A Sunday Thought – Seeking for Peace

I am having a hard time writing this post today. I type through tears of sadness and sorrow. My heart is aching and I am having a difficult time putting words together.

Three months ago, my four year old cousin passed away. She had been fighting cancer and multiple brain tumors for over a year. When we received the phone call, I couldn’t stop crying. I didn’t understand why such a horrible and sad situation had to happen to such good people.

 Yesterday, my friend’s precious one year old daughter passed away suddenly from meningitis. It was unexpected. When I saw what had happened, I couldn’t stop crying. I didn’t understand why such a horrible and sad situation had to happen to such good people.

 When we got the phone call about Holland passing away, I fell to my knees in prayer. When I saw the news online about Jane, I fell to my knees in prayer.

 I am grateful for prayer and the peace it brings into our lives during the most difficult trials we must endure. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and that he never gives us trials that we cannot endure. I am grateful for these beautiful mothers of these perfect angel daughters, who show me how to be strong.

 I have an unshakable testimony that this life is not the end. I know with all of my heart, that these angel babies were too perfect for this world. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for them. A greater plan than we could ever imagine. I know that we will see them again.

 I am holding Laila tight today. As I cried in the rocking chair earlier, she was playing with her toys below me. She saw me crying and completely stopped doing what she was doing and was so concerned for me. I picked her up and held her as the tears rolled down my cheeks. It is my prayer that you each will hold your children tight today. Give them a hug. Kiss them. Cuddle them. Tell them you love them. Life is too short, but FAMILIES ARE FOREVER.

“There is terrible suffering in our world today. Tragic things happen to good people. God does not cause them, nor does He always prevent them. He does, however, strengthen us and bless us with His peace, through earnest prayer.”

—Rex D. Pinegar

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