Be Kind To Everyone You Meet | Today's the Best Day

Be Kind To Everyone You Meet

This week we have been talking about happiness and finding a way to be happy RIGHT where we are. But yesterday, I learned something about true happiness.

I shared the article Habits of a Happy Woman, that listed 10 things that we can do in our lives to find joy as ladies. BUT – what if you do all of those things on the list and you still can’t be happy? What if you try so hard to find your smile, but it just won’t appear? What if you find yourself in a dark place where you are sad, confused and you feel like there is NO way out? What happens when happiness isn’t possible?

BE KIND to Everyone You Meet

Photo by one of our great photographers Canico Studios

Sometimes finding happiness isn’t just a little switch in our brain that we can turn on. Sometimes the pain is much deeper – much darker than anyone can imagine. Often times there are people that suffer a lot more than we know. And many times it is the people that we THINK are happy, that aren’t TRULY happy.

Yesterday the world lost a man who brought SO much happiness to other people throughout his life. Robin Williams starred in so many classics throughout my childhood – Jumanji, Hook, Jack, Patch Adams, Flubber, Aladdin and of course my personal favorite – Mrs. Doubtfire! I can repeat my favorite lines that he said in every one of those movies and the joy he brought into my home growing up.

Just the other day Mrs. Doubtfire was on and I OBVIOUSLY needed to watch it! As I watched it as an adult, I had a different appreciation and understanding for the movie. Through my tears, I felt the love he had for his children and wife. His family was important to him and it made me as a wife and mom, remember how important my own family was to me.

Thinking of Robin Williams – Here was a man who brought joy to others, was wealthy and popular, was absolutely hilarious and in the eyes of the world, was doing just fine – but deep inside, he was struggling. He was hurting.

The girl with the “perfect” body and beautiful hair…she struggles. Even the man who is the CEO of his company and owns 5 lamborghinis…he struggles. The young girl who always has a smile on her face and seems to have no cares in the world…even she struggles too.

Nobody is exempt from heartache. Nobody is exempt from pain. Mental illness is real – depression is real – and nobody is free from it. Whether you are a 10 year old child who gets bullied at school, a new mom of a baby who just won’t sleep or an experienced parent mourning the loss of a child or spouse – this darkness is real.

After speaking with several friends and family members who suffer from depression, we have come up with THREE of the most important things to keep in mind during these most difficult, times of sadness: Never lose faith. Ask for help. And prayer is real.

1. NEVER LOSE FAITH: Never lose faith in God. Never lose faith in finding happiness one day. And of course, never lose faith in yourself. You can do anything and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

2. ASK FOR HELP: Seek for guidance and assistance through friends and family. If they are unable to help, seek for guidance in a counselor or leader.

3. PRAYER IS REAL: I know that there is a God and that He hears and answers every prayer. I also know that He loves EVERY one of his children – and YOU are his child. He is waiting to hear from you and wants to help.

Jeffrey R. Holland said, “Whatever your struggle – mental or emotional or physical or otherwise—do not vote against the preciousness of life by ending it! Trust in God. Hold on in His love. Know that one day the dawn will break brightly and all shadows of mortality will flee. Though we may feel we are “like a broken vessel,” as the Psalmist says, we must remember, that vessel is in the hands of the divine potter. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed. While God is at work making those repairs, the rest of us can help by being merciful, nonjudgmental, and kind.”

He continues, “Live by FAITH. Hold fast to HOPE. And show COMPASSION one to another.”

live by faith. hold fast to hope. and show compassion one to another.

I also asked several friends and family members who suffer from depression, what other people can do, to help them through these hard times they are going through. These are the top three:

1. BE A LISTENER: So many times people want to just speak their minds and say their opinions on how to be get out of it – when really, all they want… all they NEED… is someone to listen. SO – Talk less, listen more.

2. DON’T CRITICIZE: Rather than being judgmental – find the good in them. Unless you have been in their shoes, you don’t know EXACTLY how they feel. Try to understand where they are coming from. Be passionate.

3. LET THEM KNOW YOU CARE: Stop by their home and take them a treat. Give them a hug and let them know you love them. Call or send a text, just to say you were thinking of them.

No matter how old or young, tiny or big, tall or short OR loud or quiet someone is – they may need a friend. It is my hope that we each will be a little kinder to one another. Have a little more patience for those around us. Say I love you more often. And show gratitude for everyday we have on earth.

We truly never know what someone is going through – “Be kind – for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

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3 Comments on Be Kind To Everyone You Meet

  1. Mhar Mg
    August 14, 2014 at 7:12 am (11 years ago)

    It is always a choice to be happy and positive. Life has so many challenges that sometimes people are having difficulty handling them. But surrounding ourselves with positive and kind people, we also develop kindness towards others.

  2. Felicia
    August 14, 2014 at 3:24 am (11 years ago)

    As someone who has suffered from depression for a long time I can say that everything you listed is vital in keeping happy when the ‘dark crazy days’ are pounding at your door.

  3. Lenze
    August 13, 2014 at 2:11 am (11 years ago)

    Great post. Love seeing blogs about being aware of mental disease and how we ourselves can make an impact.


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