Five Fun Ways to get ACTIVE With Your Baby | Today's the Best Day

Five Fun Ways to get ACTIVE With Your Baby

With the weather warming up, all Laila and I want to do is be outside! It has seriously been gorgeous here in Vegas and I wish it would stay like this forever! The nice weather also reminds me that swimsuit season is just a few weeks away {if not already here!!} and I am just not prepared! Especially now that I spend a lot of time on my computer, I have found myself a little more lazy and haven’t been as active as I would like to be. So – with that said, I have declared today as Workout Wednesday! I am going to hop on board with the fitness and active train and I am going to get myself ready so I can feel comfortable and confident in a swimsuit this Summer!

This morning I spent some time at a Gymboree class with Laila and we seriously had SO much fun! Have you guys ever done those classes with your baby before? It was our first time and I just can’t believe I hadn’t done one sooner! It was the perfect push and inspiration for today’s post! I feel like often times we {or maybe I should speak for myself… so I} use Laila as an excuse why I might not be as active anymore. I will be the first to tell you how hard it is to get up in the morning every day to go to the gym! I am a mom! I am tired! I would SO much rather sleep in! SO, with that being said I have come up with Five Fun Ways To Get Active With Your Baby!

5 Fun Ways To Get Active With Your Baby

This list may sound simple, but they work. And I know if you try these activities with your baby, it will not only be fun for you to get a little workout on, but it will be so fun for your baby too! Babies, toddlers, children… they LOVE to be outside.  So with these activities, you kill two birds with one stone! You get your workout in for the day – AND you are being a good mom, making your baby happy!

1. GO FOR A WALK: I invite you all to join me in a fitness challenge that I am going to be introducing you all to in the next few weeks {that includes a fun giveaway at the end by the way!} and all you have to do is WALK! Every Summer my family has a family challenge using the app Nike Plus and I am going to start a challenge with all of YOU too!! This app is a fun and easy way to track how far you walk/run every day. So grab your stroller, put on your good walking shoes and go for a little stroll around the block! Such an easy and fun way to get out and be active with your baby!

2. RIDE A BIKE: For Christmas we got bikes and an amazing carrier for Laila that connects to the back of our bike so we can go on family bike rides! This is seriously one of our favorite things to do! We love riding our bikes to 7-11 to get slurpees and treats! I highly recommend investing in something like that – your baby will LOVE it! Laila could spend hours in hers! Who doesn’t love fresh air – not to mention, so many fun things to look at along the way!

3. GO SWIMMING: This is the perfect time of year to get active and go swimming outside – not to mention, you can get a nice tan too! Make sure you cover up your cute baby with a hat and sunscreen, but they will love it! I have seen some amazing floating devices for babies to sit in and splash and kick. If you don’t have a swimming pool, look and see if their are any public pools near you that you can go to for a cheap price… or maybe even for free!

4. TAKE A CLASS: Okay, this one is SO fun! Like I said, I spent my morning at a class with Laila and I highly recommend all of your moms signing up! There are a lot of different Mommy and Me classes that recreation centers offer. Find one and sign up – you won’t regret it. It is so fun to get out of the house and feel active. I have also seen some amazing workout classes for moms that you bring babies in strollers and work out with them! Look into and sign up today!

5. JOIN A PLAYGROUP: Lastly, join a play group with moms and babies just like you! Laila and I love to go to our playgroup that meets once a week at a park. It is fun to be outside and for her to play with other kids. Even though Laila is STILL crawling… yes, I know… she will be crawling to Kindergarten… it is a great way for her to see other children and to be active with them! And as for the mom, it is fun to be with other women who you can talk to and put together groups to do workouts together! You could even set a day once or twice a week where you can gather together as a group and go for a jog with your babies!

You of course can always also check out our Crossfit for Beginners workout that you can do during nap time or even the Bachelor workout that has some awesome ideas for you to do to get your heart rate up! Always remember that the best way to teach our children healthy and good habits, is to set an example for them. They are always watching us!

I hope you will join me on this Workout Wednesday as I start getting healthy for this Spring and Summer! Stay tuned for more information on our competition and don’t forget to download the app Nike Plus and add me as a friend so we can start cheering each other on and preparing for our competition you aren’t going to want to miss! 😉

Just because we have babies, doesn’t mean we can’t be healthy and look good! “It is never too late. Never too late to start over. Never too late to be happy.”

It is never too late

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24 Comments on Five Fun Ways to get ACTIVE With Your Baby

  1. MickiK
    April 24, 2014 at 7:23 pm (11 years ago)

    Oh, you’re daughter’s absolutely adorable!

