BEST DAY TIPS! A place you will find the best life hacks to make mom life a little easier!
Mom Life Tips
#1 – You know that mom moment when you walk into the bathroom and the toilet paper is… well…EVERYWHERE?!
PROBLEM SOLVED: Tell those cute toddlers they get to pull the paper down to the paper – and when it gets there, they tear it off!
#2 The beach is my FAVE! Buuuut nothing is worse than the sandy feeling getting into your car after… Right?! Especially on sandy babies!
PROBLEM SOLVED: Baby Powder {doesn’t need to be this specific brand} is a MUST to put in your beach bag!! It is the fastest and easiest way to get sand off of you and your sandy little babes!! Just pour a little in the sandy area and rub! The powder sucks up the moisture so it comes right up!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Tie a rattle to your bedroom doorknob as an alarm system against these sweet surprise interruptions.

PROBLEM SOLVED: This jug has changed my life!! I put it in the fridge every single night before bed and when I wake up in the morning its nice and cold! It is the perfect way to track how much water I am drinking and to be sure I am hitting my daily goals!
I saw a lot of jugs that had handwriting on them, which is super easy and cute! BUUUT I wanted mine to look cleaner so I just used these tiny letter stickers from Michael’s and have loved how it turned out!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Follow these three simple steps for the best workout around from the comfort of your own home!

#7 They always say cleaning with a toddler in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos… it doesn’t exactly work out! BUT if you make cleaning a game, it can become a little easier!
PROBLEM SOLVED: Tape a square on the ground and have your toddler try to sweep everything into it. Keeps them busy while you can work on something else AND you have a somewhat swept floor at the end of it!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Cut a sticker in half and place them in the insides of their shoes. Teach them to have the stickers match up every time they put them on.

PROBLEM SOLVED: Make a fun cheerio necklace {which they can help make by the way} for them to wear around town while you shop – it will keep them busy and save you at least a little time to rummage through the dollar spot at Target in peace!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Use them for GOOD! Fill them up with sanitary and hygiene products, coins, snacks and gift cards, then leave it in your car. Next time you see a homeless woman, give it to her! And make today, the BEST day for her!

February 28, 2017 at 7:45 pm (8 years ago)Hi do you remember the name of the stickers or where in the store did you find them for your water jug? I just love how you did the gallon water jug to help you drink water every day. I can’t find them anywhere at Michael’s.