Mom Life Tips and Tricks for New Moms | Today's the Best Day

Best Day TIPS – Making Mom Life A Little Easier

BEST DAY TIPS! A place you will find the best life hacks to make mom life a little easier!

Mom Life Tips

#1 – You know that mom moment when you walk into the bathroom and the toilet paper is… well…EVERYWHERE?!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Tell those cute toddlers they get to pull the paper down to the paper – and when it gets there, they tear it off!

GENIUS! You know that mom moment when you walk into the bathroom and the toilet paper is... well...EVERYWHERE?! PROBLEM SOLVED: Tell those cute toddlers they get to pull the paper down to the paper - and when it gets there, they tear it off!

#2 The beach is my FAVE! Buuuut nothing is worse than the sandy feeling getting into your car after… Right?! Especially on sandy babies! 😜

PROBLEM SOLVED: Baby Powder {doesn’t need to be this specific brand} is a MUST to put in your beach bag!! It is the fastest and easiest way to get sand off of you and your sandy little babes!! Just pour a little in the sandy area and rub! The powder sucks up the moisture so it comes right up! 👍

Besties! Wanna hear a crazy tip?! The beach is my FAVE! Buuuut nothing is worse than the sandy feeling getting into your car after... Right?! Especially on sandy babies! 😜 Solution: Baby Powder {doesn't need to be this specific brand} is a MUST to put in your beach bag!! It is the fastest and easiest way to get sand off of you and your sandy little babes!! Just pour a little in the sandy area and rub! The powder sucks up the moisture so it comes right up! 👍
#3 Little babies grow into busy toddlers faster than you think! And one day, your little baby who once stayed in their crib all night, will be able to sneak into your room without warning when you and your man are {ahem} strengthening your marriage.

PROBLEM SOLVED: Tie a rattle to your bedroom doorknob as an alarm system against these sweet surprise interruptions. 

Tie a rattle to your bedroom doorknob as an alarm system against these sweet surprise interruptions.
#4 Did you know that you are supposed to drink A GALLON of water a day?! When I heard that, I thought it was a joke! There was NO way I was going to be able to intake THAT much water on a daily basis! Heavens NO!

PROBLEM SOLVED: This jug has changed my life!! I put it in the fridge every single night before bed and when I wake up in the morning its nice and cold! It is the perfect way to track how much water I am drinking and to be sure I am hitting my daily goals!

I saw a lot of jugs that had handwriting on them, which is super easy and cute! BUUUT I wanted mine to look cleaner so I just used these tiny letter stickers from Michael’s and have loved how it turned out!

Water Jug - How To Track Your Daily Water Intake
#5 So you want to work out, but don’t know where to start or have time to go to the gym?

PROBLEM SOLVED: Follow these three simple steps for the best workout around from the comfort of your own home! 

The Playroom Workout - Best workout around!
#6 That moment mom does hair vs dad does hair – Seriously though how cute is this?! #BESTdadEVER #practicallyperfect


#7 They always say cleaning with a toddler in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos… it doesn’t exactly work out! 🙂 BUT if you make cleaning a game, it can become a little easier!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Tape a square on the ground and have your toddler try to sweep everything into it. Keeps them busy while you can work on something else AND you have a somewhat swept floor at the end of it! 

Sweeping Tip For Toddlers!
#8 Toddlers are known for wearing their shoes on the wrong feet 90% of the time. BUT this little trick is a life changer!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Cut a sticker in half and place them in the insides of their shoes. Teach them to have the stickers match up every time they put them on. 

Right Shoe vs Left Shoe - SUCH a good idea for teaching toddlers how to put on their shoes correctly!
#9 Shopping with a toddler can be one of the hardest tasks in life. Like THE hardest!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Make a fun cheerio necklace {which they can help make by the way} for them to wear around town while you shop – it will keep them busy and save you at least a little time to rummage through the dollar spot at Target in peace! 🙂

#10 You know all of those purses in the back of your closet you haven’t touched in…years?!

PROBLEM SOLVED: Use them for GOOD! Fill them up with sanitary and hygiene products, coins, snacks and gift cards, then leave it in your car. Next time you see a homeless woman, give it to her! And make today, the BEST day for her! 

old purse

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1 Comment on Best Day TIPS – Making Mom Life A Little Easier

  1. Valerie
    February 28, 2017 at 7:45 pm (8 years ago)

    Hi do you remember the name of the stickers or where in the store did you find them for your water jug? I just love how you did the gallon water jug to help you drink water every day. I can’t find them anywhere at Michael’s.


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