    I love going swimming with my kids; not only is it great exercise, but I always end up feeling more relaxed afterwards. It helps so much to get out of the house and do something active.

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:22 pm (11 years ago)

      YES!! I totally agree! Swimming it so so fun! We went today and it really was so relaxing and so fun to be in the sun!

  2. Ashley
    April 24, 2014 at 3:18 pm (11 years ago)

    I can’t even stand how adorable she looks!!! Thanks for these great tips for ways to bond with your toddler while staying active.

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:23 pm (11 years ago)

      haha! Thank you so much!! That outfit was killing me – so ready for her workout! 🙂

    • Danielle Davis
      April 25, 2014 at 10:52 pm (11 years ago)

      Hi Ashley! That is so nice of you! We are so grateful for wonderful people like you that stop by our blog. Don’t be a stranger!

  3. Mindy Grant
    April 24, 2014 at 2:26 pm (11 years ago)

    Great tips! I have an 11 month old daughter, and I can’t wait to have lots of fun with her outside this summer.

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:24 pm (11 years ago)

      11 months is SUCH a fun age!!! She will LOVE being outside!! And you will too!

  4. Maggie C
    April 24, 2014 at 11:20 am (11 years ago)

    She looks all ready to work out in that first photo! I wish it was nice here in NY – yet another freeze warning tonight. I feel like we’re really going to miss spring and go straight to summer again. Enjoy your time outside with your little one!

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:24 pm (11 years ago)

      oh no!! I am so sorry!! That totally stinks… but hey! Summer will be here before you know! Hang in there girl!

  5. Michelle F.
    April 24, 2014 at 5:46 am (11 years ago)

    Those are such great ideas. My toddler is what keeps me active because she want to go outside all the time.

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:25 pm (11 years ago)

      haha! I TOTALLY know how that is Michelle! Laila prefers being outside at ALL times!

  6. Elisebet F
    April 24, 2014 at 3:33 am (11 years ago)

    I don’t do #4, because around here you might as well sign up for a real gym with childcare for the prices Gymboree or The Little Gym charge…but we definitely do all the other ones! I run with the jogging stroller the most.

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:25 pm (11 years ago)

      Oh gosh – I hate how expensive that can get!!! Jogging strollers are the BEST!!

  7. Mommy Pehpot
    April 24, 2014 at 3:01 am (11 years ago)

    swimming! That’s our favorite thing to do 🙂 specially swimming at the beach 🙂

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:26 pm (11 years ago)

      Oh man – I want to live by the beach!!! She would rather play in the sand than swim there I think though! BUT hey – either way, I want to live by a beach! LOL

  8. Amber
    April 24, 2014 at 2:43 am (11 years ago)

    Oh my gosh! Your pictures with your daughter are to die for! I love this article!

    Commenting back from Mommyhood Media FB page!

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:34 pm (11 years ago)

      Thank you so much Amber! We love taking pictures of her! She is our little best friend!!

  9. Wendy Schultz
    April 24, 2014 at 2:12 am (11 years ago)

    So sweet! It was really hard for me to be active when my girls were babies but now that they are a bit older (6 & 4), I make sure I find the time. I love your ideas!

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:33 pm (11 years ago)

      Hi Wendy! Thanks so much for your nice comment! So fun to see them grow and even be active with them when they are older too, huh?!

  10. Me And My Mini Me
    April 23, 2014 at 10:09 pm (11 years ago)

    This is soo adorable. I love working out with my daughter. I love how you two are matching in your workout gear. So adorbs

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:31 pm (11 years ago)

      haha!! You know we HAVE to be twins… even in our workout clothes! 🙂 Thanks girl!!

  11. Stephanie
    April 23, 2014 at 9:38 pm (11 years ago)

    I LOVE this post so much! (pretty say this about all your posts) But seriously you have some super cute posts! and your matching outfit kills me! I actually looked at the Gymboree classes as soon as you posted about it earlier. I hope to get Reese into something like that. Really though I think we need to have a play date with our little ones. Then we can die of all the cuteness.

    • Danielle Davis
      April 24, 2014 at 11:31 pm (11 years ago)

      PLEASE! Lets plan a get together! That would be really fun! I am super excited for your blog by the way!! You are going to be such a successful blogger!! Cant wait for you! We can even collaborate sometime if you would like! xoxo

      • Stephanie
        April 28, 2014 at 4:38 pm (11 years ago)

        Thanks so much! I’ve been in such a rut lately with it, then I read your post the other day about blogging and it inspired me!


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