My one-year-old is learning how to walk. Every day we practice letting go of the furniture and taking baby steps across the room. She is having a hard time trusting in herself because she thinks she is going to fall. She can cruise around on her walker and she can get from point A to point B by holding on to things, but letting go is really scary for her! My husband and I work with her every night and are waiting for her to take that first step. That first baby step.
As I have been watching her little chubby feet learn how to balance her body, it has reminded me of one of my favorite movies, What About Bob. Have you seen it? Bob says in the movie, “Baby steps…Baby steps! It works. All I have to do is take one little step at a time and I can do ANYTHING!”
Often times our lives get overwhelming and it is hard to find a balance. Things happen that make it difficult to find happiness. Our schedules keep us so busy that we can’t find time to relax. Or the opposite problem of our lives being so boring that we forget to have fun. Our lives may even seem robotic at times as we slip into our daily routines and forget to be spontaneous.
How do we fix this? How do we put a little zing and zest into our marriage? How do we show our children that life is supposed to be happy? How do we truly find happiness in our lives?
If you are feeling sad – I have been there. If you are feeling exhausted – I have been there. If you are feeling bored – I have been there. If you are feeling like you need change – I have been there. If you are feeling the desire to be happy – I have been there. And I want to help you get there.
7 Baby Steps to a HAPPY LIFE
1. OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW: The first step is to start fresh. Think about what is bothering you or what might be making you unhappy – and get rid of it. Cut it out of your life. If it is a person, forgive them and move on. If it is a thing, throw it away and don’t take it back. If it is a memory, put it behind you. Focus on what is ahead and find a new friend that uplifts you. Find a new thing that is good for you. Make a new memory to replace the old.
2. LEARN FROM YESTERDAY, LIVE FOR TODAY: The second step is actually a saying on the shirt that I am wearing right at this very moment. We all will make mistakes. Bad things happen to good people. We all have trials every day. A wise man {my husband} once told me, “Every day we go through this life and things happen. Good and bad. It is our duty and responsibility to recognize WHY those things happened and what we learned from them.” Take a look at your day every night before bed and think about the things that happened and why you think you might have needed to have that lesson that day.
3. THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE WORTH WAITING FOR: This is our family motto and baby step number 3. I think it is important to recognize that our time table is often different than the time table God has in store for us. Maybe you are a girl who is wanting to find the man of your dreams. Maybe you are a wife who is longing to have a baby of your own. Maybe you are a mom who is hoping your wayward child will come back. Maybe you are a friend who is waiting for forgiveness. Maybe you are an employee waiting for that promotion. Maybe you are a single mom praying to find a father for your children. Whatever it is that you might be waiting for, it will come. And it will be worth it. Often times in my life I have had to wait long periods of time for things to happen. I do know that as we go through these experiences and have our waiting time, we appreciate those things so much more than we would have, had we been given it right away.
4. WE WILL ALL FALL: I put this as number 4 because as we take baby steps, it normally is right around the fourth step when we get confident and think we are getting the hang of it so we let go of the furniture and down we fall. It is important to remember that we ALL will fall. Like Coach Eric Taylor says on Friday Night Lights, “We are all vulnerable, and we will all, at some point in our lives… fall.” Have you hit your “rock bottom?” That moment when you feel like there is no end. That there is no reason to try again. That there is no reason to continue. You will fall, but you MUST pick yourself up. Just when Laila falls from learning how to walk, she gets on her hands and knees, grabs the table and pulls herself back up. We must learn how to do that too. We need to get on our hands and knees and grab a hold of something or someone for support to pull ourselves back up.
5. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Step 5. One of the darkest days of my life was the day I found out that one of our fertility procedures had failed. I walked into my house from work and literally FELL into my mom’s arms. She was visiting from California and was staying with us. I cried and cried. I even told her that I was NEVER going to do another procedure again and that I just knew that I was NEVER supposed to be a mom. EVER. I cried some more until Tyson came home and then cried to him. Never in my life had I felt so alone. Yes, I had an incredible mom and an amazing husband by my side, but I was so angry I didn’t even recognize it. We are NEVER alone. Even if you feel like you are. Whether it is a spouse, parent, friend, co-worker or child – someone is there. And if they aren’t, our Heavenly Father is always there too. ALWAYS.
6. FAMILIES ARE FOREVER: One of the most powerful baby steps in the process of having a happy life, is realizing that FAMILY is most important. That is honestly what this life is about. It is fun to be with friends and it nice to have a lot of money, but families are what is forever. Show your love to them by being with them. Not only physically being with them, but mentally. Put down your phone or computer and pull out a game or a book. Don’t forget to tell them you love them either. Often times we assume they know we love them, but utter the words “I love you” or “I appreciate you” more often.
7. LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE: The last baby step to a happy life – Live. Live life to the fullest and to the BEST of your capabilities. Laugh. Stay positive and remember that “life is to be enjoyed, not just endured!” Love. Love your family. Love your friends. Love your neighbors. Love yourself.
Often times we will find ourselves searching for happiness. Searching for that person to complete us or that thing to keep us busy or that job to make us feel successful. Know that happiness can be found right where we are. We don’t need to go searching. We don’t need to find someone or something to make us happy. We can be happy right where we are, through small and simple baby steps.
Britney @ The Princess & Her Cowboys
February 13, 2014 at 9:41 pm (11 years ago)So true! I love this! It’s something that I’m always having to remind myself….it may not be perfect today but I just have to keep moving forward. Thanks for sharing!
Veronica Lee
February 13, 2014 at 3:48 pm (11 years ago)Great advice and reminder! Thanks!
Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club.
Have a nice day!
February 13, 2014 at 12:39 pm (11 years ago)Some good advice in here, although sometimes I think more than baby steps is necessary especially if something more is needed to leap into something really great.
February 13, 2014 at 7:03 am (11 years ago)I value happiness as a judge of success. Thank you so much for the reminders on how we can fill every day with happiness and live a successful life!
Heidi Clarke
February 13, 2014 at 3:23 am (11 years ago)Beautiful and insightful post, Danielle. We need these reminders, and you give such wonderful and useful advice. Thanks for sharing.
Me And My Mini Me
February 13, 2014 at 1:44 am (11 years ago)This is an amazing post. I know you wan to see your little princess’s first steps but they’ll have soon enough and once they do there will be no slowing her down. Her little feet are so cute with her painted toe nails. My daughter loves having painted nails too. Well I love this post and the reminder to be happy and that they best things in life are worth waiting for. Looking forward to hearing about your gorgeous girl’s first steps which I’m sure will be coming very soon
February 12, 2014 at 8:25 pm (11 years ago)Great reminders that happiness begins with our choices.