Often times I find myself wanting to be MORE. I am super guilty of comparing myself to others – which is a crazy habit that I think a lot of us women experience. I personally, want to have a rockin’ body and weigh 120 pounds! I want to be a better cook and have dinner ready for my husband when he comes home every night. I want to have more time to play with my baby and less time on the computer or cleaning. I want to be more organized and know where everything is in my home. I want to be more crafty and more of a perfectionist. I want to be a better wife. mom. friend. sister. daughter. etc.

Photo by Christine Olson
Do you ever want to be better at something, but you struggle with knowing where to begin?! In this week’s newsletter {which by the way you can sign up for here} – many of you heard about the podcast that I listened to the other day. The host talked about increasing our self worth by 1% every day. They went on to talk about what would happen if we all tried to not be 100% better every day, but instead just found something small that would help better our lives by 1% every day. In just one year, if we chose to do this, we would increase our productiving by 365%!
Often times I set a goal to lose 20 pounds – but by the second week I am discouraged because I had only lost 1 pound. {I am an IMMEDIATE results kind of girl! I need it NOW.} Often times I set a goal to be a better cook – but by the third night, life gets too crazy and we have sandwiches for dinner AGAIN. Often times I set a goal to have more patience, but a stressful situation arises and I am quick to lose my temper.
We can easily be discouraged when we want to be 100% better every day. BUT if we remember we don’t have to accomplish 100% of the goal the first day and we focus on just chipping away 1% of our goal until we reach it – things can be a lot easier and we can be a lot more happier and satisfied with ourselves.
I thought it would be fun to have a little friendly competition! Our Motherhood Power Week went so well, I thought we would try a Giveaway about BECOMING BETTER. Donald Hallstrom said, “When we say, “That’s just the way I am” we concede that we cannot change.” With that being said, we can ALL become better! So let’s all work together in becoming the women we want to be!
Here is how it will work:
Take a picture of you doing something that makes you a better wife, mom, friend, sister, employee, etc. If you want to be more organized – take a picture of you doing one small thing to help you become more organized. If you want to be more fit – take a picture of you eating healthy or working out. If you want to be more loving – take a picture of serving others or hugging your children.
Post as many pictures as you would like throughout the week and use #becomingbettertoday. Don’t forget to tag Today’s The Best Day too – so I can see it! You get one entry, per picture you post – so do it daily! Show me what you are working on to become better every day.
Next Monday, a winner will be selected for our Becoming Better Giveaway. The winner will receive a $25 VISA GIFT CARD – that you will get to spend on something for YOU! To reward yourself for becoming better and never giving up. I will be participating too – so you can see what I am trying to work on too on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
Photo by Christine Olson
Tell your friends to join us on Becoming Better Today! –
July 8, 2014 at 10:47 pm (11 years ago)What a great idea for a giveaway! I’m guilty of comparing myself to others too. I always wish I could be that perfect mom that has it all together, who hand makes everything and makes beautiful pinterest inspired meals every night lol.
Danielle Davis
July 9, 2014 at 6:55 pm (11 years ago)Hi Julie! I am glad I am not the only one out there who compares. I bet the meals you make are even better than anything Pinterest has to offer! Thanks for commenting!
Nicole @ MamaNYC
July 8, 2014 at 5:31 pm (11 years ago)Oh, girl.. you sound just like me! I have gotten better (I think). I have hundreds of projects/goals going on at one time — and want to start more (but not one goes into the ‘done’ pile). I’m doing ‘that’ today and going to get to ‘this’ also. I have TONS of goals, but I totally want those results YESTERDAY and I have a problem focusing on one at a time. I guess that’s the MOM in us! We want to play that ‘Super Mom’ role, but she’s fictional apparently!
This sounds like a great idea! I am learning slowly to accept myself and the mistakes that I make. When I only had my son, I had much more time to concentrate on dreams and accomplish things. Now with a 5-year-old and 17-month-old, I find myself scattered with just bits and pieces of projects done. I need to learn how to make a list: can’t move on until the first item is scratched off!!!!
Once we learn to pace ourselves and realize nothing will get done when we try to do 100 things versus ONE at a time — THEN we’ll be okay ;O)
Danielle Davis
July 9, 2014 at 6:57 pm (11 years ago)Hi Nicole! I’m so glad that we are so similar! There are always so many projects and things to do. I am super excited about starting this challenge though because I’ll definitely get so much more done. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment today!
Elisebet F
July 8, 2014 at 12:11 am (11 years ago)I love this idea! I hope I can participate…we’re in the middle of moving out of state, so this is a busy week for us, but hopefully I can find a few moments here and there to post.
Danielle Davis
July 9, 2014 at 7:01 pm (11 years ago)Hi Elisebet! Best of luck with the move! Are you moving for work? I look forward to seeing your posts! Remember to leave #becomingbettertoday after your social media posts! Thanks for your comment!