9 Ways Anxiety Can Make You a Better Mom | Today's the Best Day

9 Ways Anxiety Can Make You a Better Mom

Take a deep breath!

Anxiety is more than just a condition. It’s a debilitating disease that has far reaching affects in the lives of mothers everywhere.

If you haven’t experienced it yourself, you are sure to know someone who has.

It’s a fact; individuals with high levels of anxiety in their lives are suffering and as they start each new day, they see the world a little differently than you.

From excessively worrying to having a hard time sleeping; anxiety presents many uncomfortable behaviors that negatively affects relationships. To those on the outside of the issue, anxiety can appear to be an irrational annoyance. However, learning how others have gone through anxiety and emerged as stronger people can provide a road map of sorts to others seeking liberation.

In hopes of having a greater understanding of what it is to live with anxiety, I recently reached out to a mom of five children who experiences the inner conflict that anxiety brings into her daily life.

She shared with me her struggles, her successes and her methods she uses to harness and control the negative aspects of anxiety in her life.

Walking away from the conversation, I saw the world from her perspective and learned a lot.

Anxiety, to her, was a real struggle, but a struggle that taught her something. She was able to take away lessons from her trial and was a better mom because of the anxiety in her life.

These are the life lessons she shared that can offer you not only understanding but also ways you can be a better mom if you have anxiety too:

9 Ways Anxiety Can Make You A Better Mom
Pictures in this article are by our talented photographer, Christine Olson Photography 


“Anxiety forced me to take the breaks I need throughout the day so I could be a good mom to my kids. I was forced to take time to just breathe. My kids learned from this that they don’t “need” mom every second of every day and has made them a little more independent and more able to work things out on their own.”


“I was honest with myself, my husband, children, family and friends. I found great comfort in knowing that I am not the only crazy lady out there and talked to everyone about it. If I didn’t share my story with others I would have felt so alone but knowing there are a lot of other people out there like me was such a great comfort. Because of this trial I became close friend with people who I wouldn’t have been friends with if I didn’t go through this.”


“Reminding myself of at least three things I am grateful for every day helps remind me how blessed I am, even when life is hard. Gratitude plays a big role in appreciating the real blessings that surround me every day.”

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“I learned how aware of my life God is. I constantly had people dropping off cookies or meals and asking me if I was okay. God sends His love through His angels which are people all around me. Their generosity reminded me to stay close to God through prayers and have a greater appreciation for all that Christ has done and will continue to do in my life.”


“There are thousands of resources available to you to help you find a clear path out of the haze of anxiety. I know that I need help from outside sources sometimes to help me get through my attacks. I strive to read positive thoughts online and inspirational talks. It helps me not only have a more positive attitude myself but I spread a little positivity to my family every day too.”


“Attacks caused me to have a hard time expressing how I really felt. Through anxiety I learned the importance of showing appreciation to others and communicating how I felt even if it was hard. I made it a point to take a deep breath when I felt an attack coming on and then expressing my feelings with those around me. Helping them help me made a big difference.”


“While having anxiety attacks I wasn’t able to leave my home because I would have an attack. Once I learned to deal with my anxiety I learned the true value of spending time with my kids. I made them the priority in my life.”

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“Everyone on Earth has something that they are currently dealing with. My family knows that I struggle sometimes but they love me for me….with or without my attacks. I have learned so much from the example of those around me that it doesn’t matter what the struggle is, what matters is loving the person who is struggling. I love that my struggles have taught my kids that no one is perfect but everyone has the ability to try. We can all try to be better than a diagnosis. I can do hard things, and you can too.”


“There always are events outside of my control that happen to me. Whether it is my kids getting sick, my family’s finances struggling or just having a really overwhelming day…life is full of surprises. What has helped me is choosing to take control of me. I can’t control what happens to me, but I can choose how I react to it. Learning to control myself has helped me channel my anxiety and use that energy for good has blessed me and my family.”

Turn your wounds into wisdom.” -Oprah {Tweet This}

Essentially, moms with anxiety have trouble controlling their emotions. They are beautiful people that have many amazing qualities. As you have seen though, they experience life through a lens of difficulty that can inhibit their behavior at times. However, that doesn’t mean they are surrendering to what ales them.

If you know a mom who has anxiety, share with them how much you love them and be an angel to someone who is in need. Compassion, empathy and patience can help many who are looking for a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on occasionally.

Remember, there is light in some of the darkest places but we only find it when we seek after it.

Next time you have a hard day and you feel an attack coming on, take a minute to remember what this brave mom shared with me and turn your trial into your triumph.

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