classroom, I will miss out on the joy of being a full time mom. It’s a very conflicting feeling & who knows, maybe decisions on this front will become clearer & easier when my baby is born. It’s really nice to read a stay at home mom article where the writer feels the same passion that I do about my work & had to make a choice. Thank you do much for sharing your story.