As many of you know, I love to shop! But on the other side of my shopping habits… I am extremely cheap and have the HARDEST time in the world buying items full price! Whether it is clothes for the family, toys for baby girl or even the necessities like diapers and food… I LOVE to find things on SALE.

Photo by our talented photographer Canico Studios
Who here has heard of Groupon?! I am sure the majority of you have! We LOVE Groupon around this house – you can find the BEST deals on their website with just a few clicks on your computer or smart phone! Their feature “Groupon Coupons” has changed my life and I am pretty sure it about to change yours too!
When you head on over to you will see a lot of different options. Feel free to browse around, but today I wanted to focus on the tab “Coupons.” From there you will see a wide list of your favorite stores. Anywhere between Amazon to Nordstrom!
After clicking on the store you are looking for or selecting the “All Stores” option – PAGES of coupon codes will appear! No matter what you are looking for, you are pretty much guaranteed to find a discount code. Simply click “GET COUPON CODE, PRINT COUPON OR MORE DETAILS” and just like that you have a rockin’ deal at your very fingertips!
We all know that having babies and children can be expensive! Right when we think they have everything they need, we run out of diapers and need to buy more, they grow out of their clothes that you feel like they only wore ONCE, and their little shoes don’t fit on their chunky growing feet any more.
Thanks to Groupon Coupons – our family has been able to purchase cute clothes, fun toys and all of our baby essentials, all within a tight budget and now you can too! I have compiled a list of the Top 5 Baby and Children Groupon Coupons:
1. BABIES R US: 40% OFF Fall Fashions, $25 OFF Graco Car Seats, $40 OFF crib bedding and even up to 60% OFF Baby Clearance Items! Check out their full list here.
2. DIAPERS.COM: $50 Store Credit when you buy a baby jogger, FREE carrier when you buy a Britax stroller, 20% OFF diapers for 3 months and many more! Check out their full list here.
3. TOYS R US: 30% OFF Halloween Costumes, Up to 70% OFF clearance sale, 15% OFF potties and FREE $10 Gift Card when you buy 2 boxes of Pampers. The list continues and you can see all of them here.
4. BUILD-A-BEAR: 25% OFF My Little Pony Friends, FREE Shipping and other fun sales can be found here.
5. SEARS: 15% OFF for shoes for the whole family, up to 50% OFF Fall Fashions for the whole family and even an additional 25% OFF Coupon Code for clothing! All of these and more can be found here.
With the holidays just around the corner – Groupon Coupons is a GREAT place to start your shopping! To save a little money this Season, before you pay full price, don’t forget to check out their website and grab a Groupon Coupon so you can get a bigger bang for your buck!
Don’t forget to share this with your friends to help them save money this holiday season too!
Today’s The Best Day received compensation for the above written opinions. We thank you for reading and supporting our message. We only partner with companies and organizations that we know can help your lives and the lives of mothers everywhere. You are appreciated! Thank you!