Bright Beginnings: August Bestie Challenge

At Today’s The Best Day, every month we have a different focus for the month and in August our focus is: Be The Light By Focusing On LEARNING! This challenge is an opportunity for each of us to learn something new every single day for the month – because let’s be honest: you are NEVER too old to dream a new dream or to learn a new thing!! 

I am thrilled to introduce our upcoming 31-Day “BRIGHT BEGINNINGS” Challenge – starting August 1st!

Throughout the month of August, you’ll have the opportunity to explore new skills, step outside your comfort zone, and embrace the joy of continuous learning!

The purpose of this challenge is to remind us all that no matter our age or stage in life, there is always something new to learn and experience. Whether it’s trying your hand at a new craft, delving into a different culture, or simply reflecting on personal growth, each day of this challenge is designed to inspire and empower you.

You can of course learn whatever skills you’d like to every day, BUT if you ever need an idea on what to do, we have created a 31 day calendar with an idea every single day! 

CLICK HERE to check out our August Bestie Packet + 31 Day Calendar! 

We made the packet printing friendly, so you can print out the calendar if you’d like and hang it up for the month!

I am SOOO excited for this new month with you!! It is going to be so much fun learning and growing together AND from each other!!

If you would like to join + connect with other women who are taking on the Bright Beginnings Challenge, attend special classes and broadcasts teaching new skills throughout the month, AND have a chance to win the $200 grand prize for participating and learning new things – CLICK HERE to fill out the application to join us! 

We'll be right back!
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