An Answer To Someone's Prayer | Today's the Best Day

An Answer To Someone’s Prayer

My prayers are ALWAYS answered. Now – don’t get me wrong, sometimes they are answered not exactly how I would like them to be, but today I want to talk about the other times they are answered. The times when they are answered immediately and with a big slap in my face. Not literally – but kind of.

This past Thursday I found myself doubting myself. Does this happen to anyone else out there? It doesn’t happen too often to me, but when it does – it just brings me down! I was suddenly {and when I say suddenly, I mean SUDDENLY… like super random and out of NOWHERE!} really sad! Something inside of me told me to stop blogging and that I wasn’t helping anyone. I started to question myself and it got to the point where I was just ready to give up! That night I found myself in my room, CRYING and praying to know why I was feeling that way. As I sat in my bed, I was thinking why these feelings would be happening. My numbers have been increasing, nobody has said anything negative and this month has been the most successful month for the blog yet – so I just could not figure it out. I finally fell asleep and decided I would tell Tyson what I was thinking in the morning.

As always, morning came far too quickly and we were getting ready for the day and I told Tyson that I was going to quit. He thought I was being super dramatic and crazy, but was kind and listened to me. At the end of my rant he said, “Go get the computer.” So, I did. He said, “Open it up and go to Twitter.” So, I did. And the first thing on there was this article by Christina on the blog Laughing and Losing It.

Tears filled my eyes as I read her article about me. Here was a person, I don’t even know, who was an answer to my prayer! Christina will never know what an impact she had on me that day. In fact, it was a turning point in my blogging career. The quote immediately came in my mind by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself.”



Several things happened that day that were answers to my prayers. My husband reads Michael Hyatt’s blog on a daily basis and he just so happen to write an article about not giving up that morning and my sister also sent me a picture of one of her friends that posted one of my quotes on her Facebook page that didn’t even know that I was her sister. Each of these individual’s were an answer to my prayer – even though they had no idea I was struggling!

“Our destiny is not to be determined by the number of times we stumble, but by the number of times we stand up, dust ourselves off, and strive forward.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble

How many times in life do we each stumble? How many times do we fall and we want to give up on something?

I am grateful for these angels that were answers to my prayers this week and it is my hope that I will be able to be an answer to someone else’s prayer too! I truly believe that we don’t meet people by accident. Every person we come in contact with, is for a reason. “People may not remember exactly what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

People may not remember exactly what you said

I challenge each of you this week, to be an answer to someone’s prayer. Be on the look out for someone in need. It doesn’t have to be big – a simple text or phone call just to say hello, can brighten someone’s day. Even a simple smile at a stranger.

After this week, I have learned that ANYONE can be an answer to ANYONE’s prayers. You never know what good you are doing – Keep going! Keep trying! Just do your very best and never… EVER give up!

Don’t forget to share! –

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6 Comments on An Answer To Someone’s Prayer

  1. Mandi Roth
    May 1, 2014 at 9:18 am (11 years ago)

    I just tried to leave you a comment and then it didn’t post and had an error… :/ Oh well. I just wanted you to know i LOVED this post, it really helped me tonight. I’m So so happy your blog and your not quitting. You have helped so many people and you always help me, you have a way with words, and you are so uplifting and inspire me to be better, and never quit. We all doubt ourselves at times, but i’m glad that through prayer you had an answer to your prayer. I Love you, and I Love your blog. Thanks for all your great posts. Love you Tons!

    • Danielle Davis
      May 2, 2014 at 4:56 pm (11 years ago)

      Thank you so much, Mandi! I am so glad that this helped you!! YOU have been an answer to my prayers so many times. Love you so much!

  2. christina
    April 28, 2014 at 2:31 pm (11 years ago)

    Beautiful post… today is the best day!

    • Danielle Davis
      April 28, 2014 at 3:45 pm (11 years ago)

      Thank you so much Christina! I so appreciate your nice comment and support! <3 You are right - today IS the best day!

  3. Crystal
    April 28, 2014 at 4:34 am (11 years ago)

    Danielle I love This!! You have often been The answer to MY prayers! I love who you are and that this blog is succeeding! Don’t ever quit!! I love you!

    • Danielle Davis
      April 28, 2014 at 3:46 pm (11 years ago)

      Crystal, you always know exactly what to say!! Thank you so much! I am totally not quiting! Thank you for your love and support!! Love you!!


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