The Best of LDS General Conference 2014 Quotes | Today's the Best Day

The Best of LDS General Conference 2014 Quotes

I LOVE General Conference! Twice a year we have the opportunity to hear the words of a living prophet and many apostles! There is no greater time of year. I always feel SO uplifted after every session!

I invite you and your family to join me in watching conference this weekend! It is so fun because you can just stay in your pajamas, eat yummy food and be uplifted all day long!

Saturday, October 4, 2014 – Live
10am MT – Morning Session
2pm MT – Afternoon Session
6pm MT – Priesthood Session

Sunday, October 5, 2014 – Live
10am MT – Morning Session
2pm MT – Afternoon Session

How to watch on BYUtv:
Dish Network | channel 9403
DirecTV | channel 374 (channel 68 in Salt Lake City)
AT&T U-verse | channel 1567
Comcast | channel 647 (in Utah)
Utah digital sub | channel 11.2

Or you can visit lds.org and watch it online!

If you miss it, it is okay! We will be updating the blog after every session so you can see The BEST of LDS General Conference 2014 Quotes!

Don’t forget to share the ones on Social Media that make you feel good 🙂 #sharegoodness

The Best Of General Conference 2014

The process of gathering spiritual light is the quest of a lifetime


mothers of today have no greater opportunity and no more serious challenge than to do all they can to strengthen the home

though we may disagree, we should not be disagreeable

We can all help one another. We should always be anxiously engaged in seeking to rescue those in need.

Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from god

Kindness is POWERFUL one of the most meaningful things we can as parents, is teach our children the power of prayer - not just the routine of prayer

do the right things for the right reasons

arent we all beggars Don't we all cry out DO WHAT YOU CAN!


never let the noise of the world overpower the still small voicephoto from here What we do is nothing but a drop in the ocean. But if we didn't do it, the ocean would be one drop less.


The most powerful teaching a child will ever receive, will come from concerned and righteous fathers and mothersPhoto from here

Lord is it i

The gospel of jesus christ opens the path to what we may becomePhoto from hereHEAVENLY FATHER - Hears your prayers, loves you and he knows your name

Heaven is filled with those who have this in common

walking where jesus walked is not as important as walking as jesus walked

Decisions determine our Destiny

I am certain that we left our Heavenly Father with an overwhelming desire to return to Him


Nothing else, no other choice we make, can make us what he can


Don't let anyone or anything prevent you from being there



Check out The Best of General Conference April 2014 HERE

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2 Comments on The Best of LDS General Conference 2014 Quotes

  1. Kathryn
    May 18, 2016 at 7:13 pm (9 years ago)

    I love all of these. I shared Pres. Uchtdorf’s on my FB page: Heaven is Smiling Above just now. I tried to tag you but it didn’t work. I linked back to this page. Thank you for putting them together!

  2. Carol Eccard
    October 6, 2014 at 9:49 am (10 years ago)

    HE does know our name, question is, do we know His name? Psalm 83:18


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