I love Thanksgiving and everything it brings. I love the yummy food. I love watching football. I love the Thanksgiving Parade… don’t judge me, it is on my Bucket List to go to that some day. Haha! I love being with family. I love relaxing. I love the shopping that comes the day after. 😉 But probably my favorite part about Thanksgiving, is the gratitude in the air. It is a time we focus on our blessings and helps us realize how much we really have.

In my home growing up, the dinner table would be set and 3 pieces of candy corn would be placed on every person’s plate. We all would gather at the table and would be so excited to pig out on the delicious food my mom prepared. Before we dug in though, we would take a few minutes to count our blessings and talk about things we were thankful for.
We began with the youngest person at the table and they would hold their first candy corn in hand. They would say what they were thankful for and then eat that piece of candy. We then would go around the table, (three times) each saying a blessing that we loved in our life, but could not repeat what had already been said.
I LOVE this tradition! I LOVE that it helps us remember how blessed we are. Some would think it would be hard not to repeat a blessing someone had already said, but we really have so many amazing blessings in our lives that we could probably go around the table 10 times and never repeat something!
I am thankful for memories. I am thankful for traditions. I am thankful for Thanksgiving! I hope you add this special tradition to your family dinner this year. You will be amazed at how blessed you and your loved ones really are as you go around the table, sharing your gratitude with one another.
In addition, you get to eat candy corn… it’s a WIN WIN situation!
Don’t forget to send me your favorite Thanksgiving Traditions to be shared on the 27th! You can submit your ideas via Facebook @Today’s The Best Day or email us at todaysthebestday01@gmail.com
Make sure you check out the Dress Up for Thanksgiving and the Gift of Giving Traditions too!